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Who are you talking to (in your mind)?... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 18, 2009, 11:35 AM
Conversations in your mind.

That's where everything starts -- or dies.

In my mind there are several people at once (no, I don't hear voices too).

GROUP 1...
The BIG THINKERS. These are the types I can most easily relate to. They see the big picture. They think 'tectonically.' They have a good sense of humor. They are successful. VERY successful. They are magnanimous. They are 'mensches' (or menschettes). The Richard Bransons. They know what constitutes a good idea. Bold ideas. Risky, new ideas. Map-changing ideas.

GROUP 2...
Then, there are the middle managers. People who are INcapable of thinking big. The nit-pickers. The gatekeepers. People only concerned about their career. People MUCH MORE worried about not being wrong, than about being right. People who are submersed in office politics -- and who maybe don't mind that.

Problem is, when I start a conversation with the former, the latter jumps right in and stops things dead.

GROUP 3...
Then there are the desperado people. Another group entirely.

They are the ones (also in my head, y'undersatnd) who are concerned (WORRIED) about where the down + dirty, nitty gritty, needed-NOW money is going to come from. How are the month-to-month bills going to be met. They are ONLY concerned with bread + butter issues. Kitchen table issues. These are the guys who pipe in with LOW-LEVEL (but less risky) money-making opps.

I have trouble concentrating on 'talking to' the GROUP ONEs in my mind.

Group 2 + 3 keep crowding in and messing everything up.

Anyone else experience these problems?

What are the steps to help solve this problem?

It's all mindset issues.

-- TW

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