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GordonJ April 27, 2017 11:44 AM

7, 8 and 9

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38054)

7.) Any other sites, forums, authors, courses that are similar to your fly low approach.

Depends on your fly low definition, see my answer in #4
8.) Anyone like Jim Straw, Melvin Powers, Dean Duvall, etc that is still active that you recommend.
Those are one of a kind guys. Oldster still going strong: Marlon Sanders. He is current.

9.) Your favorite self improvement/motivational books/Cd's, sites, authors, etc.

Too many to mention. I am fond of Paul G. Thomas: PSYCHOFEEDBACK.

If I were starting out, I'd use this work as my foundation to build on. None of the modern gurus float my boat.

I still get a lot from W. Shakespeare...hard to beat.

If I ever feel like teaching the full power of the SQ1, you all would be blown away. It has the answers.

For mind stimulation, I like troubadours: Harry Chapin, Paul Simon, Gordon Lightfoot, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, etc.


GordonJ April 27, 2017 11:49 AM

There is YOUR get rich idea. Millions of bux waiting for you.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38048)
...years of "Flitdabbling" brought me to THIS very site!

Which brings up a question: do we help people by showing them possible shortcuts to their stated goals?

Or should we just sit by and watch them flitdabble till they finally get tired of it and stumble on the answers themselves?

I try coaching and always find it interesting when people state a need for help and then REJECT anything that doesn't look like the "help" they WANT, even if you're offering what they really NEED.

C'est la vie...

Your ez profit highway. Offer a custom course, and tell them what they really want to hear. BINGO, INSTANT RICHES.


PS. OH, wait. This is what members of the Syndicate and all the so called life coaches at the Warrior Forum already do, sorry, maybe a glutted market after all.

unpinkpanther April 27, 2017 12:29 PM

Ha ha ha! No, thank you very much
...This "business model" is precisely what the "gurus" peddle...with a few of our friendly televangelists.

Lying for a living.

I'll pass...


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38056)
Your ez profit highway. Offer a custom course, and tell them what they really want to hear. BINGO, INSTANT RICHES.


PS. OH, wait. This is what members of the Syndicate and all the so called life coaches at the Warrior Forum already do, sorry, maybe a glutted market after all.

Dien Rice April 28, 2017 06:07 AM

A copywriting observation I've been making lately...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38051)
Since I used plethora already, how about an OVERABUNDANCE of would be copy writers. Only good ones will make a living at it, or by estimate, less than 5 0f 100 who take a course from_____________ (anyone).

Here's a current observation I've been making...

I never really looked for people advertising their copywriting abilities. But recently, I've come across people promoting their copywriting services...

And their self-promotions were... let's be polite... no good. The "selling" in their own writing, to sell their services, were terrible...

However, people who know little or nothing about sales or copywriting likely would not notice it. So they may still get a few clients (though I expect not many)... Those they get are probably due to their "low-ball" rates...

I think it is a very valuable skill to learn some essential sales and copywriting principles...

Advertising is "salesmanship in print"... That was apparently said 113 years ago by adman John E. Kennedy, and it's still true today...!

Gordon once advised me to get some experience in really selling. (That is, where you actively make a sale to someone; not where you are a kind of "order taker" for someone who was planning to buy already...) I took his advice, and it has benefited me ever since...!

Best wishes,


unpinkpanther April 28, 2017 07:11 AM

While still on copywriting...
Have you heard of the advice to write the sales letter FIRST before the product?

What do you think of that? Do you recommend that?


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 38058)
Advertising is "salesmanship in print"... That was apparently said 113 years ago by adman John E. Kennedy, and it's still true today...!


GordonJ April 28, 2017 07:59 AM

GUILTY. And...

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38059)
Have you heard of the advice to write the sales letter FIRST before the product?

What do you think of that? Do you recommend that?

When I had "students", I almost always made them write the sales pitch first.

Now, we're talking about creating info products out of thin air, and the air inside my head is as thin as it gets.

If acquiring a product, or working off of something already known, you can build from general knowledge about the subject.

Writing the PROMOTION does help in several ways. It helps organize your thoughts, it keeps your ideal PROSPECT (avatar) clearly in your bubble of preoccupation, and it makes you consider the MEDIA, or place, where the INTERSECTION takes place.

So, I believe it is a good idea to write the promotion (rough draft) before you make it or create it.

Sometimes, in the real world, you're handed a thing and told to write copy. For example, I was once given a tea cup from the TITANIC and asked to write a promotion about it. Other considerations came into play, including how it fit in the "catalog" of collectibles for this.

I wrote a promotion for a golf club and had to make the mundane interesting and exciting. Wedges aren't as exciting as Drivers, putters and utility clubs.

So, if thinking of adding to your INFORMATION EMPIRE, then sure, write promo first.

It makes you THINK. Nothing wrong with that unless it is all you do, eh?


GordonJ April 28, 2017 08:07 AM

Instant deal breakers for me.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 38058)
Here's a current observation I've been making...

I never really looked for people advertising their copywriting abilities. But recently, I've come across people promoting their copywriting services...

And their self-promotions were... let's be polite... no good. The "selling" in their own writing, to sell their services, were terrible...

However, people who know little or nothing about sales or copywriting likely would not notice it. So they may still get a few clients (though I expect not many)... Those they get are probably due to their "low-ball" rates...

I think it is a very valuable skill to learn some essential sales and copywriting principles...

Advertising is "salesmanship in print"... That was apparently said 113 years ago by adman John E. Kennedy, and it's still true today...!

Gordon once advised me to get some experience in really selling. (That is, where you actively make a sale to someone; not where you are a kind of "order taker" for someone who was planning to buy already...) I took his advice, and it has benefited me ever since...!

Best wishes,


i ca'nt abide in blatant:, spelling and punctuation errors, especially the lower case i Will NEVER hire that guy. Although, I, am especially known, albeit in small circles, for over using commas...and ellipses. Do as i say, not as I do.

Also, there are several Sh*t copy writers, not bad writers, but they have to use the word SH*T in every thing they write. That may work for guys wanting 20/30 something teenagers (mostly prurient) as customers, but, if it is part and parcel of every piece of writing a guy does, NO thanks.

There are some good writers, and they are getting cheaper and cheaper, so it is a good buy as a commodity. As a consumer, good for me.

As a would be copy writer, not good for you.


GordonJ April 28, 2017 10:15 AM

And what is a HOTSHEET?
Information is easy to create or acquire. It is easy to sell. It is wanted. Needed. And people will pay YOU to get it. And technology allows you to sell and market your HOTSHEET with as much automation as possible. YOU can be sitting on the beach sipping a cool one and still be making money.

A HOTSHEET is usually a single piece of paper with topical information.

We consider Folios, Brochures, Instruction Sheets, Plans, Blueprints, Formulas, Cheats, Cheatsheets, Study Guides or any printed brief sheet of paper to be a HOTSHEET.

The size and shape doesn’t really matter. It is the brevity that counts.

For this purpose a HOTSHEET is anything printed on one or just a few pieces of paper that contains condensed and useful information, information that people WANT or NEED, and will pay be a HOTSHEET.

Some sites to see different kinds of HOTSHEETS: Plans Patterns Paulette Ensign, BOOKLETS ( a type of HOTSHEET) Study guides

Sneaky Pete:

Millions of dollars are spent, one buck at a time, during college and NFL football seasons, on little bet slips, probably the most profitable, albeit, illegal...of all HOTSHEETS.

My story hasn't changed in advising people in the last 15 years. INFORMATION is an ideal product to offer.

I believe it should be in every MARKETERS tool box. It can be a small trickle stream of income, or it could be the main river of profits.

In two days, my 2017 revised APV report is going off the market, along with some of my other work which Dien has agreed to retire.

I'll answer questions, help however I can, and assist you IF you are a customer before MAY 1, 2017. After that, it will be hard for a non customer to get ahold of me and what little time I have allotted to deal with people, it will be a customer first situation.

I'm hoping all my writing related work will be taken off the market, Dien and I may repurpose it, may part of a different venture, we are BETA testing now.

This will include the SOWPUB Writers Tollbooth, Small Reports report too.

You may have noticed we are starting to streamline things.

Less to come.


A type of hotsheet you might want to own, or sell, witH Trump as POTUS: Bomb Shelter

Dien Rice April 29, 2017 04:40 AM

Wow... a hurricane of great "chatteling" info!

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38049)
I doubt it. Because my way, is too difficult for people to grasp. And it is the simplest of all flipping methods: Quickly get more than you Spent. End of course.

The WHAT doesn't matter. And this is where I've discovered is the biggest hang up of all, it is what prevents people from making any money.

I'm going to demonstrate my point through some links to articles about flipping and buying and selling, because, there is an abundance of information on how to buy and sell: 10 best things to buy and sell on craigslist. Selling TOYS A crossover, he talks about IMPORT HERE, and importing or exporting are, in my mind, just forms of chatteling. Dien has some recent experience EXPORTING overstocks/returns/surplus to an African country. So, maybe this will be part of my answer for that too. A young guy shares his chatteling experience. Some more HOW TO, HE says to specialize. I say, whatever. A good site, spend a few minutes looking it over, in addition to this article, some sound advice from work from home angle. More "advice"

See, you could spend all week finding articles, one guy says specialize, the other says that...and all well and good.

I say. FLIP QUICKLY for a profit, circulate your money.

I don't want a storage unit, a store, a basement, a garage, a shed full of junk, that is STORED VALUE.

I want to buy in the morning, sell by lunch, go fishing. So many of you want to get some fictitious value from stuff, you THINK; "it is worth more than that"...and hold onto it. Not me, I buy with the intent to sell the day I buy it, or as quickly as I can.

And of course, I have built up networks of buyers. The videos I made of these 10 years ago should have been all you needed, but today, you lament about not starting sooner. Oh well. Start now and next year you'll have buyers too.

What could I possibly add, at this point, to the plethora of buying and selling?

So, don't have much interest in writing or rewriting that work. At best, may be interested in investing in group buying. Maybe.


PS. I don't think I can improve on the psychology of it, or the Parade of Life, or even the 12 step grow as you go plan. Just not much to add. The doers are doing.

Hi Gordon,

Wow, there's tons of gold right here in this post!

I also think there's more "value" in this one thread of yours than many $1000 courses...!

If anyone wants to know the details of how Gordon does it (regarding chatteling), be sure to check out the Chattel Report -

Best wishes!


Dien Rice April 29, 2017 05:11 AM

The opportunities and hazards of importing and exporting...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38050)
But you? Have at it. I suggest Dien Rice might be a good contact to start with, he has the connections, and may be willing to offer some consulting if you waved enough Benjamins under his nose.

MY best advice, do due diligence, and get a handle on what the business is all about before you dive in because some guy on the Internet claims he got rich and is going to show you how to do it too.

There are big bucks to be made in import/export... But potentially big risks too, as the expenses can be high! Especially if you're the one paying for shipping, customs duty, etc.

However, Alibaba has really changed the game. If you're an exporter, you can find a buyer on Alibaba before you even put the goods in a container. You can sell it F.O.B. your nearest shipping container terminal (port) - that means that the buyer will pay for the shipping, and also for customs on their end.

There's a lot of paperwork to be done when it comes to shipping. We've used a freight forwarder to do the paperwork for us.

Gordon had experience with importing, whereas my experience has been with both exporting and importing (as we've dealt with both ends, where we exported the goods, and then sold them in our own store in the destination country).

If you're importing, don't forget that you'll have to pay customs duty. I heard a story of a guy who shipped a container to an African port... He was new to the game, and he had forgotten to account for customs duty! He couldn't pay it... Every day your container sits in the port (because you can't get it out, for example, because you haven't paid customs duty), they charge you more money. In the end, as he got further and further into the red, he was less and less able to pay it. Eventually, the government seized his container, and sold its contents, since he couldn't pay his bills!

Finally, if you are exporting to various parts of the world, you need a trustworthy local partner who has experience in this. If you don't, in many places, you'll lose your shirt. (Corruption at the ports is very common in many countries... However, experienced locals know how to deal with it.)

Oh, one last point... If you are doing your own shipping, you'll also want to get shipping insurance. Containers have been known to slide off the ship (and sink to the bottom of the ocean) in very stormy weather!

Best wishes,


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