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The Secret Of Longevity [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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November 21, 2012, 12:03 AM
As part of research for a project, I set a Google Alert for "small plane crash" (https://www.google.com/search?q=small+plane+crash&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS462US463&oq=small+plane+crash&aqs=chrome.0.57j61l2j60j62l2.4675&sugexp=chrome,mod=12&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).

It turns out that there are people getting killed in small plane crashes almost daily, and you never hear about them unless you do the search.

Those Google Alerts link to news stories, mostly local city rags, and they have very little detail as to what happened, and what detail they do report is often wrong.

But, I discovered the secret to longevity in the follow up to those reports. Later the reporters will interview family and friends of the victims to keep the story going. In every follow up I've seen, they say that...

"She was the dearest sweetest woman..."
"He was the finest man I've ever known..."
"He was a star athlete in his high school, and just a wonderful kid..."

So the secret of longevity?

Be a sorry old sumbitch that is quite unpleasant to be around.

Works for me. :p


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