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Hit the ball reprise. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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February 25, 2016, 11:56 AM

Some history. Harvey Brody posted on Nov. 8, 2001 and gave us a peek into Toll Positions. Both Dien and I have conferred with Harvey over the years and have learned valuable insights into business we both apply today.

I have about 30 hours of audio I listen to regularly of Harvey Brody lessons, lessons worth untold sums of money and time.

The Hit the Ball approach I used in Golf is pretty similar to what I use in coaching or in teaching today, for example, with copywriting students I think it more important to try to sell something quickly...

than to spend a lot of time "studying", it is the learn by doing (or, Hit the Ball) approach.

I'm not sure how to use the new wiki tool Dien set up, but, it sure is fun to find some gold packed away in the archives.

I find it useful for my new classes I'm teaching in the real world, where people want to PAY and learn and not just waste one's time.

So, if you're new to our forum, spend some time in the archives, you may find a nugget or two which could be useful to you.

Gordon Jay

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