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September 20, 2009, 12:53 AM
Hey Sandi... I enjoy your post and agree with a lot of what you say, BUT these 2 comments I'll take exception.....

Thanks for the recommendation. Didn't see anything new or astounding but it is well done from what I saw.

Reading anything again, no matter how many times you have read it, ESPECIALLY with another author can give you a new perspective.

Example... When I teach a new Bible study, sometimes the way we study the scripture puts a new meaning on a verse that all of us has read many times. Different times in your life, your circumstances, etc... you will view things with a different slant. So it may be really familiar, but just because it is, doesn't mean you shouldn't revisit familiar text.

BTW anyone who is really creative has learned long ago to ignore the rabble rousers of the world, shut their ears to the roar of the crowd and have learned that their feeling of satisfaction MAY be all they get from their efforts. If it works out better than that feeling, well, that's a bonus.

Sometimes rousers can cause us to step back and take things more in a logical fashion. Sometimes I can make sense out of situations by looking at the opposite side. Not buying in to what they are saying, but seeing a view that many don't take the to time to explore.

In other words: you can't fight the devil, if you don't know where he's coming from.

Just my thoughts....

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