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Here is a FAST ACTION "template" for your Info Empire. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Here is a FAST ACTION "template" for your Info Empire.

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November 2, 2017, 01:30 PM
First, google: The First Hundred Million by E. Halderman-Julius. It appears to have several PDF files available.

It is a story of LITTLE BLUE BOOKS, and the amazing success he had. It is also a good perspective of what Americans are Preoccupied with,

The most significant statement he makes is:

the book is wanted B E C A U S E the buyer wishes to read it

The BUYER wants the information.

So, it seems to me, THAT WOULD BE A GOOD PLACE TO START, rather than spending time, often months turning to years, on your ideas, on your information products, on your own info publishing empire.

Start with a PAMPHLET or Brochure. Google it, find tons of FREE software which lets you make one for free.

You can take your finished pamphlet on a usb drive, have a few printed out, and you have your first product.

During the heyday of Little Blue Books (1920's) there was another popular info product thriving...the HOME CORRESPONDENCE COURSE. And often, you would receive 1 lesson per week, some were pay as you go type, others had you pay it all up front.

In the last month, I've spoken to several of you...and you all have IDEAS, and some have had that idea for a long time...yet, I don't see any

RESULTS. WHY? I don't know.

But I do know that every single person reading this has something of value to offer to the world, but, alas, it probably won't ever get known.

And the simple reason it will die with you is: You don't take small ACTIONS on your big ideas, and allow them to accumulate and build.

Hope I hit a nerve or two.


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