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SteveSki June 3, 2017 06:37 AM

How a 33-year-old turned $200 into $1 million in 92 days...
Waren Buffet says "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Thanks to Facebook Ads and Drop Shipping this 33-year old found a way to turn $200 into $1 Million in 92 Days selling Kevlar Pants... It's an interesting case study.

What's the best product to sell online or offline? It's the one people buy over and over again each month, year after year!

BTW... I can show you something similar that anyone can start for 199.00

I can't promise you will make $1 million in 92 Days but I can tell you that 96% of those who try the products will continue to buy month after month for years to come. And I can show you how my mentor was able to get 1000 customers in the last 90 days using a free Facebook Marketing Strategy.

If you have great products that people want at reasonable prices you can create a $50,000 per month Passive Income Stream from 1000 customers.

If you want more details PM me and I'll send you a link to an 11-minute video.


unpinkpanther June 3, 2017 10:29 AM

Thanks Steve...
Thanks for sharing this, Steve.

Good ol' Warren Buffett! I love that quote.

Like all case studies, one still has to look out for specific points to tweak to suit one's peculiar needs.

I agree with the young man on the power of Facebook Ads; though I'm still looking for ways to generate SALES and not "Likes"

(If only I could monetize all my Facebook "Likes"...)

I've sent you a PM; I'm interested in the FREE Facebook marketing strategy. I hope to get more details from the 11-minute video.



Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 38189)
Waren Buffet says "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Thanks to Facebook Ads and Drop Shipping this 33-year old found a way to turn $200 into $1 Million in 92 Days selling Kevlar Pants...

I can show you how my mentor was able to get 1000 customers in the last 90 days using a free Facebook Marketing Strategy.


Dien Rice June 4, 2017 05:14 AM

Thanks Steve for sharing the million-dollar kevlar pants story...

Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 38189)
Waren Buffet says "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Thanks to Facebook Ads and Drop Shipping this 33-year old found a way to turn $200 into $1 Million in 92 Days selling Kevlar Pants... It's an interesting case study.

What's the best product to sell online or offline? It's the one people buy over and over again each month, year after year!

BTW... I can show you something similar that anyone can start for 199.00

I can't promise you will make $1 million in 92 Days but I can tell you that 96% of those who try the products will continue to buy month after month for years to come. And I can show you how my mentor was able to get 1000 customers in the last 90 days using a free Facebook Marketing Strategy.

If you have great products that people want at reasonable prices you can create a $50,000 per month Passive Income Stream from 1000 customers.

If you want more details PM me and I'll send you a link to an 11-minute video.

Thanks Steve for sharing the inspirational kevlar pants story!

I'm not able to watch the video right now (I'm on my laptop in a cafe, and I find it hard to listen to things when I'm "out and about"), but I look forward to checking out the video at home... :)

Best wishes,


SteveSki June 4, 2017 05:51 AM

Re: Thanks Steve for sharing the million-dollar kevlar pants story...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 38192)
Thanks Steve for sharing the inspirational kevlar pants story!

I'm not able to watch the video right now (I'm on my laptop in a cafe, and I find it hard to listen to things when I'm "out and about"), but I look forward to checking out the video at home... :)

Best wishes,


Hi Dien, Near the bottom of that page is a link to another video title "This 24-year-old made $345,000 in 2 months by beating Kickstarters to market"


SteveSki June 4, 2017 06:20 AM

Re: Thanks Steve...

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38190)
Thanks for sharing this, Steve.

Good ol' Warren Buffett! I love that quote.

Like all case studies, one still has to look out for specific points to tweak to suit one's peculiar needs.

I agree with the young man on the power of Facebook Ads; though I'm still looking for ways to generate SALES and not "Likes"

(If only I could monetize all my Facebook "Likes"...)

I've sent you a PM; I'm interested in the FREE Facebook marketing strategy. I hope to get more details from the 11-minute video.


Link is in the PM I sent you. And you are right...Likes don't amount to much at all...What you want are comments/post engagement... not likes.

If you want more info after viewing the video just let me know and I'll send you the next one. It's a bit longer... about 28 minutes.


Glenn June 5, 2017 06:13 PM

Hows Life Down Under Steve?
Thanks Steve,

Here is the part of the article I liked best.


Like Fran Tarkenton - providing all the game programs for F_R_E_E
to all the teams.

Then S*ELLING the Advertising.


Inspired by his experience dealing with products sourced from China, Chapman is also co-managing a new start-up. With his brother-in-law, Chapman launched a shipping logistics company last year that uses ***free space on commuter flights, mostly those of Delta Airlines, to ship from Asia to the U.S. for less than bulk shippers. Its latest customer? Another online retailer called Amazon.***

The business is on track to do $10 million in its first year. As with his old business, the workload is largely outsourced to a team.

SteveSki June 6, 2017 08:26 PM

Re: Hows Life Down Under Steve?

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 38200)
Thanks Steve,

Here is the part of the article I liked best.


Like Fran Tarkenton - providing all the game programs for F_R_E_E
to all the teams.

Then S*ELLING the Advertising.


Inspired by his experience dealing with products sourced from China, Chapman is also co-managing a new start-up. With his brother-in-law, Chapman launched a shipping logistics company last year that uses ***free space on commuter flights, mostly those of Delta Airlines, to ship from Asia to the U.S. for less than bulk shippers. It's latest customer? Another online retailer called Amazon.***

The business is on track to do $10 million in its first year. As with his old business, the workload is largely outsourced to a team.

Hi Glenn, Life is good... I appreciate it even more after spending 2 moths in the Royal Brisbane Hospital (21 days in ICU on Kidney dialysis) in Feb/March of 2015. Caused me to make some changes to my lifestyle that are finally beginning to pay off... You gotta keep sowing seeds and tend to the garden daily to reap a good harvest... Hope you are doing well. I'll have to give you a call soon.

Yes, the shipping deals are brilliant. I was trying to figure out how the Hugh canvas waIl portraits I get made in China costs less to ship to Australia than it costs to mail a small paperback book to a town located less than an hours drive from me.


Glenn June 7, 2017 09:28 PM

What Foods Do Your Kidneys DISLIKE?
Thanks Steve,

I've used my World wide mastermind network to find and test
ideas from many different Fields and many different "Experts."

2 ideas which might help you
if you want to Try them.

1 -Found a Natural Health product
which strengthens Natural immune system so I never get sick. 25 yrs so far without a cold or flu.

2 - Found and improved The 5 Tibetan Rites
AND Improved Rite #6 -
Which allows you to ABSORB Chi
Energy day by day
so I am Feeling Stronger and looking younger.

I couldn't S*ell the info
Cuz it took Weeks before You FELT BETTER. But My Improvements take effect in 24 hrs. So now bUyers are happy.

QUESTION - What are you doing Differently to TAKE CARE of your kidneys?

(EDITORS NOTE - The Reason Why I ask. I know NOTHING about this.
Cuz at age 50 I was FORCED by arthritis pain
to become a vegetarian. A GOOD thing for my health. But tough to shop or
eat in Restaurants when you are Allergic to Flour and Tomatoes and potatoes.



SteveSki June 10, 2017 12:29 AM

Re: What Foods Do Your Kidneys DISLIKE?
Thanks Steve,

I've used my World wide mastermind network to find and test
ideas from many different Fields and many different "Experts."

2 ideas which might help you
if you want to Try them.

1 -Found a Natural Health product
which strengthens Natural immune system so I never get sick. 25 yrs so far without a cold or flu.

2 - Found and improved The 5 Tibetan Rites
AND Improved Rite #6 -
Which allows you to ABSORB Chi
Energy day by day
so I am Feeling Stronger and looking younger.

I couldn't S*ell the info
Cuz it took Weeks before You FELT BETTER. But My Improvements take effect in 24 hrs. So now bUyers are happy.

QUESTION - What are you doing Differently to TAKE CARE of your kidneys?

(EDITORS NOTE - The Reason Why I ask. I know NOTHING about this.
Cuz at age 50 I was FORCED by arthritis pain
to become a vegetarian. A GOOD thing for my health. But tough to shop or
eat in Restaurants when you are Allergic to Flour and Tomatoes and potatoes.


Hi Glenn, My Kidneys are working fine... I was struck down with a really nasty antibiotic resistant bacteria superbug. Everyone thought I was going to die (including me) when my kidneys shut down and 18 pockets of puss formed in my lungs. So in addition to daily kidney dialysis, they had to cut into both sides of my chest in a fruitless attempt to drain my lungs.

The bacteria lives on everyone's skin, it usually isn't a problem unless it somehow manages to get into your bloodstream. Nicked my neck shaving... that let the little buggers in.

I wear a beard now because it could be healthy...

But all is well again!

I think was saved me was I was in pretty good shape when it happened so I had to endure the incredible pain and hang on for days while the doctor tried different combinations of antibiotics.

It was wake up call... now I don't give a Rat's A$$ anymore....

Made me realise how precious, short and wonderful life is.

So yes, money is not as important anymore it's about helping others and creating a great lifestyle and practising healthy habits... Stop Eating Junk, Exercise Daily, Give back to your community, Stay socially involved, take time everyday to meditate and smell the flowers!

I was having a lot of pain in my hips but daily walking and yoga have eliminated 98% of it. And part of my daily yoga routine is doing the Five Tibetan Rites. Would love to know more about your improvement to the Five Tibetan Rites.

Have you read "Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth?

Have You Found The Business Opportunity That Is Going To Take Care Of You And Your Family For Life? Or, Are You Still Looking?

Dien Rice June 10, 2017 11:26 PM

Thanks Steve... My brother also went through quite an ordeal a couple years ago...

Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 38213)
[size="4"]Hi Glenn, My Kidneys are working fine... I was struck down with a really nasty antibiotic resistant bacteria superbug. Everyone thought I was going to die (including me) when my kidneys shut down and 18 pockets of puss formed in my lungs. So in addition to daily kidney dialysis, they had to cut into both sides of my chest in a fruitless attempt to drain my lungs.

The bacteria lives on everyone's skin, it usually isn't a problem unless it somehow manages to get into your bloodstream. Nicked my neck shaving... that let the little buggers in.

I wear a beard now because it could be healthy...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing... Wow, you've been through quite an ordeal...

A couple of years ago, one of my brothers got meningitis. We were very worried, because meningitis is often deadly.

In hospital, they tried a lot of different medications with him, while they were trying to figure out what kind of meningitis he had. Eventually, they figured it out, and were able to give him the right medication, and (thankfully) he recovered. As I said, we were all extremely worried...

I'm type 2 diabetic, which causes a lot of problems. However, I sure live a lot more healthily than I used to... I eat better, exercise regularly, which I never used to do. However, it also occurred to me that I lived a high stress lifestyle, so I've now made efforts to cut down on the stress. (I also just recently decided to cut out coffee, as caffeine actually stimulates cortisol, your body's stress hormone.)

I didn't know about "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth"... Thanks, I'll check it out!

Best wishes,


Glenn June 11, 2017 02:31 PM

I Set a Humane Trap for a Groundhog - Caught a Raccoon
Thanks Steve,

I have two MAMA Groundhogs and 3 babies running around.

When they walk onto the porch.

Eat Grass and clover 6 feet from my front door -- it is war.
(They burrow under the house. A raccoon got into a neighbors
Dug Well and Drowned.)

Set a Humane Trap with cut up apples
where I chased away MAMA Groundhog.

Woke up this morning.

Looked out the Window.

Had a Young DUMBASS Raccoon in the trap. I gave him a scolding. Took
a Picture for my zine. Let him go.


P.S. - ABOUT THE 5 RITES - With the help of scores of Talented Entrepreneurs around the world I've been Slowly Testing and adding to and perfecting the 5 Rites.

Handed down over thousands of years
(No version I've tested) works Well or fast or Enough. (Now in 5 Minutes I am Feeling the MAGIC.)

IF you go on-line - literally 100's of folks have Their
"Take" on how to do it.

The Benefits if you do it CORRECTLY are:

A - You get Younger. (Not kidding. I have friends who ask strangers. "How old do you think Glenn is?")

B - You Feel Extra Energy.


D - RITE #6 - Allows you to SOAK Up or Skim Off - a little bit of Energy
every day and STORE it - like in a battery.


Too Much to Explain here
but Let me know what happens when you TRY -- PANTING For Extra Oxygen -- all thru Rite 1 thru 5.

And all thru Rite #6 -

The PANTING like a Dog Idea -- During Rite #6 - Lets you - As Napoleon Hill Calls it - SUBLIMATE And Absorb EXCESS Energy - so you can Use it later.

Napoleon Hill - the SOB
said, "It's almost impossible to succeed - based on my interviews with the
richest men in the world - unless you can SUBLIMATE your Energy."

But he never explained HOW to do that.

Took me 24 years but I figured
out something that works for me.

And Built an Totally NEW Website
around it.


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