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Forum Tips For The Frustrated [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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October 30, 2011, 01:28 PM
Did you ever lose a post in progress?

You type along and get really involved in your subject, time flys by, and when you hit the Submit Post button nothing happens except a blank screen?

This tip applies to almost all forums that require a log-in.

When you log in, there is a small check box next to the log-in form that says Remember Me. Click there, and when you finally leave the forum, don't log out. That action removes the forum time out which causes the lost post problem, plus when you come back, even days later, you'll still be logged in.

Another way to avoid a lost post is to do your typing in another program. I use NoteTab Pro, which allows me to keep all my past posts organized so they're easy to find. You can use something simple like NotePad, or you can use your regular word processor. Do the typing, then copy it and paste into the forum edit box.

Here on sowpub, you may encounter a 'database error' when posting. Before you hit the Submit Post button again, refresh the forum page and you'll most likely see your post actually made it. That will prevent you from making a double post.

Edit: Database error just popped up when I posted this. Here's how to get back to your post, and how to check if it actually posted and still not lose your post.

Clicking the back button will take you back to the post editing page. Whew.

Open sowpub in a new tab or new window, just like you were first visiting for the day. That will usually show you that your post did in fact get posted. Whew again.

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