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Alternative to low interest rates offered by banks.. Cows for cash.. Puer Tea China.. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Alternative to low interest rates offered by banks.. Cows for cash.. Puer Tea China..

September 2, 2009, 10:50 PM
A little Food for thought... Interesting Spin on Liquid assets when investing in Today's Changing world... ;)

Never know what you can come across...

If you just Happen to be Looking and researching into Safe and lower risk investments...

As the world grapples with the global economic recession, French investors are turning to cows as an alternative to low interest rates offered by banks...

Herd mentality: French turn to cows for cash...


French Turn to 'Cash Cows' as Alternative Investments

Puer Tea: China's Next Hot Commodity?

This lush corner of Yunnan province in China's south is home to one of the world's hottest teas. Puer tea may not look like much — it is typically sold in heaps resembling cow patties — but one mug of these aged leaves can fetch up to $1,000... :cool:

Endless ideas out there to Cash in on...


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