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Millard Grubb
October 22, 2022, 09:41 AM
One of the things similar to this that works in the real world is to send a package with a nice gift (Glenn talks about this). This is something I've done as well. When you follow up with a phone call, you definitely get through to the boss.

Of course, what are you trying to do?

Do you want an appointment?

Are you trying to get a client to offer consulting services?

Do you want to provide a service?

As I have mentioned in other posts, Jay Abraham contacted folks in person... with a giant business card. When the owner got the giant card, it caused enough of a stir that Jay got in to talk.

We've talked about this for years. I've always been a huge fan of "High Impact Marketing." I don't use business cards, I use reports to give away when I meet someone. I even wrote a book to give away. (See Jay Abraham's Six Billion Dollar Man book for inspiration... if it is even available anymore :) )

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