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October 6, 2006, 02:41 PM
Hello. I am seriously considering starting an office cleaning business with my sister and her husband. At the start we have to deal with the possibly sticky matter of how to split the profits. What I would be bringing to the table initially, is the capital. My sister would be bringing some experience, from when she lived in a different state -- she recently relocated. She is also a good sales person. When the business is up and running the plan would be for the three of us to be paid wages, based upon how much we each actually get directly involved in the cleaning.

The chief question I would like to throw out to the folks in this forum is how should the business profits be split. Should my sister and her husband be treated as one half of the partnership, with me as the other, having the profits being split 50/50? Or is it more equitable to spilt the profits three ways?


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