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Let's (simply) put it this way... What would you do?... [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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L.B. Jenkins
October 13, 2008, 11:51 PM

Remi -- I don't take it personally, exactly. That is, I don't take each individual 'rejection' personally. What begins to grate on my (very) soul, eventually, is the CUMULATIVE + PREDICTABLE rejection. And it's not even the rejection, exactly. It's the (what I perceive to be) rudeness of it. "Please contact me, I'm interested." Then I contact them... then NO RESPONSE -- repeatedly (either way - yes OR no) -- even with people I already 'know' well! It's incomprehensible, imo.

As I keep saying, there must be some (polite) way to make them see that -- and to 'train' them to (at least) respond.

I'll keep searching for the answer (+ going to therapy in the mean time).

-- TW

The answer is quite simple. You have not qualified them yet. Remember sales in any industry is a system of qualifying and then disqualifying the prospect.

I have been in your situation before and the hard lesson I had to accept is that I was targeting the wrong people and I was not closing the sale properly.

Seeing how you mention CUMULATIVE + PREDICTABLE rejection, tells me that your target market is not the correct market to target.

Have you searched the SRDS books yet to determine if your product/service is in demand for the markets you are targeting?

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