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Michael Ross and I had an Idea.... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
July 8, 2002, 09:48 AM
As you may know, I haven't been posting much lately, due to being very busy "behind the scenes".... Michael Ross and I have been creating a great new product, and we're both pretty excited about it!

If you've ever read Michael Ross's posts, you may notice that Michael has a certain "genius" for coming up with incredibly good, yet practical, business ideas. You may not know of this, but Michael spent many years as a business and marketing consultant, and with that kind of background, his business ingenuity has been honed to perfection. He's trained himself to see and recognize business ideas all around him. I'm always stunned when I speak to him on the phone at all his business insights!

You can even see the evidence of it here at Sowpub.... There is no other product even on the market which is like "The Art of Leverage".... Nothing else is like "The Success Report". And we keep getting "fan email" for the Entrepreneur's Hotsheet. And if you look at Michael's posts, the evidence is there too - I've been a big fan of Michael's stuff on various business forums for many years. He's a no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is kind of guy. Yes, he's sometimes blunt, but you know that what he's saying is absolutely accurate.

When I heard about this new idea of his, I JUMPED at the opportunity to help make it a reality! Why? Because I knew that this was something I wanted to get myself!

So, what's the big "secret" project? I think you'll like it....

We call it "The Great Ideas Letter". It is a treasure-trove of interesting, unusual, and practical new business ideas which you will receive EVERY WEEK.

As you could imagine, this is a serious undertaking, so we can't give it away for free, but we have tried to keep the price easily affordable. And we've even thrown in a nice added bonus, arranged in such a way that you "can't lose".... When you read our descriptive page, you'll see what I mean. :)

If you'd like to check out the details of what you could be receiving, go to this page now....

Dien Rice

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