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Dien Rice
May 16, 2002, 12:47 PM
Hi John,

I don't know enough about the deck renewal biz to say much about it....

BUT, don't let your enthusiasm go to waste!

First, maybe there is a solution - you're right to ask around further. Maybe someone can clarify things such as the need for insurance.

It would surprise me if you needed a "building permit" but I admittedly don't know much about these things. However, the best people to ask about this are those who are DOING it already, if you can get hold of someone who's already doing it.... You could try this forum (which "TR" mentioned further down).... http://www.deckseal.com/bbs/index.html

SECOND, this is just ONE example of many of these TYPES of businesses, which Michael Ross posted about a couple weeks ago....

For example, Michael said,

Car wash solution is available almost everywhere. Car washing businesses exist.

Vacuum cleaners, mop buckets, cleaning chemicals, etc., are readily available. Cleaning businesses exist.

Dog shampoo is available. Dog washing businesses exist.

Based on this pattern, IF you find something readily available to the public - cleaning chemicals, some kind of machine or tool, etc., - then it PROVES people buy those items to get the results the items provide.

A percentage of people would rather pay someone else to use those chemicals, machines, tools, etc., to do what they could do themselves.

Essentially, find a product people buy to DO something with it - whether it's stuff to renew your deck with, shampoo for your dog, or whatever else you can find. Then, use that product as the basis for your business, DOING those things for them....

You can read Michael Ross's post here....


Back to deck renewal, there are people who do this as their business, so they must have solved some of these problems. The key now is to find out WHAT they did to solve the problems, and figure out whether it's feasible for you....

- Dien Rice

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