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John1999 August 22, 2019 11:44 AM

Re: How to become fierce, ferocious and furious.
The universe is nothing but a mirror. We receive what we give - if we want to receive love, we must give love first; if we want to receive money, we must give money first. It is not until I started my own business that I started to really understand this concept: that a business shall not be motivated by money. Money is just a side-effect. The real motivation, at least in my case, is to transform my selfish "me-centred" desire to a selfless "we-centred" desire. In other words, to transform the desire to receive for the self-alone to the desire to recieve for the sake of sharing.

Thanks for the reminder Gordon and for your generous share of your article THE CREED. I thoroughly enjoyed it. There is however just one thing that I'd like to add, that selflessness doesn't mean to give everything, everytime, to everyone. The reason being: what we want is not necessarily what we need. Every customer wants free stuff, but that doesn't necessarily do good to them. Money is just a way to exchange energy. By charging for our products / services will ensure that we attract only those who really need these products / services, and therefore appreciate them; but also make us, the sellers, accountable for what we offer. Adults are just like kids. As much as we don't want to have spoiled kids, we shall also be careful not to spoil our adult customers.

John Smart Home London Smart Home Manchester AC repair San Diego

Millard Grubb August 26, 2019 10:00 AM

Re: How to become fierce, ferocious and furious.
Have you found that the same types of business folks are taking part in this forum as they did in the beginning?

GordonJ August 26, 2019 11:52 AM

No one is taking part.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 40109)
Have you found that the same types of business folks are taking part in this forum as they did in the beginning?

I have more interaction via email than I do at the forum. And I think today's visitors, or most recent "members" are NOT as Entrepreneurial as they were 20 years ago.

Just MY opinion, today, the younger people are either looking for something quick and easy and don't want to work or they are more technical.

Just me speaking, but I find other forums to be more engaging, or actually, Facebook groups. Few forums hold my attention and fewer still offer solid, real-life advice from tested and proven ideas. Too much blind leading the blind, and what I see in forums, blogs and YouTube and Facebook...all social media is

people want a voice.

Yet most have nothing to say.


Millard Grubb August 26, 2019 03:36 PM

Re: How to become fierce, ferocious and furious.
Sounds like there could be an opportunity.

If all the young folks are doing the online thing or just hoping their
deal will work electronically without physical work, then the "old" ways of
doing things will become "new" again.

Might be interesting to find out.

unpinkpanther August 26, 2019 06:19 PM

The old chicken-and-egg dilemma...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 40110)
Just MY opinion, today, the younger people are either looking for something quick and easy and don't want to work or they are more technical...


At times I wonder if this could be due to the sort of get-rich-without-thinking "business opportunities" being peddled these days

While I feel social media has its place in helping with research and monitoring trends, I also feel many people online are still looking for some "secret key" to the vault.

With so much time devoted to seeking the "secret", who has time for "boring" stuff like testing and one-on-one conversations?

Dien Rice August 28, 2019 02:03 PM

Are they drowning in too much debt?

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 40110)
I have more interaction via email than I do at the forum. And I think today's visitors, or most recent "members" are NOT as Entrepreneurial as they were 20 years ago.

Just MY opinion, today, the younger people are either looking for something quick and easy and don't want to work or they are more technical.

Hi Gordon,

I agree with you - I think there's a big change in entrepreneurship over the last 20 years...

I don't know exactly why...

Some people have said that the younger generation - at least those that went to college - have so much college debt nowadays, that it kills entrepreneurship. They have to figure out how to pay those hefty interest rates on their college loans, so they need a solid, steady, low-risk income... Which usually means a job.

It's not enough now to get a business quickly to the stage where it's "ramen profitable" - which is where you're making enough money to be able to live off of instant ramen! Now, you have to be able to pay your big college debts too...

(Graph from )

But, maybe there's more to it than that, too...

My wife's sister is 12 years younger than her, and is in her late 20s. She has a therapy practice (she's a speech pathologist), but also this year started a pretty cool business selling potted plants, which are quite "artistically" presented (they look great)! She's in the "millennial" generation... She clearly has an entrepreneurial bent.

Maybe they're more into "side gigs" nowadays, rather than full time entrepreneurial ventures? The term "side hustle" is a recent one that's come into vogue...

Best wishes,


Glenn September 3, 2019 04:13 PM

Fiercely Target Niches Like *Energy*-*Pain*-*GrayHair*
Thanks Gordon,

Perhaps Young and old are BURNT OUT.

Over-Stimulated. Over-Worked.
Checking Text Messages 800 Times a day.

Over 100 Niched Cable TV Channels
Plus Internet and Social Media.


The Author of the book that has made me more moolah than all of the other books I've read Combined...

"80/20 Principle - Koch"

(What I got out of it was "S*ell people more of what they Are Already Excited About. More of what They Already Do."

Mr Koch is now worth 400 M*illion.

He no longer uses the 80/20 Principle to choose Start-up companies
to invest in.

He Finds The Top 1% of the Top 20%
of the emerging StartUp Companies.

In my own Information Product Creation
I Noticed in the book, "Influence" by Cialdini

That 1 of a kind Information NOBODY ELSE HAD
On TOP of a Scarce Product
Made more Money than his other S*ales Influence Strategies.

SCARCE INFO Is good - I Discovered
that Every single One of the Top 20
MLM Focuses their products around EXTRA ENERGY.


A - So I have a Website that Sells a Video
about a 5000 yr old Exercise that Creates MASSIVE Extra Energy.

One of a Kind BECUZ
I Added a Step That Guarantees You
Massive Extra Energy in 24 - 48 hrs
Instead of weeks.

B - "How to Fight PAIN & Win"

You Get A Info Product That Shows You HOW TO Take Away Pain in 60 Seconds.

C - "No More Gray Hair" - And a Special Report about 2 Vitamins that Reverse Gray Hair.

Meaning Your Gray Hair Turns Back to It's Natural Black, Brown, Blonde
Color. With no side effects.

"No More Gray Hair"


P.S. - Remember How Gary Halbert Changed his tune?

At first he said, "Find me a Starving Crowd."

Later he changed it to
something like:

"Find me a Crazed, Insane, Bonkers Crowd
that Buy Without Thinking."

On Amazon - dot - com

I discovered Literally THOUSANDS of people B*uying
Hair Dye. On each Best Seller PRODUCT Ad - with 500 Positive Feedback
or more are

"TEST FOR SKIN DAMAGE and Allergic Reactions
2 Days BEFORE Every Application."


CRAZED Niche Crowd.

GordonJ September 8, 2019 07:55 PM

Nothing new. Back in the early 1900's, USA legislated against get rich quick.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 40114)
At times I wonder if this could be due to the sort of get-rich-without-thinking "business opportunities" being peddled these days

While I feel social media has its place in helping with research and monitoring trends, I also feel many people online are still looking for some "secret key" to the vault.

With so much time devoted to seeking the "secret", who has time for "boring" stuff like testing and one-on-one conversations?

These have always been out there. Maybe, not as saturated as today. If you spend any time at all online, you will be bombarded with them.

They have always looked for the secret key, and many a now old GURU, revered and bowed to, gladly sold it to them.

I put the blame, not on the marketer or even LIAR in many cases, but on the ignorance of those who are easily duped.

I was 10 or younger when I learned a few lessons:
Money doesn't grow on trees.
You don't get paid for doing nothing.
If it sounds too good to be true, measure thrice before you cut.

And even Marlon Brando, said to Frank Sinatra Re: An ear full of cider.

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