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Chatteling in ACTION, you get first look. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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November 2, 2011, 11:12 AM
Starting today and going to about the 25th of Nov. I'll be chatteling, helping get rid of a garage, hangar, storage shed, spare room...full of STUFF.

I'll be using Craigslist, eBay and maybe Amazon if appropriate. Up first is a Specialized Hard Rock Mountain Bike for a start price of 375 and a box of REAL ESTATE courses, books, cassettes for a starting price of 695.

I'll put pictures up later, but I'll let you know here how or if it sells, and show you the ads I use. This may help a few of you who seem to struggle with buying and selling.

Gordon MR. Chattel to You...Alexander

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