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Coming soon: Melted gold turned into new shiny baubles. [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
November 9, 2022, 09:22 AM
Thanks Dien ! :)

I appreciate your thoughts on licensing my materials. Just went through my files to look up audios for a potential buyer of a couple of my courses and found that I have hundreds and hundreds of files from a lifetime of performing. (BTW, I created an ebook that will soon be on Amazon with the title, "A Lifetime of Performing")

The files I have include audio descriptions of shows (These were products I sold years ago on eBay), hundreds of promo items selling my show, letters to schools and daycare centers where I did shows, photos of performances, and many, many other things.

Yeah, I've got a lot. It will take hours to separate it all.

Sadly, there are many files that I created with the old Pagemaker software that I cannot open, as well as In Design files.

Fortunately, most of my stuff was in the "Cloud" and I can access it there. The other stuff has been burned to disk and I can access it via CD ROM reader (Do they still exist?)

In any case, if there is a large enough base of performers, I might consider a license to my stuff.

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