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insurpro100 June 11, 2013 05:07 PM

Skip Rosell
Last night I purchased Skip Rosell's Craigslist Manual but the link would not open up. I've bought something from him before & everything was fine. I tried emailing the two email address I had, the one of the emails I have I don't know if it was a affiliate.

This manual Gordon Jay Alexander recommended it. I know Skip is on here every so often, does anybody have a correct email. I put a dispute in with paypal but really not looking for my money back just looking for a workable link or PDF.


Ankesh June 12, 2013 01:24 AM

Re: Skip Rosell
Thank you for pinging for Skip on this forum.
Give him a couple of days - he should reply.

Skip Rosell June 15, 2013 12:06 PM

Re: Skip Rosell
Sorry for the delay. I found out 3 months ago I am loaded with cancer. With "Key-Mo" it makes doing business hard.

I have sent your report via PM. I also included a free report for your troubles.

That is why I'm selling off all my reports, sites, etc.

Best of success,
Skip Rosell

MMacGillivray June 15, 2013 12:15 PM

Re: Skip Rosell
Hi, Skip - so sorry to hear about your cancer - I hope the chemo's doing its stuff properly even if it's making you feel poorly just now.

Kind regards

Robert J. June 15, 2013 07:25 PM

Re: Skip Rosell
Skip, I am very sorry to hear about your physical challenge. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you as you fight this battle.

You are a true gentleman and a kind soul, and I am betting on your tenacity giving the Big C a hell of a battle! Sending along my prayers to help the cause.

LindaC June 16, 2013 10:18 AM

Re: Skip Rosell
Hi Skip,
LindaC here.

Really sorry to here you are fighting a bout with cancer.
Don't give up. Never stop fighting.

And, if you are a religious person, pray. I believe there is
great healing power in prayer.

If possible, let us fellow form members know of your progress.

Over the years I for one have enjoyed and appreciated yourj
Postings here at the forum.

As for myself, like others here at the forum, I suffer with diabetes.

I try to eat right, take my medications, move as much as
possible, positive thinking and prayer. However, there are times
when this approach is not enough.

Not to discourage you from your plan of action in dealing with your cancer

Stay positive. And, persevere to endure.

My Best 2 U,

Randy June 16, 2013 11:10 AM

Re: Skip Rosell
Skip thank you for letting us know what is going on in your life brother. This gives us an opportunity to know how to pray for you and I am praying for your healing. Prayer does change things when we believe ... and I for one do believe and thank Him for answered prayers. Cancer is but a small thing to God. He is much bigger than that and anything else we may encounter in life.

Skip I just want to thank you for who you have been to me as well as to all of us who have had the pleasure to know you through the years. You have always been very generous with your ideas and concepts to help us find ways that are right for us to either earn a living or open the doors to additional income sources. We can all us a little more income these days.

More importantly thank you for just being a friend since I have known you. We haven't talked often but whenever we have talked either here, by email, or by the phone ... you have from the very beginning acted as though we had been friends for years. That is a very rare trait and I have appreciated that about you. I'm looking forward to many more years of friendship and wisdom that I have come to enjoy from you my friend.

Keep in touch with us Skip.


Phil June 17, 2013 02:49 AM

Re: Skip Rosell
Perfectly said by many of your Good ol' SowPub friends here!

We are all Praying for you Skip for a very successful recovery and continued good health as quickly as possible...

One of the Very Best Idea Generators throughout the Years on SowPubs... :)

Those visiting and reading, please Support Skip Rosell in whatever ways you can...

Skip, please take care, I know these times are extremely difficult...

Many of us have friends and family that have all been touched in some way by these terrible illnesses including Cancer...

Everybody! Please do your Best to Help support different Cancer fundraising programs to Hopefully one day have those Much needed cures and solutions for everyone affected with Cancer related illnesses...

Skip, please try your best to let us know how you're are doing.

Praying for much better days into the Very near Future...

We all want to Hear much more about your Fresh new ideas and much more positive News once you start feeling better... :cool:

All the best for a Positive recovery!

You'll be in our thoughts Daily, Wishing only the best for you, your friends, especially for all your family members...

Take care,

Dien Rice June 17, 2013 04:47 PM

Re: Skip Rosell
Hi Skip,

I want to echo what everyone else has said here. You are in my prayers (personally, I do believe in the power of prayer).

I am also very grateful for all you have shared over the years. Let me know if I can help with anything...

- Dien

insurpro100 June 17, 2013 05:00 PM

Re: Skip Rosell
Just to let everybody know I did receive what I ordered on Friday. I appreciate Skip sending me the info considering what he is going through.

Hope all gets better Skip!

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