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August 16, 2014, 06:16 PM
I've recently been doing a ton of research on hemp. I know it is cannabis sativa but I didn't know it has so little THC that it is not dangerous nor can you ever get high smoking the stuff. In fact, you'd blow your lungs out a long time before you got high.

Anyway, I got tired of all the Greenpeacers, Sierra Clubbers and the like promoting their brand of crap. The real answer to fixing the farm crisis, fuel crisis, food crisis and health crisis is hemp. Look up US Govt patent 6630507 and you'll see that the dirty bastards in Washington already know that CBD has the potential to cure Alzheimer's and dementia and epilepsy and other diseases.

CBD is the not psychotropic byproduct from hemp. I watched a video of a hempcrete company building a house out of all hemp. It seems if you replace the fiberglass insulation with hemp insulation people are more healthier. If you use hempcrete in the foundation and any other place you'd normally use concrete you have a stronger place.

I could go on for hours but won't. Yeay Tom! Anyway I think forums like this are a fantastic place to promote the waking up of people. Hemp can solve the unemployment problem as well. It has over 25000 uses. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were all hemp farmers.

Yes, my signature element shows I sell hemp clothes and other hemp accessories. Big deal. We need to take a serious look at Mother Nature and use what she gives us especially a product like hemp. And, no, I don't smoke the stuff or eat MJ brownies.

Anyway that's my rant. We need the entrepreneur types that are members of and visit this forum to get involved. With all that brain power we could move the world back to when hemp was the king and not cotton.

If anyone would like to see its potential google The February 1938 issue of Popular Mechanics. If you can't find the article, let me know and I'll email it to you.

Thanks for reading my expression.


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