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Millard Grubb
February 2, 2022, 08:50 AM
[QUOTE=GObrien61;42678]I'm not entirely sure. According to Bill Gates it's 'Lesson in Emotional Intelligence'. I see his point here. Does this comply to what you heard?


Not exactly what I am looking for in this case.

What I heard in a speech was something I had forgotten. The speech was from Jay Abraham.

Jay was very specific as to what needs to be done.

Jay said that you need to "Love Your Clients".

This means a lot. When you love your clients, you will be looking out for things to help them. You will be looking for things that are in their best interests. You will be looking for ways that make life easier for them.

People have got to remember that loving a client is a choice you make. It is not an emotional feeling. When you choose the best possible things you can do for a client, you are choosing to care for them, to make good options available for them.

This focus of loving your clients will allow you to do much more than just sell them something, or just provide a service. This will allow you to be their advocate in the marketplace in a much stronger way than you can imagine.

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