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Why the President affects us all directly (according to Joe Sugarman).... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Why the President affects us all directly (according to Joe Sugarman)....

Dien Rice
November 27, 2000, 06:32 PM
Joe Sugarman has a theory....

That the President is like our father figure....

When this father figure is weak, we become weak too and lose our confidence....

However, when this father figure is strong, we also become strong too and gain more confidence....

And that this has a direct relationship with the kind of responses you see in direct response marketing....

Sugarman goes through all sorts of examples to back up his theory, in his book "Marketing Secrets of a Mail Order Maverick".... I won't go through them here though (get the book)....

However, he does believe he sees a correlation between his own direct response results and the behavior of the US President of the time!

Now.... How about when we've had an election, and we don't even know for a couple weeks who the President will be? Would that have an effect?

I think if Joe Sugarman's theory is right, then it should.... I know I've felt my own confidence weakining not knowing who the President will be, and I'm living here in Australia!

I thought this was pretty interesting... What do you think? Do you think this kind of thing affects direct response rates?

Or is it a bit too silly?

Joe Sugarman is an "expert" so I tend to believe him.... But make up your own mind and share your opinion.... Sometimes the experts are not always right.... :)

Dien Rice

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