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How can I market a medical dictionary? [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 8, 2007, 05:38 PM
If Homeland Security can't stop one guy on one plane from spreading one BA'd disease seems like your average world traveler needs to take matters into their own petry dish.

One dictionary that comes to mind is...

How To Spot A Communicable Disease BEFORE You Get On The Plane And After You've Flunked Health Class!

No seriously (ok maybe not) health is of some interest to me.

Once I wrote about The Secret Black Anti-Aging Elixir Nobody Knows About (http://www.squidoo.com/elderlyblackhealthparadox/) and You May Be Younger Than You Realize (http://www.howtoadvice.com/Preview/Oobdrm/)


Here's the result of the Zero Thought Process I just had.

In other words I give a zip if this makes sense or not except for the fact i hope it gets your brain a churnin' like Phil suggests.

A medical dictionary for
Medical Words You Need To Know 30 Days After First Being Diagnosed With Blank

So it might be...

Medical Words You Need To Know 30 Days After First Being Diagnosed With Cancer

Medical Words You Need To Know 30 Days After First Being Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

Medical Words You Need To Know 30 Days After First Being Diagnosed With Back Pain

30 Ingredients In Viagra You Didn't Know About

30 Of The Weirdest But Widely Practiced
Medical Treatments In The 21st Century

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