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People you would add to this list? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 6, 2007, 11:48 AM
OK. Say you want to have a big launch of a product, for the sake of example, let's say it is a marketing course...

And you want to allow 10 short term affiliates...give them a 10 day window of opportunity to market this course...say for 500 bux (just so I can keep up with the math...HA!)

So who would you add to this short list (in no particular order) that would get the invite?

Jim Straw
Yanik Silver
John Reese
Marlon Sanders
Gary Halbert
John Carlton
Allen Says
Michael Fortin
Mark Joyner
Paul Myers

Which marketer would you add to the this list...ones that have big lists and can sell the 500 dollar product to? At a 50% affiliate.

Would 10 be enough to cover this Internet Marketing Crowd?

What type of product do you think these guys would pass along to their lists?

Thanks for any additions to this list.

Gordon Jay Alexander

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