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The Golden Rule of Reciprocity-Extra Cash For Christmas [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
November 17, 2021, 12:44 AM
Love the great stories, Glenn!


Waitresses are encountering surly patrons...

Some waitresses are even getting punched in the face by angry customers, through no fault of their own...

(Just do a search for news stories... Sadly, there are plenty of stories like this happening right now...)

And then comes a guy...

Tipping every time something is brought to the table!

And everyone with him tips too!


What a change!

They must love it!

What an awesome thing to do!

(And a great lesson, too!)

Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Glenn! :)

Best wishes,


Thanks For Clapping for my Articles at Medium Dien,

Nobody and I mean NOBODY
is tipping The Waiter and Cooks.

Even After Watching What I do. And the Results we get.

So I have Decided to START Tipping The Waitress

HOW is Explained further in this Article.



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