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  1. My lottery hotsheet project, the deets.
  2. The 3 Wise Men and Astrology.
  3. Will the LOTTERY MONEY BALL concept catch on?
  4. My First Animated Video After I FAILED at 3 Competitors
  5. It is this kind of B.S. I can't stand...
  6. *Think & Grow Rich* Napoleon Hill - TRUE STORIES
  7. Skip Rosell's Craigslist fast cash and other things
  8. I found this great resource for TEMPORARILY saving notes...
  9. Super Fast Lead Magnets
  10. "Do what you love and...?" Bah! Hooey!
  11. My experience using AI for a month
  12. New HOTSHEET, I bought today, with giveaway rights. So...
  13. The test of TIME. How have you withstood it?
  14. Getting your leg chopped off. Food for thought.
  15. Free book, *Obvious Adams* (Jay Abraham FORCED Us to Read)
  16. Mark Twain HERD Quote (Agrees with Dan Kennedy)
  17. Lottery Newsletter Update.
  18. Local plumber profits from toilet humor!
  19. Dien, looking forward to your next newsletter...
  20. Going beyond copywriting...
  21. Bug BeeF & Bug Chicken At Fast Food Store Nr You?
  22. How you can cash in on Other People's INGENUITY (OPI).
  23. "Noah's Ark found in Pennsylvania!"
  24. Why helping small businesses is the BEST opportunity there is.
  25. My 24 year, 1000 businesses analysis...CONCLUSION.

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