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sandalwood December 10, 2016 12:26 PM

Re: Your cost of living is going to go up...

Here is your last paragraph:

So they will hit everyone in the pocket until they brainwash enough
people into being good little gullible liberal zombies and regain and
increase their political power.

Here is my answer:

They already have. It is called an American University/College. It has been an evolution in the making before our eyes and they have won. Study Edward Bernays and you'll get a free education on how it was accomplished.

BTW, we had a cop shooting a defenseless white kid in Reno this past week at Hug High School. The 14 year old was brandishing (supposedly) 2 knives. The brave man in black reportedly had a taser and pepper spray on his belt. He elected his service weapon. I tell you this only because they also own the enforcement arm of their regime. I also disclose his race because it is important to understand another part of the narrative. Only some lives matter and it is growing increasingly important that you know which ones.

ron lafuddy April 10, 2017 03:44 PM

Re: Two story outhouse. Corn cobs piled high.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 37458)
Bomb shelter plans are available now, or call them "storm cellars" if you prefer. How about some Tee Pee with Trump or Hilary on it, or both?

Those old yellow pages will come in handy, and intertwine a few for some bullet slowing down walls, between the concrete blocks and the 2" steel.

It all comes down soon, so eat, drink and be Mary. Before you get hung for wearing a dress while having a penis.

GJA all puns intended with a groan.

I'm thinkin' it's high time for deployment of that Sowpub "bug-out outhouse" previously discussed here.

The Trumpster has put just about everybody on notice, as his 3D (soon to be 7 or 8D) chessboard, goes into full tilt overdrive.

His next move is anybody's guess, but he's indicating regime change for more than one country. Stories of U.S., Russian and Chinese ship and troop movements, are starting to hit the news cycle.


Just picked up one of those old school desks we used to hide under in case of nuclear attack. Hope it works as well today, as it did back then.


GordonJ April 10, 2017 09:42 PM

Gerald R. Ford

Originally Posted by ron lafuddy (Post 37953)
I'm thinkin' it's high time for deployment of that Sowpub "bug-out outhouse" previously discussed here.

The Trumpster has put just about everybody on notice, as his 3D (soon to be 7 or 8D) chessboard, goes into full tilt overdrive.

His next move is anybody's guess, but he's indicating regime change for more than one country. Stories of U.S., Russian and Chinese ship and troop movements, are starting to hit the news cycle.


Just picked up one of those old school desks we used to hide under in case of nuclear attack. Hope it works as well today, as it did back then.


IF we make it til then, this Fall. Gerald Ford gets commissioned, THE largest carrier ever built. Where it deploys will indicate the hotspots. My guess is the Indian Ocean.

The USS Carl Vinson cancelled leave and some ports of call and is headed toward Korea. This is where Trump could get his itchy trigger finger ready.

I think he gave China what they asked for last week, in exchange for the green light to "nuke" N. Korea, if not literally, at least figuratively.

LOOK, military arms is a global industry which at some point has to lower the stockpiles to get more demand going.

Recon forces have been called up, all this via news outlets, no secret sources or leaks, I just listen to "Jimmy's Mom" who reports his every move, and pay attention to what the US Navy is doing...not "wiretapping" anyone, just picking up news channels with my antenna.

Anyhow, the desk is only protection if you take it to a 75 year old school and put it in the hallway or the janitor's closet, the most reinforced room in the bldg. I keep one too, albeit, my big belly precludes me from getting into it, let alone under it.

Trump is making the world interesting, eh?


Dien Rice April 11, 2017 12:59 AM

I need a cold war refresher...

Originally Posted by ron lafuddy (Post 37953)
Just picked up one of those old school desks we used to hide under in case of nuclear attack. Hope it works as well today, as it did back then.

I need to find one of those too...

Then watch the "duck and cover" video, to remember how to stay safe!

- Dien

GordonJ April 11, 2017 09:55 AM

We want to shoot the monkey before he gets that close...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 37956)
I need to find one of those too...

Then watch the "duck and cover" video, to remember how to stay safe!

- Dien

NEXT military action, and reason for strike force Korea, will be the shooting down of a Korean test missile. Sort of the whole point to going there.

IF the Aegis systems work, it puts Korea/China on notice as well as Russia that we have the capability to shoot down missiles, Trump will test this, ASAP, mark my words.

Hope the monkey doesn't learn how to toss the dynamite from behind the tree.


Dien Rice April 12, 2017 02:15 AM

I'm glad I'm no longer in South Korea...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 37960)
NEXT military action, and reason for strike force Korea, will be the shooting down of a Korean test missile. Sort of the whole point to going there.

IF the Aegis systems work, it puts Korea/China on notice as well as Russia that we have the capability to shoot down missiles, Trump will test this, ASAP, mark my words.

Hope the monkey doesn't learn how to toss the dynamite from behind the tree.


Me too!

As you know, Gordon, almost 10 years ago I spent around 4 months in South Korea, living in Seoul... (I actually lived in Gangnam, of the song "Gangnam Style"...! Gangnam is an area of Seoul...)

Whenever Kim Jong Il, who was the North Korean leader at the time, would do some sabre-rattling, all the expats (that's the Westerners) living there would freak out, and wonder if they should flee the country.

All the South Koreans, though, were used to it...

Having said that, I'm glad I'm not there now... If the USA attacks North Korea, they could send all their nuclear bombs to completely wipe out South Korea, especially Seoul (which is right next to the North Korean border).

(North Korean nuclear missiles can't reach the continental US yet, I don't think...)

Though war with Syria could easily degenerate into war with their supporter, Russia... And Russian nukes are nothing to sneeze at.

Live long and prosper!

- Dien

GordonJ April 12, 2017 08:30 AM

Just my opinion...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 37964)
Me too!

As you know, Gordon, almost 10 years ago I spent around 4 months in South Korea, living in Seoul... (I actually lived in Gangnam, of the song "Gangnam Style"...! Gangnam is an area of Seoul...)

Whenever Kim Jong Il, who was the North Korean leader at the time, would do some sabre-rattling, all the expats (that's the Westerners) living there would freak out, and wonder if they should flee the country.

All the South Koreans, though, were used to it...

Having said that, I'm glad I'm not there now... If the USA attacks North Korea, they could send all their nuclear bombs to completely wipe out South Korea, especially Seoul (which is right next to the North Korean border).

(North Korean nuclear missiles can't reach the continental US yet, I don't think...)

Though war with Syria could easily degenerate into war with their supporter, Russia... And Russian nukes are nothing to sneeze at.

Live long and prosper!

- Dien

I was in Seoul too, also at Chinhae. By the way, did you pick up a health issue while there? Me thinks you did.

By late this weekend, the Carl Vinson strike force should be in position. What we want to see is the Aegis anti missile system in action.

For those out of the loop:

Australia uses it too. Also, Iran Air Flight 655 was a major turning point in the "hearts and minds" of the Iranian people toward USA.

Because of the 70 years of tunnel digging, and some say old coal mines, a mile deep, have been converted to storage and bunkers by N. Korea. An air strike would more likely approximate the one in Syria last week, targeting planes and fuel.

One unknown factor in the American fleet arsenal are the subs attached to the strike force. Probably a couple of them.

Although a ballistic missile launch by N. Korea isn't that great a threat, at this time, a dirty or suitcase bomb could devastate Seoul.

That and/or a sarin gas attack on Seoul, like the one in Tokyo, could have dire effects.

There are claims Russia knew about last weeks use of Sarin, could it have been a test run?

N. Korea should get our full attention, and it is a stick of dynamite which could shake the turtle right out of his shell, where he gets exposed and stands naked before the world.

A ground excursion is just as likely as an air strike.


GoodBuddy April 17, 2017 10:31 PM

Re: Your cost of living is going to go up...

Originally Posted by glamorousfashion (Post 37494)
I don't think, that the threat of high prices is within America only. It is actually happening in the Philippines right now especially that the exchange rates of dollar to Peso went up. That would mean a decrease in the value of the Philippine money.

I totally agree! It seems that some places are having the difficult time to catch up with the high cost of living. Philippines is one of them. The value of Peso went down and the high cost of commodities went up because of the increase in dollar exchange rates.

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