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Phil October 31, 2007 08:13 PM

I'm desperate and need your help... Create a whole Bunch of Media Buzz...

Things always have a way of working out and Coming together...

Real Estate usually goes in 5 Year segments or so...

Sometimes we just have to Do something different for awhile along with some Creative Diversification in other areas of Work and Business...

I Bet a whole Bunch of Media Buzz... Could change Much of your Current situation and others... ;)

If you never heard of Casey Serin...

Creatively Twist his idea into your own Real Estate Buzz and get the Media... to Love & Hate you... :)

How the world's most hated blogger makes money... er

Get A Job, Says Wife. Then His Money Blog Closes Down: So What’s Next For Casey Serin? is now owned by Aaron Krowne...

Keep in mind the current USD/CAD dollar situation... Lots of CAD dollars are looking to buy into the American real estate markets... I can't believe the Amazing deals...

From a previous post...

Where homes are affordable

New Rules of Real Estate 2007
How to play the real estate bounce-back
The housing market may be melting down, but Business 2.0 worked with Moody's to identify 10 cities that have just about hit rock bottom - and offer opportunities for savvy investors to get in while the getting's good.


Garth November 1, 2007 12:26 AM

Re: I'm desperate and need your help$
I'm sorry you are in trouble.

Did you plan on posting on Halloween or was it just a
weird unfortunate coincidence?


My take on your best option is to return to the world's
oldest professions in the world.

One has already been suggested by Gordon.

It's called Welching.

Bury those deadbeat assets as fast and deep as you can. Give them back to your lender and let it become their problem.

I know your credit is ruined. It could mean bankruptcy. I'm really sorry for that but you're being hit with a baseball bat eventually you gotta bleed
fast and hard but it gets you back on a path to regrowth.

I know it's going to hurt like a MoFa.

Second option.

And the one most overlooked by anyone with a pinch of ego yet is really great solution for you.


Tell us your story then go QVC on us.

You know they tell us a great story on why we should buy their product then you have 30 minutes to buy this product or it's gone forever never to return.

That's your situation isn't it?

If you don't get cash your **** dun gone to the po' house.

You need to go QVC on our asses.

Why else should you do it?

It's cheap for you to market your product.

Get on the phone call your relatives, ex-wives, high school teachers, sons and daughters then lay it on the line. You could do this 24 hours straight and won't cost you any real money, you don't have any right?

Good luck....

cash4notes November 1, 2007 02:19 AM

The Answer To Your Real Estate Problem Is....
To sell your properties with owner financing then simply sell the notes to a note buyer. That can happen in as little as 30 days and with proper struture of the note terms you should be able to net 90 cents on the dollar.

The note buyer will run the buyer's credit to make sure that they are a good risk and with some money down(5-10%) it would be a slam dunk.

[email protected]

MichaelRoss November 4, 2007 06:24 AM

There is ALWAYS a way

Thanks for ASKing for ideas.

Often, the Problem you Think you have is Not the problem you Really have. And so, solutions to problems you think you have don't often fix the Real problem.

So first thing is to do like Gordon suggested... assess.

But I take it a step further....

You say you need CashFlow. But what you Really Need is what having that Cashflow would do for you - what you'd spend it on.

For example: You could use Cash to buy food. So what you really need is Food and not cash, right?

So if you are short on Cash itself then you have Multiple Problems to solve...

Obtaining Food
Paying the rent/mortgage on your home
Paying Interest on investment loans
Putting gas in the car
And so on.

Each of them are Individual Problems and can each have a different Solution, besides you having Cash to spend.

In Australia the Salvation Army provide Food Vouchers which allow you to buy up to $X worth of Groceries. And if you Buy Smart you can get a Real Lot for even just $100 - rice, potatoes, pasta, and other Filling Food to keep you fed while you get sorted.

There is also rent/mortgage assistance as well from some charities. To keep you out of the bankruptcy house (Garth, suggesting Bankruptcy is bad advice as the money is Still owed but now the credit is totally shot. There is ALWAYS a way out of a jam. Always.)

A car can be gone without for a while if Gas is a problem. Or take public transport. Ride a bike. Walk.

As for Interest Payments in Investment Properties. I'm with the others here... lease with Option to buy, wrap around mortgage, contract for deed, or any other similar Owner Finance where the payments taken in are larger than the ones going out. And as was suggested... the Notes such terms create can also be on-sold to others.

For the Strip Mall. Is there a way to offer them as Serviced Offices? How about Self Storage? Combination Leased - such as a masseur, nail technician, facial person all sharing the one Store; or an accountant, lawyer and financial planner all sharing the one store; loan broker, insurance agent and conveyancer all sharing (all examples need minimal FitOut to work well)? A themed front - dance studio, martial arts practice center, yoga/pilates (all also require not much more than the existing empty space)?

The Amount of money needed to Make Payments is also something to consider. As is taking zero profit on the Residentials just to offload them fast.

There is Always a way.

Michael Ross

Ankesh November 5, 2007 07:14 AM

Re: I'm desperate and need your help
Hi Killarney,

Thanks for asking for help. Along the lines of what Don said... here is an idea for you:

Organize a workshop / bootcamp / unconference.

1. Find 4-6 real estate and investment gurus. Tell them your story - how you're facing some problems and how you're thinking of organizing a workshop to come out of the hole. Make a deal with them - to pay them a percentage of the passes sold. Maybe you can hold this workshop at your strip center thats semi-developed?

2. Promote your workshop via
i . The speakers lists
ii. Direct mail
iii. Affiliate programs and joint ventures

3. Auction off your properties at the end of the workshop.

3.b. Before the event - announce that other people can list their properties for auction / sale too - for a fee or a percentage of sale.

So it can become a real estate workshop + close out sale of properties.

Similar idea: organize a workshop for small business owners. And then sell off the vacant properties in the strip mall at the end.

chocolate101 February 28, 2008 06:24 AM

Re: I'm desperate and need your help
you've really got some great ideas here! i agree with auctioning off your properties. there are a lot of people out there who are sure to be needing your stuff and will be willing to pay for it!

karunnt March 29, 2008 08:59 PM

rent space for teachers.
My aunt owned a school that she rented to people to conduct classes and she charged a percentage of the income that the teacher collected.

For example suppose I know a lot about Microsoft Excel. I create a course on Excel and call several companies to offer to tech their employees excel. Then I book a room for a certain number of days and pay the 'landlord' 20% of my gross.

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