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Glenn January 28, 2017 03:52 PM

FLIRT TIPPED Hot Blonde Makes Freaky *KISSY* Noises
Thanks Tom,

You know how when you FOCUS on One thing that Thing
suddenly appears Everywhere?


I've got so many Stories flooding in for my new "Flirt & Grow Richer"
book that I'm having to Re-write my book outline.

Which is a good thing.

With the culture and economy changing RAPIDLY under our feet
we gotta be Flexible.

This Just in From Caleb:

Yo Glenn,

Dude, I lost one of my 9 lives today cuz of your Lotto Ticket

I'm walking down the sidewalk in a mall.

Hot Blonde comes out of a store. She's got on these wild tights
full of yellow and orange and red circles.

BoyScout - that's me - I'm prepared. So I dig out a LOTTO ticket.
Wave and Smile at her. Hand her the ticket.

"Here is a Thank You Reward for wearing those tights. They remind me of
my Mom's Flow..."

***KISS - KISS - KISS***

**Smoochy - Kissy - LIP Smacking NOISE.

Swear to God Dude - before I could say the word "Flower"
the hot blonde looked right at me.

And Made Loud KISSY Noises.

Then said in a loud LUVVY DUVVY Voice, "Oh You Pretty Boy. Don't Be Jealous."


She kept BABY talking - but I noticed she was Looking over my shoulder.

She was Talking to her DOG in her car.
Parked near the curb.


She had me Sweating in 10 seconds flat. Scared me bad.

But While the dog was licking her face in her car
she clued me in thru the opened door.

I swear on a stack of Bibles this is true.

She told me:

"My pretty boy won't stay home.
But he worries when I leave the car. You Made him Jealous. Did the man up-set you, huh, snookums?"

Then She Covered "Snookums" eyes and Thanked me for the
Lotto ticket and the compliment.

And then she Drove away.


You like Weird Stories, Glenn. So here you go.


Glenn January 28, 2017 04:03 PM

How Joel Flirt Tips At Country Clubs to Land Physical Therapy Clients
Thanks Tom,

What we do, in a way, could be called "Mastermind Consulting."

a - A prospect gets Referred to us

b - Shares their situation

c - I tell them a couple Case Studies from my Millionaire Interview archives
that their problem triggers.

d - We Mastermind some ways to Customize or adapt the ideas
to fit Them.

e - Then they go off and Take Action.

f - OFTEN improving on or coming up with a completely New Strategy.

Like Joel Did Below -

Thank you Joel for sharing your Success Story.

When we 1st Met by phone - Joel had just moved to Florida and needed new clients for his Physical Therapy Business.

He got referred to Me.

I suggested he imitate a Top Psychologist friend who Sells to Limping Golfers.
She waits, in the pharmacy, next to a Hi End Country Club.

SunBunrt, Golfers with blisters and a limp come in for drugs.

She Holds up a Sign,

"Drop 10 to 20 Strokes - Guaranteed."

(She teaches them to Lower their STRESS while golfing and their Golf Score Drops too.)

"GOOD IDEA" Joel says.

He calls me back later to Report:

a - He started hanging out in Golf Course Parking lots, The Hall outside the pro
shop and the lobby of the Country Club.

b - When he finds a Limping Golfer - he goes over and offers

c - Joel reported he got some clients that way.

Joel 6 Months Later he told me This Success Story.

Joel Discovered he could go to The Country Club Dining Room/Restaurant
as a GUEST of his Golfing Clients - without paying the 10K yearly fee.

He LOTTO Tipped his Waitress
to get Great Service.

And - son of a gun - When friends of the client he is Sitting with come over to
chat WHILE JOEL is Handing out LOTTO TICKETS over and over to waiters and waitresses.

They ask, "Who is this? What do YOU Do young man?"

His Physical Therapy Client ENDORSES Him Enthusiastically
and Joel makes Appointments each time he is a Guest at Two Different country

I Congratulated him.

Very Innovative LOTTO TICKET Strategy!

Glenn January 28, 2017 04:33 PM

LOTTO FLIRT Tipping At a Networking Meeting = $200+
Thanks Tom,

"Flirt And Grow Richer" - Flirt Tipping does not always get you Immediate Results.

What I mean is:

a - We've flirt tipped the waitress and gotten nothing back but a Smile.

No extra food.

Not better Service.


(Editors Note - In Fact - This actually happened to me. After getting Fantastic
service at restaurants for years - I Found a DEAD SPOT. A Restaurant where
IN SPITE of my lotto tipping the waiter and waitress and even the cooks - I got
Nothing back. Not even better Service. Even when the cook won FIFTY BUCKS
and came out to see me. Did I get More food? NOPE. I am Hungry. The
amount of food you get in Restaurants is less and less. So I don't eat there anymore. I go where they FEED Me Better.)

b - When you Flirt Tip a Cashier at Wal-Mart - you don't Expect to see any
Quick Reward.

c - However...

If you shop or eat or visit the same stores over and over you will find
that you Begin to STAND OUT as a good guy - or a VIP Gal --- in the minds
of the staffers.

And FUN things happen.

d - Paying-It Forward via LOTTO or 1.00 Bill Flirt Tipping is a GREAT HABIT
to get into...


You are helping people.

You are having fun.

You are practicing your People Skills.

My Point?

Be Patient. Keep Going. Don't give up.

Plus anyone who emails ME with Lotto ticket Problems - I am happy to
share Flirt for moolah tips from around the world - with you.

Obviously - for the book - I've chosen the best Testimonials and Case Studies.

Not the plain - boring - vanilla kind.


Expect that your LOTTO Tipping will not have the same impact wherever you go.

This is Real Life. Not the movies.

Don't quit.
You Will Get Rewarded.


Flirt Tipping At a Business Networking Meeting
Got Harry Surprise Results -

After doing a Handwriting Analysis for one of Harry's New Painters
he told me this LOTTO TIPPING Story.

Harry is a Paint Contractor - goes to a local Networking Event weekly
but has never made a dime from it.

A Married lady he met there drove up to a meeting in a new
White SUV.

He asked and she told him she had just made Diamond Level
at her Skin Care Biz. And one of the perks is a new car.

I - So The Following week Harry got to the meeting in the Banquet Room of a
local bank EARLY.

II - Put a 8 by 10 Sheet with a INSTANT LOTTO Ticket Stapled to each
page - at each chair around the table.


We Always Knew You

Congrats on winning
a New Car.

III - Karen was late. Took all the wind out of my sails. Cuz everybody put their
LOTTO Tickets and pages away. And Karen Brought her 5 year old son
to the meeting. On her lap - he was fidgeting.

IV - While the -- Yada Yada Yak Yak -- was going on
I pulled a Blank Page out - Folded it into a Rose.

V - Gave him a sheet. And Taught him how to Fold
Paper Roses too. I had a Yellow HighLighter - so we made YELLOW ROSES.

VI - Karen is going, "THANK YOU" - over the kids head while we did roses together.


Afterwards all the small business owners at the Networking Meeting
came over to Congratulate Karen.

Afterwards 2 came over to say, "I Won a Buck. Thanks for the LOTTO tickets.

And Karen Gave me one of her Gold Trim Leather Containers
full of Skin Care Products - worth 295.00 (I looked it up on the company website.)

And the Network Meeting Leader - Who'd Ignored me - asked
If I'd like to do a 5 Minute Presentation to the group. Which he normally charges 100 bucks for.

So I did ok at a cost of only 15 Lotto tickets.


Glenn January 28, 2017 05:02 PM

Patricks Fiance Flirt Tipped Their Waiter & got a F-r-e-e- Burger
Thanks Tom,

One of the Reasons why I am sharing these ideas in a book
to be sold on Amazon, Kindle is that very seldom do you find a Fun idea

No matter what.

You Get Something Back.

You may have to Be PATIENT and HAVE FAITH. Because the Benefits are
hidden sometimes. Temporarily.


Whenever you Flirt with munny - Give-to-Get - You Get Something Back.

***You Feel Good about yourself.

***You Help your waiters and Cashiers.

***You Start a New And Powerful HABIT -
Thanking and Rewarding people around you.

Always - this part of "Flirting-with-moolah" never fails.

It's about You.

How it makes YOU FEEL Better.

And as Dale Carnegie says in his book, "Win Friends and Influence People"
The only person You have the power to Change is YOU.

So Improve YOURSELF.

Make yourself More Positive and you INFLUENCE others around you to
Be Positive Back.

You Will Become More Powerful. Lotto tipping is helping others WHILE
you also APPLY the Golden Rule of Reciprocity.

(EDITORS NOTE - Robert Cialdini - says in his book "Influence" that *the Golden Rule of Reciprocity* is the only Persuasion Principle shared by 100% of the
Cultures on earth.)


Patrick-over the phone.

Patrick & Fiance Pull Into The Drive-Thru Lane of a Fast Food Restaurant.

They Ordered their food.

Handed the guy at the window a lotto ticket.

(Pulled into the parking lot cuz their HOT FOOD ORDER was not ready.)

I - The Guy at the window comes out smiling with their food.

And an Extra Burger.

II - The Fiance Thanks him and hands him another LOTTO ticket.

The Burger joint guy says, "Wait there a second."

Literally RUNS back into the restaurant.

Comes out and hands them an Entire Sheet of Discount Coupons - worth
btwn 20 and 30 bucks in food savings.

Patrick says they don't even eat at this place. So his fiancé is taking the
coupons to work to hand out to her team.

Told to Glenn
by Patrick

(EDITORS NOTE - Doesn't always happen. But This time FLIRT TIPPING
w/2 LOTTO Tickets resulted in a F-r-e-e Burger And 20 bucks worth of
discount coupons.)

Luvenia Devers January 28, 2017 07:53 PM

Re: Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds
Nice! I need this one. Thanks for sharing!:)

Glenn January 28, 2017 09:26 PM

Eric Flirt Tips Cooks w/LED IceCubes - Refers Himself To a Party
Thanks Tom,

I called Eric in Ohio to FIND OUT what happened when he gave away
FLASH CUBES to the cooks in the kitchen.

Eric's Phone Report -

"I bought a dozen Flashing IceCubes - cheap at a buck each - to
stick into my kids Snowmen - by the road.

"Except no snow this winter.

"So While a Realtor friend sat down at a local restaurant I told him, "I'll be right back."

And I just walked back into the kitchen. Yelled, "Happy New Year" - to all the
cooks and helpers. Started handing out ONE Plastic ICE CUBE Each."

"Stick out your hand...

"Stick out your hand...

"Here's a Flashing iceCube for you...

No Reaction - except to get Puzzled Looks.

Until one little black haired girl chopping up Lettuce and Tomatoes for salads
held up a WET HAND...

And her Ice Cube Started FLASHING LIKE CRAZY - Red, Green, Blue.

THEN there was a Lot of Excitement as I handed them out.

I Ran Out of Ice Cubes
and had to Hand out LOTTO tickets to the last 3 cooks and helpers.

THE BIG BOSS and The Managers didn't say a word. But Just Watched
as I Thanked and Rewarded their kitchen team.

Crazy what happened next.

The lady manager of the Restaurant came over to SHAKE My Hand
and say "Thanks, Anything you need...

The Guy who runs the whole place - Sports Bar, Take-out and Restaurant
came over too.

And fantastic service.

Plus it SEEMED like all the waiters and waitresses and restaurant people who walked by out table Grinned and waved.

Paul The Realtor/Investor - kept asking, "What did you do?"

I said, "I tipped all the cooks."


Paul and I both ordered onion rings. I got TWICE as many as he did.

Paul says, "Oh, I see."

BOTTOM LINE - I got an Invite from Paul to come to his house for a party.
And we may do some business together.

Glenn January 28, 2017 09:31 PM

Robert Flirt Tips The Cashier & Cook For Family Pizza Night
Thanks Tom,

TESTIMONIAL from Robert -

Hey Glenn,

Before I go off to bed I wanted to tell you my testimonial.
As you know I was talking to you on the phone when I bought my lotto tickets that I may be a blessing to others.

Well I had given 2 out at my favorite Starbucks and they were so thankful for the gesture.
That just made me feel so good. That alone was awesome.

But what happen next time I did it was just simply incredible as it reflected how quickly God blesses us for being a blessing.

So Wednesday is pizza night for the family so we always grab a couple of pizzas at our local pizza chain.
This time after I ordered I thanked the cashier and cook of our pizza with a lotto card.

They were so thankful.

When I returned to grab my pizza they gave me 2 free large marinara sauces could be at least $1.50 each
so I would say that was a quick $3 return.

I am so excited for tomorrow to see who else I may be a blessing to.
Thanks so much for introducing this to me.
Everyone wins when you become the blessing.


Glenn January 28, 2017 09:43 PM

Why Drakes Waitress Forgot How to Do The Math on His Bill
Thanks Tom,


Drakes Phone Testimonial -

Drake told me he - After reading some of our Ezine Back Issues how
it suddenly made sense to him to Tip the chef.

So he went back into the kitchen after he was shown to a seat.

Yelled, "Happy New Year."

"I hope you guys win THOUSANDS of D*OLLARS."

And handed out 4 - 1.00 Scratch off lotto tickets to the cooks.


Gave his waitress one too.

Drake was stunned when he got a bill for 5.81 instead of 11 Bucks for lunch.

His waitress Suddenly
forgot how to add and subtract.

NOBODY Thanks and Rewards these folks so
they Tried to THANK Drake BACK.


Glenn January 28, 2017 09:45 PM

Robert Uses Flirt Tipping at The Printer
Thanks Tom,

ROBERTS TESTIMONIAL - with his written permission - (I did change his name - of course.)

Hey Glenn,

Sir it has been amazing experiencing the joy that people get to receive an unexpected gift.

What makes it even more awesome is it's from a stranger.
But the receiving part for me doesn't stop there I am receiving 10 fold returns on my giving.

So today I need to get some copies made 16 pages I meant black and white copies but the store employee made me 16 color prints. I am sure this was a mistake but she decided to just give me the copies and only charge me the price for black and white.

Here is the difference $.10/page BW copies compared to $.59/page Color that is 10x the lottery tickets I have been giving. As a thank you reward to the employee I give her a lotto ticket. I hope she won some money.

Thanks so much Glenn my life is changing right in front of me.


Glenn January 28, 2017 09:49 PM

Network Marketer Takes Client to Lunch & FLIRT TIPS In Front of Him
Thanks Tom,


How Robert is using
LOTTO Ticket Flirt Tipping
to Build his MLM Business

Step I - Robert got 25.00 worth of 1.00 LOTTO tickets

Step II - Invited a Prospect to join him for lunch at ________ Restaurant in Georgia.

Step III - After they were seated Robert turned to his prospect and said, "Follow me and Watch This!"

Step IV - Without asking PERMISSION Robert walked thru the double swinging
doors into the kitchen. Spotted 3 men and 1 woman CHEFS.

Step V - In a Loud VOICE said, "Happy New Year. I want to THANK You and
REWARD you for Doing Such a Great Job Cooking my Food.

Step VI - And He walked up and down the VERY SLIPPERY FLOOR (Robert said
OSHA would Have a heart attack about the Slimey - slippery cement floor) and
SMILED BIG, shook hands And Gave each cook - 2 LOTTO tickets saying, "I hope

Step VII - Then Robert Turned and Went Back to his table - Gave HALF of his
remaining LOTTO tickets to his Guest And said, "Whenever I hand a LOTTO ticket
to a waitress - YOU FOLLOW and Give her one too, OK?"

In The Following 30 Minutes they met:

3 Smiling Waitresses who each GOT LOTTO tickets.

The MANAGER brought them butter.

And every single staffer in the place SMILED and Said "HI" when they walked past
Roberts Table.


#1 - Robert showed his bill to his Guest. The waitress added Wrong and gave him
a 5.00 DISCOUNT.

#2 - A Grinning Chef Came out to Thank Robert - he won 2 bucks

#3 - Roberts Guest Said, "WOW, I want to work with you!" And signed up as a Distributor.

Glenn Osborn

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