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Bob Bly Does It Again [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Rick Smith
March 13, 2003, 01:03 PM
I've mentioned before the excellent articles Bob has written for "DM News." He's done it again. This time he gave a list of his 10 top favorite marketing books. Topping the list? "How to Write a Good Advertisement" by Victor Scwhab. "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins also made the list as did several other classics. Unfortunately, I don't have the list in front of me at the moment. I'll post the whole list when I have it handy. Here's the point. Bob Bly is one of the top copywriters alive today.

Bob Bly says these books are at the top of his list. If we're serious about marketing, do we have them in our libraries? Gordon has seen my library (well, at least *before* the flood). I own several of the books on Bob's list. Maybe you do too.

So now the next question. If we have them, do we use them? Every time we go to write copy? I know *I* don't. How about you? It's a lesson many of us could stand to hear again.

Rick Smith, "The Net Guerrilla"

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