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March 6, 2008, 10:19 AM
I just found an ebook you must have. It is brand new...by Jimmy Krug.

It is called

The Secret Path:
Becoming a How-To Guru/Wizard/Teacher in Your Niche

I also bought resell rights, why? (It is extremely RARE for me to do so)...because I think Jimmy Krug has written some of the best information on the Internet. His simple publications site and his products are top shelf, top quality and well written with easy to understand directions.

This special report is only 27 pages long. But it has some nifty ideas...Jimmy takes you from the land of OZ where the "Wizard" lived...through a half century of "wizardy"...that includes Charles Atlas, Don King, Ken Roberts, Allan Carr, Jay Kordich and many others.

He explains "Passion and the Wizard Mindset"...a MUST read...

The section on HOW WIZARDS ARE MADE is going to change lives. It clarifies the process of becoming a wizard, guru, leader, or just someone who uses their own name as a brand.

He tells you about the FOUR styles of wizards...I think I'll try to refine my approach based on this...

Anyhow, I'm setting up a special web site, but it may take a couple of days...to promote this product...and to offer some support for Wizards in the Making.

HEY, if you can't wait, send me 8 (Eight) bux via paypal to gjabiz@yahoo.com and I'll send you a copy by return mail...I don't have this on autoresponder or instant download YET, so it has to be done manually.

I GUARANTEE you'll like this book, and once you've read it, contact me...and I'll share some ideas with you on this.

That's eight dollars to gjabiz@yahoo.com and I'll send you Jimmy Krug's special report called,

The Secret Path:
Becoming a How-To Guru/Wizard/Teacher in Your Niche



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