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I met a ridiculously extraordinary guy yesterday... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
September 24, 2009, 06:41 PM
Yesterday, I met a man living a life of ridiculous, extraordinary freedom...

I've met him before (many years ago), in the frozen snowy terrain of Michigan. However, now he's truly living his free life...

What does that mean?

He can travel to where he wants, when he wants.
He doesn't have to answer to a boss.
He doesn't have to punch a "time clock" (literally, or metaphorically)
He is free to follow his passions and interests!

That guy is... Karol Gajda.

(Pronounced like "Carl", not like "Carol"!)

Karol (who has posted on this forum starting many years ago) is currently traveling. He's working on the road from his laptop, while enjoying the sights at the same time... He's currently in Melbourne, Australia (where I live), and will soon be pushing on to see the rest of Australia...

What did we do? Well, yesterday we went to Phillip Island (http://www.penguins.org.au/) and saw some koalas, wallabies (which are small kangaroos), and penguins, all in their natural environment... You can't come to Australia without seeing the wildlife!

(Yes, Australia has penguins!)

How does Karol do it - how does he manage to spend months traveling, and still survive and thrive financially?

Well, it's the beauty of the internet... If you're making profits from the internet, you can work from wherever you want! (As long as you have an internet connection!)

Anyway, I urge you to check out Karol's blog... I think it's extraordinarily good! It's called... "Ridiculously Extraordinary"...

Karol admits that's a ridiculously extraordinary name for a blog, but that's why he likes it! ;)

It's not really an "internet marketing" blog, but it's still full of great, practical advice...

Here's the link...


It's full of some great stories too! (As well as being a successful entrepreneur, Karol's also a talented writer as well...) You can read about both his travel adventures and his entrepreneurial adventures too...!

Keep an eye on Karol, as he's got a few things "up his sleeve" that you should be seeing in the future...

(And in addition to that, he's also a pretty cool guy, and an ethical entrepreneur as well - which is something I have great respect for!)

Check it out! He's not selling anything there (he makes his money in other ways)... And Karol's the "real deal" when it comes to successful entrepreneurship...

Best wishes, :)


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