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Any success stories with buying traffic? [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Pete Egeler
May 20, 2008, 12:22 PM
As long as your "Preview" is hard-copy, then you're okay on Ebay. If it's NOT, then you must now advertise in the Ebay Classifieds section. ($9.95 a month)

As far as your other information "...ask them if they'd be interested in a JV on your "Preview Report". You get the "back-end"."

You gotta be kidding! You're not going to find many marketers willing to JV 50/50 on a $20 preview product, then sit by while you enjoy 100% of a $497 back-end!

You might get a few newbies to bite, but any marketer worth his salt will tell you and your "all mine" back-end to take a hike.


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