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Old gold or junk? Cicle of life or parade of life? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Old gold or junk? Cicle of life or parade of life?

January 30, 2016, 05:46 PM
Recovered data from two old hard drives.

Hidden treasure? Gold? Or history?

Finally got some old stuff, Dave Bancroft forum, first Tony Blake forum and his new one to 2003. Original Friends in Business forum, a couple of Nework 54 forums, Klaus Dahl and Mike Rodman, original Bill Myers site and Idea Bank for two years and a whole bunch of sites no longer around and people who have vanished.

Many guys from 97-99 no longer with us or have moved on. Old Sanford Wallace posts made me giggle.

Anyhow here are some thoughts.

Many questions posed in 1999 are still being asked today, the Parade of Life keeps marching.

Selling advertising was a hot topic, Don Alm made it so.

It still is, with so many experimenting in EDDM as well as pizza box ads, menus, and now mobile apps.

Building web sites for business was hot, Bill Myers introduced eShowcase and shortly thereafter we had "eShowcase on steroids", and other things.

Currently I'm experimenting with other variations of EDDM, but it is a "slop" filled business.

Let me explain...no slop= put your TV in yard with for sale sign.

Lots of slop, selling websites or advertising.

Some may be ale to do it remotely (sell advertising) but there is a cost of time.

EDDM is sloppy, even with just 3 advertisers on it, meaning you have to sell the space, get it designed and approved, get it printed and delivered...each step you outsource cuts into profits, but it can be a lucrative BUSINESS.

OK, the "gold" for me in those archives was the SIMPLICITY of direct selling...

and the model which has me rethinking some things is

the workshop, seminar model... where you sell or teach a group who have already paid to hear you talk.

Some people, myself included, just can't learn from videos and courses, like Udemy.

I need someone in front of me, it works much better, I retain the information with this hands on approach.

So, there are millions of newbs, those who were youngins when we were first mouthing off on those old forums, who today...

may be more tech savvy, but are still looking for

soft skills (dealing with people) and in many ways more inept
getting a job
learning how to golf, etc.

And it may be the right time to revise some small group workshops which take only a few hours of time and gives a four figure daily income.

Or, as Harry Chapin sang;
"All my life's a circle..."

Less slop, more profits...and maybe going back...will take a few of us to our future.


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