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Glenn January 8, 2013 05:11 PM

Roger Discovers HAT STRETCHER and Breaks Sales Records
Happy New Year,

Roger majored in Psychology in college.

Unlike most.

Roger USES what he learned.

Roger tells me he was at a Red Light. Looked up to see a bus full of pretty
girls giggling down at him.

So he followed the bus.

A security guard stops him at the gate to "AdventureLand" - some giant theme park.

Roger finds out all of the coeds on the bus are Employees. Since Roger is Not. He can't come in.

So he fills out a job application. Says, "I can sell anything."

And the Unpleasant Personnel Director says, "Ok, SmartAss. You'll be selling baseball caps on the midway. Everybody has failed at that booth for the past
3 years."

Roger discovers all his new girlfriends are walking around as BUNNY WABBITS.

Or Giant Mice or
Bears or
Dogs and
or Giant RATS. Wearing 3 and 4 foot wide Heads. Furry cloth bodies and huge floppy FEET.

But Roger starts Flirting despite the outfits.
Which the coeds LOVE because nobody else is treating them as women.

Roger Invites coeds back to his booth during their breaks. Feeds them
IcedTea, iceCream, Hot Dogs and Hamburgers by REACHING thru an EyeHole
in their Giant Mascot Masks.


So Roger starts selling Baseball caps. He quickly finds out WHY former hat
salespeople failed. The hats are so cheap the sizes can't be adjusted.

So Roger starts Experimenting. Tugging and pulling.


Roger invents the HAT STRETCHER.

He starts selling hats like crazy. Empties the tent. Empties the back storage
room. They bring in a small truckload. Gone.

Soon they are bringing in semi-trailer loads of hats.

Roger has developed a GAME he plays while flirting with all of his FURRY GIANT ANIMAL Costumed Girlfriends.

When sales get slow.

Roger Tips one of his Girlfriends over. Flat on the ground. Yells for "HELP!"
Laura The Mouse Needs Help to Stand up." Eight or ten men gather around
to lift and lever her rolly-polly body back vertical.

Takes off her Head.

And Proceeds - with much audience laughter - to Blackmail each girl to kiss
the buyer of a Hat - in order to get her GIANT FAT FURRY HEAD put BACK on.

Lots of pictures taken of each coed
going down a row of men and women
kissing them on the cheek - while Stuffed in all but the head of a GIANT
FROG Costume.


Are you Curious about the HAT STRETCHER?

3 Hats are too small. Won't fit. So Roger goes in the back of the tent -
where he keeps his HAT STRETCHER.
Puts his foot in one end of the hat. Pulls and Breaks some of the elastic
around the hat band.

Thousands of hats sold - never a complaint.

Glenn Osborn

Glenn January 9, 2013 06:10 PM

Woman Makes 100K A Mo MLM w/Legal BLACKMAIL
Happy New Year,

I met a lady grossing 1.2 million a year with a Hobby MLM Business.

Barbara owns 3 Independent Pharmacies in Colorado.

She told me it all happened by accident.

After signing up to an MLM she began pitching the wgt loss, vitamins,
skin care products to professional salespeople while They were trying
to sell HER drugs and supplies for her 3 stores.

ONE Salesman said, "Ok, what about this. I'll sign up to your MLM if you
Switch your ABC product line purchases from XYZ company to ME."

This got Barbara thinking.

After some testing she changed what she says to Salesmen.

NOW she says, "You're already buying vitamins, cleaning products, Hair and
skin care and other products. Sign up to this MLM and You'll Benefit THREE

Way I - I'll buy your line of Beauty Supplies instead of Joe Smith's.

Way II - I'll sign up other salespeople who come in a pester me by the 100's
Under you - so you make 1000's a month for doing nothing.

Way III - I'll introduce you to other Pharmacy owners. I know dozens
because we meet at Trade Events and call and swap vendors. You can
be one of those I endorse.

Barbara says she never had to leave her office to make 100K a mo
this way.

Amazing what people discover by trying new selling ideas.

Glenn Osborn

Glenn January 9, 2013 07:19 PM

Jim Straw Extra Mile - The GOOFY WAY Ned Saved His Job
Happy New Year,

Dunno how many people have noticed that a pre-requisite for making
munny the Jim-Straw-way is the HABIT of Going-the-Extra-Mile.

You cannot set up Finder or joint venture deals without giving away Extra Information.

First - Here's a way of Reverse Thinking this so as to set up
Guaranteed Places to REFER clients OR Do JV Deals so you get paid.

Step I - Assume if you refer a client you won't get paid.

Step II - BAsed on that Assumption - you pre-Qualify BEFORE you Spend Your Valuable time and that of your prospect. Double Check BEFORE U Refer.

You call up and say, "I have Several Prospects I want to REFER to your
company. So could you Please Describe your P aid Referral System OR
Send me a copy."


If they hem and haw and stutter - MOVE ON.

Step III - If they do not ALREADY have a System for p aying you - they
ARE NOT GOING to Start one just for you. Hang up and call the next one.

TO SAY IT AGAIN - You Will NOT Get Paid Unless The Company you REFER
to already has a System in place.

SO. ASK before you damage your Relationship with the person you want to refer.

GO-The-Extra-Mile CASE STUDY -

Ned Got a Job as a Software Programmer
But Was Afraid He'd Get Fired.

I asked him a few questions.

Ned went off to Get the Answers.

Came back to report his company has a BIG Problem with client who DELAY PAYMENT.

I asked, "Would you get into trouble if you sent them a REMINDER Letter?"

Ned wrote some kind of software program
that kicks out the late paying customer list - and sends it to him.

By sending out 10 or 15 letters a week
Ned Reports he has cut LATE PAYMENTS down by 40%.


"GREAT" I told Ned.

"Now you have job security."

A - "You can ASK your company to pay you EXTRA to boost on-time

B - "You can STOP Mailing Reminders - and have Zero Leverage IF you get fired.

C - You can Continue boosting On-Time-Payments by 40% so that IF
they lay you off - You can THREATEN to stop mailing your MAGIC LETTERS.

"Which will cost them Millions a year in lost interest alone.

Shy fellow that Ned is - he chose option C.

Glenn Osborn

Dien Rice January 10, 2013 06:00 PM

Toll positions and job security...

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 32351)
"GREAT" I told Ned.

"Now you have job security."

A - "You can ASK your company to pay you EXTRA to boost on-time

B - "You can STOP Mailing Reminders - and have Zero Leverage IF you get fired.

C - You can Continue boosting On-Time-Payments by 40% so that IF
they lay you off - You can THREATEN to stop mailing your MAGIC LETTERS.

"Which will cost them Millions a year in lost interest alone.

Shy fellow that Ned is - he chose option C.

Glenn Osborn

Thanks again, Glenn! As usual, great information!

Getting job security is not always 100% possible. However, I think the best way is to make yourself indispensable and as irreplaceable as possible - like Ned in Glenn's case study.

I think about it in terms of "toll positions." You can possibly get a "toll position" in your work (if you are employed). Ned got himself a kind of "toll position" in Glenn's case study above. It's not always easy, but sometimes it is possible.

Thanks Glenn for more entrepreneurial-brain-stimulating stuff! :)

Best wishes,


axis99 September 21, 2013 04:15 PM

Re: Jim Straw passed away on Dec. 3, 2012
Readers might want to look at this, don't know if legitimate look at third paragraph under civil proceedings.

Dien Rice September 21, 2013 10:20 PM

Re: Jim Straw passed away on Dec. 3, 2012

Originally Posted by axis99 (Post 33217)
Readers might want to look at this, don't know if legitimate look at third paragraph under civil proceedings.

Of course, Jim Straw is not here any more to speak for himself...

I had a look into this, to the degree I can...

The main claim by the SEC against First American Bank Limited (FABL), which Jim Straw was part of at the time, seems to be the claim that information given to investors was false or misleading ("misrepresentations and omissions"). [1]

There is a journal called the Blue Sky Law Reporter, which comments on state securities law cases. They reported on this case. Unfortunately, I can only see snippets of their report (via Google Books).

The Blue Sky Law Reporter reported the following.

"Mr. Straw also answered the Security Bureau's allegations of fraud arguing that no investor has lost money and that he had pledged his own assets to guarantee his depositors' accounts." [2]

Another sentence says...

"Mr. Straw produced a document of trust placing all his assets, present and future, in trust for the benefit of depositors of FABL upon his death; upon the voluntary liquidation of the bank; or upon the governing body regulating the bank entering an order of insolvency against the bank." [2]

Another interesting passage from the Blue Sky Law Reporter is the following.

"In this particular instance, this Administrative Law Judge must agree with Mr. Straw. The analysis would be different if these savings accounts or certificates of deposit were valued in gold or a foreign currency whose value could fluctuate with the market, but here it is evident that these securities do not have a value beyond that of the money the depositor places in them and the steady accumulation of interest. The securities by their nature are not subject to resale at a quick profit due to some increase in value for reasons other than further deposits of the investor. To adhere to Mr. Long's test would be to sacrifice substance to form." [2]

Anyhow, this complicated comment (which I don't fully understand) suggests that this is may possibly not have been a cut-and-dried case, at least not in all its aspects.

Since there were no monetary damages awarded against him (as the damages were waived) [1][3], it probably made no sense to appeal, since that would have cost a lot of money in itself (even if he ended up winning).

It sounds like no investors lost any money, and maybe that's also partly why there seems to have been no effective penalty either, as far as I can see (except that they had to close down the bank).

I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps put it down to a venture that didn't quite go as planned.

Just some thoughts.

Best wishes,


[1] - see under "Civil Action Filed Against Harry Hone"


[3] September 21, 2013 10:33 PM

Re: Jim Straw passed away on Dec. 3, 2012
Dien beat me to it.

axis99 September 22, 2013 12:19 PM

Re: Jim Straw passed away on Dec. 3, 2012
Complex case. Thanks for your comments.

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