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I agree with both! [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
September 19, 2000, 10:45 AM

I think I can see both points of view, actually.... Both Sandy's and Gordon's....

Maybe it depends on what sort of "social work" experience you have had.... (In my case, that's none, but I'll carry on anyway....)

For example, if I think a possible guy who comes from the "bad" end of town and as a kid, who sees people making money from selling drugs. He might even be learning this from his parents.

Thinking he's discovered an easy way to make money, he gets into the act too.... It seems possible to me that, particularly in his younger years, he may not realize the full "badness" of what he's doing.... His parents might even be teaching him that it's "good". And this activity could land him in jail.

Well, I sort of see this as possibly conforming with what Sandy is trying to say.... When I think of this example in mind, and read what Sandy had to say, it seemed to fit....

On the other hand, I also understand I think what Gordon is trying to say, which is about the idea of victimhood....

I think if you see yourself as a victim, it can help you to stay in your circumstances. A victim is someone who sees the cause of their trouble being *outside* of themselves.

Having a victim-type mentality means that you won't work on improving your own situation by working on yourself, because you see the problem outside of yourself. And this is the sort of thing Gordon was getting at....

The IMMENSE importance of responsibility.

I think this may have come about because I think Sandy and Gordon are probably thinking of different examples when they discuss this....

As I've said before, it is okay to disagree, and sometimes it may be due to semantics and possibly miscommunication....


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