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Pete Egeler
September 7, 2007, 11:08 AM
All you need are three things.

1) A metal scrap yard. Since prices will constantly change, call 'em up and ask them the current prices. They'll be glad to tell you.

2) A truck! If you're going to do this, you need a good truck. The trunk of your car won't do the trick. Volume is what makes you money.

3) A source. Where are you going to get "scrap metal" in your area? Around here, anyone taking in a load of copper is VERY suspect. In fact, one guy got electrocuted not too long ago when he tried to steal the copper wire from a sub-station. DUH.

As I said, first thing you want to do is find a location to sell your scrap, and get current prices on various scrap. ie: aluminum, steel, iron, copper, nickle, etc.

There's no sense jumping into this if you're not going to be able to get a good return for your efforts. There's a lot of work involved in this type of venture, so make sure it's going to pay.


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