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An Amazing Book I'm Reading Now (which you can get - for a short time - free)... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
August 11, 2009, 01:32 PM
I'm currently reading a pretty amazing book... The book is called "Work the System", by Sam Carpenter.

Sam Carpenter tells his story in the book. He worked at his business for 15 years, often barely breaking even, and at one stage even working 100 hours a week at it! He kept going because he refused to give up, and had no desire to rejoin the "work force" as an employee...

It took a long time, but one day - when the "straw" had almost broken the proverbial "camel's back" - he had an epiphany...

This specific insight was enough to help him to begin to turn his business around... In the end, he stopped working 100-hour weeks - and reduced his workload to just *2 hours a week*! At the same time, his business grew in success - as did his income...

Anyway, it's a really eye-opening book. I highly recommend it!

I've emailed Sam Carpenter, and he's currently got a special "deal" going... That "deal" is... for a very limited time... You can get the whole book - for free! (PDF format only.)

Just follow these instructions...

Go to http://www.workthesystem.com , and follow the instructions in the "Special Book Promotion" box on the left. The "passcode" you need to use is "seedsofwisdom" - put that in the "subject" line of your email...

If you do this, you'll get a free copy of the book (in PDF format) via email.

I don't get anything from this, and it's 100% free.

Here's the Amazon.com link too, by the way, in case you want the "hard copy", or want to read some other people's reviews of it, or wish to search within the book...


(You can also leave a good review if you liked it...)

I have to thank Sam for letting me offer this to "Sowpubbers" for free. I *really, really* like this book, and highly recommend it! I hope you have the same kind of "epiphany" I've had... :)

You have around 2 weeks before the special offer expires (but even getting it at Amazon is an amazing deal - given that it could completely revolutionize your business life).

I'm about halfway through the book now, and have already started implementing some of the teachings... And I can already begin to see improvement in some of my business efficiency!

Best wishes,


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