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$700 a day... just for parking two trucks! [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
November 1, 2011, 09:08 AM
Imagine you're back in school...

Except now, in school - everyone has a cell phone!

The problem? Schools often don't like cellphones - they can be very distracting - and can confiscate them!

That can be a very expensive loss, having to replace your cell phone. A lot of kids also have iPhones and other "smart phones" which cost hundreds of dollars each!

Now... a business has solved the problem of confiscated cell phones!

(By the way, I found out about this from Dane Carlson's "Business Opportunities (http://www.business-opportunities.biz/)" blog - a great website to keep your eye on!)

One entrepreneurial guy keeps two trucks parked outside of two schools in the Bronx. He charges kids $1 to store their cellphones in one of his trucks for the day - so there's no danger they'll be confiscated at school.

With these two trucks - he serves 700 students a day!

If you add it all up - that's $700 a day. $3500 a week (for 5 days). For what? Basically, for parking two trucks!

This business could probably be replicated in many other places where schools confiscate cell phones...

You can read more here... http://www.business-opportunities.biz/2011/10/31/entrepreneur-keeps-teachers-from-taking-away-students-cellphones/

Best wishes,


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