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He Says, She Says... Relationship Rules for Women By A Guy With A Woman [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : He Says, She Says... Relationship Rules for Women By A Guy With A Woman

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February 15, 2008, 01:12 AM
A Valentine's Day treat on relationship Rules
for Women by A sarcastic Guy With A Woman

Shopping is NOT a sport, if it were then Buying sex would be one TOO!

We don't think about you sometimes because you failed to remind us to

Perfect presents don't exist. Get over it!

Gravity doesn't work on toilet seats. It it's up put it down.

Sunday is a day of worship to the Sports Gods. If we were to worship other gods we'd need a BIGGER tv

Crying to us means you want makeup SEX

When you Ask for what you want make sure to make clear references to how this equates to MORE or less SEX. Subtle hints don't work.

Dates on a calendar are for football use only. Other important dates need to be surgically implanted into our memory or taped to our forehead if you want us to remember them

Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers if you can do something else instead of visit your mother and expect Men to cuddle after sex

Men solve problems. Your girlfriends create them.

If jewelry is like your second skin then the male member is like a second brain

Let us ogle. It's medical treatment. It's called the "See Clearly" method

You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

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