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unpinkpanther May 29, 2017 02:52 PM

Excuse me while I wait for...
Thanks Glenn.

Excuse me while I wait for my head to STOP spinning!

I was looking at how to attract potential endorsers (I particularly liked the Taylor Swift case studies)

It seems you assumed I'm the potential endorser.


I guess I'll have to read what you said IN REVERSE, to get the viewpoint of the potential endorsee.

Or how could you help clarify that?

Thank you


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 38175)
Thanks UnPink,

YOU ASKED - "From your experience, what would you say are 3 critical factors for a successful endorsement?

My Answer starts with -


You the ENDORSER have to PRE-HEAT Yourself to both parties.


Here is a bit of my Personal PRE-HEAT:

A - I give away 1/2 b*illion of proven s*ales Case Studies at my archive

B - And when folks SUBSCRIBE to my F-r-e-e *New Idea Testing Ezine*
I credential myself More Personally with a INTRO LETTER like the following:


Thanks for joining my World-wide Mastermind Braintrust
where we combine BRAINS to figure out how to make moolah
from INVISIBLE PERSUASION Methods used to Take our munny
by self made B*illionaires.

I'm talking Powerful NLP and Psychological Systems
that are INVISIBLE to most.

I've been interviewing and working with 100's of self made m*illioniare
entrepreneurs since 1989.

I p*aid 15K to go to 15 of Jay Abrahams PROTEGE Bootcamps
in order to meet AFFLUENT Sm Biz owners.

I P*aid once - then s*old 1.2 Mil of seminar seats and bartered to go to the other 14 events by using NLP I P*aid 426 Mil Mentor Walter Hailey 44K to learn.

You can help me Send You PERSONALIZED Moolah making ideas
by answering - TWO QUICK QUESTIONS:

QUESTION #1 - Which Moolah making hobby do you want to Find Out About?


A - I have several Hobbies that gross 1000's a yr.

I - Do you own a house? - (I can GIFT you 1 to 3k Right here and now that I and other VIP Inner Circle members use.)

II - Do you shop for food?

Another hobby makes me 2K a yr - Double or triple that for families

III - Do you eat at Restaurants or go thru fast food lines?

You can Make LITERALLY 5K-15K extra
with my new "Nuclear NLP Flirt System"

WHICH also has the Benefit of ATTRACTING new clients and positive people to you.
QUESTION #2 - Do you work a job or own a business?

***BUSINESS And S*ALES Related Strategies -

Email me Back ALSO with the answer to THIS QUESTION
which will help me sift thru my other Proven Moolah making ideas on your behalf.

***What do you ENJOY MOST About the idea of Making Extra
Moolah at home or at work --INVISIBLE to others?

Glenn Osborn
M*illionaire Mastermind Marketing Assoc.
Rentamentor Network
Master of Ceremonies at the B*illionaire Watching Club

Glenn May 31, 2017 12:49 PM

Seth Godin Has ONE Answer to Your Question
Thanks UNPink,

(THANK YOU Seth Godin.)

I've made a LOT of moolah for small Biz Clients with one of his ideas.

Seth Godin calls people who REFER you the most business "SUPER - SNEEZERS."

Comparing REFERRALS to the FLU.

Your Best Clients
are the ones who SNEEZE on the most prospects FOR YOU.

BEFORE You are Ready to be ENDORSED by others.

STEP I is to get ready for Referrals.

Seth says you want to GIVE AWAY a small system (HandOut) to make it easier
for your Super Sneezers to REFER you Customers.

Clients with ONE PAGE.

Some people I've Created a ONE PAGE REFERRAL SYSTEM
for - who have turned it into their Business are -

Car Saleswoman
Do-it-yourself-Home Repairman
Website Creator
Physical Therapist
Mortgage Broker

ONE PAGE contains -

Side A - Before and After Photo
Side B - Credentials and Testimonials (Referral to a Dedicated Website)


So Question #1 is:

What do you have that others can ENDORSE to their Lists?


Q #2 - What Simple System (s) do you have ready
to Do all the work FOR Each Endorser?

(EDITORS NOTE - For Example - I was just approached to help S*ell a New Series
Of Jay Abraham Videos he did in Asia. Cuz I s*old 1.2 Mil of his Protege Tapes
and seminar seats in the 1990's. BUT - I used a ONE PAGE List of 7 figure Bullet Headlines to do it Last time.

(And THIS TIME I was not allowed to listen to the Program
to Create my ONE PAGE Of Bullets. Which Gary Halbert says do ALL the S*elling.
My Method is to send a CUSTOM Page of Headlines - Followed up by a phone call. Then Actually SHOW the prospect how to make Extra Moolah. So I said, "No Thanks.)


P.S. - IF You Have #1 - A Product or a Service or something else. I can
help you answer Question #2.

Glenn May 31, 2017 12:55 PM

You Hit The Nail on The Head Ron-Glenn
Thanks Ron,


I had a client who used to do PR for Corporations before he started
working for himself.

One Company he worked for
a GIANT Photo Biz - which is now Gone. (BIG SURPRISE.)

He went from building to building to learn what he could write about
to do his PR thing.

Found a Prostitition Ring - Using Pretty Employees -
being run out of one hi-rise office building.

He QUIT soon afterwards.

I'd LOVE to have been able to interview the MANAGER of that building!

Either she was IN on it.

Ran it himself.


WHATEVER the case he or she would be AMAZING to watch in action.


unpinkpanther June 1, 2017 01:41 AM

Glenn, this has to be the best birthday gift in years...
…Thanks, Glenn!

You posted this on my birthday and it has helped crystallize my thinking.

What I have is a "HOTSHEET", actually a newsletter patterned along J F Jim Straw's now defunct Worldwide Business Exchange.

This e-newsletter focusses on business opportunities, listing "AVAILABLEs" and "WANTEDs".

(Between us, it's also a way to build my network of business contacts)

The subscriber base is low now (I barely just launched) and I believe with the right endorsement, it can take off.

So how would you answer the second question?


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 38184)
Thanks UNPink,


P.S. - IF You Have #1 - A Product or a Service or something else. I can
help you answer Question #2.

Dien Rice June 1, 2017 07:38 AM

One thing I LOVE about this system Glenn shared is...

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 38184)
Seth says you want to GIVE AWAY a small system (HandOut) to make it easier
for your Super Sneezers to REFER you Customers.

Clients with ONE PAGE.

Some people I've Created a ONE PAGE REFERRAL SYSTEM
for - who have turned it into their Business are -

Car Saleswoman
Do-it-yourself-Home Repairman
Website Creator
Physical Therapist
Mortgage Broker

ONE PAGE contains -

Side A - Before and After Photo
Side B - Credentials and Testimonials (Referral to a Dedicated Website)

Thanks Glenn!

One thing I love about your system is... It's so simple...

Many systems are far too complex. Virtually nobody can do it, it's like to trying to do brain surgery. A system that nobody can do is useless...

But yours solves this problem, and virtually anybody can do it... :)

Best wishes!


P.S. When I run out of ideas, I skim through Glenn's website, email newsletters, and posts... :)

Glenn June 5, 2017 05:30 PM

Finding an Endorser Requires you stand in 3 Pairs of Shoes
Thanks UnPink,



So Question #1 is:

What do you have that others can ENDORSE to their Lists?


Q #2 - What Simple System (s) do you have ready
to Do all the work FOR Each Endorser?

Endorsement EMPATHY - 3 sets of shoes Perspective

***1st pair of shoes - Why would anyone WANT to order your Hotsheet?

Have YOU made moolah with it?

Anyone Else?


***2nd pair of shoes - Anyone who ENDORSES your HotSheet to their list.

What's in it for them?

How does your Hot Sheet help their customers?

***3rd Pair of Shoes - Seth Godin has this right.

YOU have to do all the work.
Test it.
THEN contact an Endorser.

A - S*ales letter

B - Testimonials from happy Hot Sheet Users

C - Case Studies of how YOU, Clients, other Endorsers and their Customers
have benefitted

An Example of ENDORSEMENT I wrote about in my F-r-e-e Ezine.

Lady CPA hates her water bottle in 2010.
(A 6 B*illion a yr trend in Water Bottle Biz - WHO KNEW? I use a Thermos)

Hires an ARTIST to Design a fancy water bottle.

After she has 6 Designs and starts her company.
OPRAH's magazine CONTACTS HER and wants to do an article.

FRANTIC - She Gets a Couple Dozen MORE Designs done.

THEN Does the article for "O Magazine."

Meetings with Hi End Retailers over the next few years.

2010 to 2017 her Designer water bottle biz has zoomed to 100 m*llion a yr.


P.S. - You Understand how "O" Magazine let this lady CPA stand in all
3 Sets of Shoes ALL AT SAME TIME?

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