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GordonJ April 6, 2012 06:48 PM

Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!


Phil April 6, 2012 08:24 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Hey Gordon...

Sure I'll Play the Game...

Send Me the Cheque through PayPal! ... :) 500 bux a day...

Quick one! ...

Everyone! ... EveryWhere needs to Eat and Stay Hydrated...

Off to Wheel and Deal! ... Seriously Negotiate... High Volume on the Go! ...

Below Wholesale and in Bulk...

Pizza Joint Venture(s)... Cross Promotions etc etc...

Maybe even Cashless Investments and Ideas here...

Pay as You Go... Business Ideas & Concepts! CIRCA 2012 business models...

Delivery included to Select Secret Locations...

Buying Fresh and Pipping Hot Pizza from the Best Known Pizzarias around...

Ice Cold Water and Assorted Soft Drink cans into the Swing of Things

''Twistable'' Business models of course...

Other Food related Specialties included...

Quick research to the {Hottest} Hotspots ''only'' Where Hungry Kids, Teenagers and People Hang-out...

And Everyone Must EAT! ...

Time to ''Wildly and Creatively'' Market High-end Pizza Slices only ... ;)

Other Cool Added Features and Bonus needs provided...

Well Sliced into Exceptionally ''Awesome'' Profits on A Daily Basis...

Depending on Traffic, Sales Volumes etc. Just might stay a few Extra Days

Or Setup these Babies! ... Well Managed & Into the Future! ...

No Permits required because We'll be out in A Flash... On to the Next City/Town to Duplicate & Improve those Good ol' Revenues & Money making ideas...

Maybe Not for Everybody! ... But it Surely Can and Does Work for Many Continually...

$$$$ Ongoing into their Bank Account when and When Not Money is Required in those Good ol' Bank Accounts...

Retire... Rehirement and Money making Needs & Wants... Problems Solved!

Extra, Especially {Fresh} Cut assorted ''Love'' Bunches of Flowers Next!

All the Best...


Cornell April 6, 2012 11:36 PM

Gordon...specifics please

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)

No support programs.


Please clarify "no support programs"

Also was I allowed to grab a bag under my feet or on the seat beside me as I fell out?


SteveSki April 7, 2012 05:29 AM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!


Well if I fell into town with my camera and laptop I would simply find the local shopping mall and would start approaching parents who were out shopping with their children and would introduce myself, show samples of the fantasy portraits I create and tell the parents if they could spare 15 minutes at the local park (or I'd find an indoor children's playground and shoot the images there) I would photograph their children... no charge... and let them choose their favorite image for free.

Then I would offer to sell them the extras and chances are good I would make $500 per family. I'd probably shoot several sessions by noon and I'd burn their digital negatives onto a CD and make a quick video for them with

That way they could make their own prints at the local digital photo lab. I'd show them my regular price list of $995 for the digital negatives but would offer to sell the disk to them for half price if they paid that day in cash. Otherwise I'd be forced to delete the images because I'm only in town today only.

This way they walk away with a really great deal with duplication rights to the images and I'd be off to repeat the process in another town the next day!



Duane Adolph April 7, 2012 10:53 AM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
HI Gordon,

Thanks for the Brainstorming session.

Something about your post reminds me of the old the Television Show Called Quantum Leap starring Scott Bakula. Where he kept jumping from one body to another and when his time was up. THAT WAS IT.

From our files over the years we've learned to

1. Get Clear On Your Target
2. Determine Your Resources/Assets etc.

So far #1 You've given us a clear target and time frame $500 Cash in pocket by 5pm that day.

It's #2 Resources/Assets That I'm trying to determine. So my quick question to you is. What if any resources DO we have to start with? at 8am?

Thanks Gordon

  • CASH: Do we have a cash float? If so how much?
  • COMMUNICATION: Do we have a cell phone? Internet Access?
  • TRANSPORTATION: Do we have access to a car? bus?

This might help frame the Ideas that are generated a little better. THANKS


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!


Dien Rice April 7, 2012 09:52 PM

One approach is this...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!

The broad strategy I would use is...

- Find businesses with "stored value."
- Do a deal to be able to unlock that stored value.
- Find someone to buy that stored value, or the right to use that stored value. (With more time, I may develop them myself, but given the time limit in Gordon's question, I'd sell them.)

(As Gordon has posted about before, "stored value" is a concept Harvey Brody teaches...)

One idea is, you may see a building which has a blank wall which cars can see from a busy street.

(For example, I can think of an old building I know of in my city with a blank side wall which faces a park. As cars drive along the street in the direction towards the blank wall, they can see the blank wall on the side of the building, because of the empty space next to the building due to the park.)

From the point of view of advertising, this blank wall which is visible from a busy street has "stored value."

You could then do a deal permitting you to put advertising on that wall for a year or two (and sign a contract with the building owner). Then, sell that right to put up advertising on that wall to someone else, who can then develop the idea (since you only have one day). (Check the city regulations regarding this first, as some cities apparently like to restrict such advertising.)

Another type of stored value is excess stock, etc. You can organize to buy this stock from the owner (or instead, write a contract where you pay a small amount to buy an option to buy the stock), and resell it at a profit. With a one day deadline, you'd probably want to sell it as a single lot. (Jim Straw made money doing this for years, and wrote the manual on it.)

Another one might be this. A local college has classes during the week - but on the weekend, their classrooms are empty. That's a kind of stored value. Can you do a deal to "broker" these empty classrooms on the weekend, for other people to use as a venue? If you can get a contract to do this with the college, you may be able to sell that right on to someone else (due to the one day time limit, you won't have time to develop this yourself).

The broad idea between these is actually the same. Find stored value assets, then do a deal to control, use, or own those assets, then sell it on to someone else (due to the time limit).

There are many different ways you can apply this general idea.

The main "problem" is that many of these deals could take more than a day to finalize.

Best wishes,


Phil April 8, 2012 01:38 AM

Recognizing & realizing stored value, [2001] Guess, Who said that over 10 Years ago?
Always interesting To Dig around a little...

With ''Secret'' undetectable Wifi internet and other Communication type tools, Photography related Equipment, Video's, Recognizing and Realizing stored value(s) etc. etc..., $500. A Day YouTubing ideas, Day after Day... ;)

How Things Have Changed in the Last Little While...

WhereEver and/from WhichEver Location, City, Town, Municipality(ies)...

Sure, As Long as All your Tools for Each Selected $500. A Day idea...

Simply! ... Fits All in that One Bag, fully Attached To Each Applicant's Entry, Landing, Creativity for that New and Up-And-Coming, Entrepreneurialism Reality show...

I'm sure it's Just about, All Documented, Ready and Approved somewhere in GJA's rules, regulations, To be Released Shortly or in the very Near Future! ...

Bet we'll be Seeing another ''Cool & Intriguing'' Publication/Report in one form of information or Another! ... [Hitting] SowPub News Stands and Entrepreneurialism related Marketplaces...

Before you Know it...

And, for those Willing to Accept the Inherent Risks, this 21st Century New Entrepreneurialism is Full of Opportunities. Digital Technologies are ... :cool:

Recognizing and realizing stored value....

All the Best...


GordonJ April 8, 2012 10:35 AM

Broaden the parameters of the brainstorming session...more realistic???

Originally Posted by Cornell (Post 30512)
Please clarify "no support programs"

Also was I allowed to grab a bag under my feet or on the seat beside me as I fell out?


No planes, for those not wanting nosebleeds.

How's this:

You are in your VW Camper VAN, you could pull a very small trailer, but, for the sake of this brainstorming aren't.

So, you can carry tools, or something to sell (small items, big price tags?)

And what I mean by NO support, the person (s) giving you the 500 bux won't be calling nor sending you email, you may never hear from them again...but you could.

So, nothing about building websites, or SEO or anything which requires support.

Either a product or a service, you drive into town, spend a few hours, get 500 cash NET profit...then stay if you want (perhaps you meet a cute redhead in the store, and feel compelled to spend some of your 500 bux buying her dinner...he.he. )

So, you have some room in the Van to carry whatever.


whatcha gonna do?

And Phil, I do have a list already...but the Objective of My Brainstorming Session is To Identify Ideas I May Have Missed.

I think I have the PERFECT PRODUCT...and I'll give a HINT...flash drive.

OK, anyone got something else...???????

THANKS to all who participated and who will.


GordonJ April 8, 2012 11:34 AM

Yes, you have a phone, a car or van...gas money...and whatever it is
you're going to sell, be it a service or a product.

Think of being in a VW Camper Van. You could pull a small trailer, lightly loaded.

You have a phone. Computer.

You CAN call ahead or SEND a letter ahead of your arrival.

You CAN have a website.

So, that broadens the ideas, right?



Originally Posted by Duane Adolph (Post 30515)
HI Gordon,

Thanks for the Brainstorming session.

Something about your post reminds me of the old the Television Show Called Quantum Leap starring Scott Bakula. Where he kept jumping from one body to another and when his time was up. THAT WAS IT.

From our files over the years we've learned to

1. Get Clear On Your Target
2. Determine Your Resources/Assets etc.

So far #1 You've given us a clear target and time frame $500 Cash in pocket by 5pm that day.

It's #2 Resources/Assets That I'm trying to determine. So my quick question to you is. What if any resources DO we have to start with? at 8am?

Thanks Gordon

  • CASH: Do we have a cash float? If so how much?
  • COMMUNICATION: Do we have a cell phone? Internet Access?
  • TRANSPORTATION: Do we have access to a car? bus?
This might help frame the Ideas that are generated a little better. THANKS

Cornell April 8, 2012 07:16 PM

here's one
Given that we are allowed a car and trailer that means we haven't been dropped into town totally destitute.

You might even call this a working vacation plan.

Using Arizona as an example target....I would have registered (which by the way is available and had the site prebuilt before the excursion.

Plan is to find tourist attractions....Upon entering town would stop and ask what there is to see locally...even out of the way and not necessarily big huge ones...and where are the good spots to eat.

Armed with laptop and a couple of premade demos would approach the local attractions and eateries and offer a 3-5 minute video to be placed on the web site. Local attraction should take about 1˝ hours max to video and restaurants about 1 hour. Attraction done between 10 and 11:30am (or if amusement type then at almost poeak period of the day), and restaurants just prior to lunch or supper time and part of the dinner time to capture customers actually eating.

Similarly I would approach hotels / motels with the same offer although doing these takes a little longer to shoot.

Video editing in afternoon or late afternoon depending on shooting time, and content write-up for the web page and finished video burned to DVD as master which is provided to business. Video and content added to website and then finished product presented at end of day if possible or next morning.

Because Gordon specified a one day income...just one video shoot a day and completed and presented same real time where no one day specification I would do 2 of them and present for payment next day and squeeze in one more video shoot on the second day and finished up by the end of the second day with a total of 3 done in 2 days. Then move on, or do some more in the area, or just kick back for a day or two and actually take in the local fare.

Fee structure would be recurring monthly payment of $67 per month ($804/year) or cash / credit card payment of $595 automatically recurring yearly.

As an enticement to close the deal throw in adding the finished video to and grandfathering them in for second year at $395, and all subsequent years at $295 (these would be automatically recurring passive income).

One could also negotiate free night stay and food as part of a reduction in package price at the hotels / motels.

If domain name is carefully selected and each web site was prepped properly with SEO then the site should be in number one or two position on google for the keywords.One could spend 2 -3 years traveling the US and getting well paid to do it.

Incidentally ....if I liked traveling I would do this in a heartbeat...but....34 years ago I spent a few years behind the wheel of a tractor trailer logging just over 750,000 commercial miles (having been through 46 states and all provinces in Canada)....and now I have absolutely no inclination to stray very far from this location.

YoungGuns April 9, 2012 03:56 AM

Re: This Is What I Would Do To Make $500 In A Day or Two...

Originally Posted by MartinBuckley (Post 30525)

My friend has sold as many as 14 laptops in one day and averages selling 6 laptops a day, so I know for fact this money making idea is gold and works.

To your success,


Very interesting. Main problem (for doing this more than once) is finding a large recycling center that you can get 6 computers a day from, me guessing of course.

I've never been to a recycling center; are these $50 computers advertised to the average person who walks in off the street, or do you have to ask?

I just searched for a recycling center; I found one in Nashville that says their refurb computers start at $90, but that's not what you're talking about. (here's the flyer if it matters: ww

I may just have to look into this.

YoungGuns April 9, 2012 04:11 AM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
As for the OP, I'm planning on restoring headlights at large truckstops. Maybe $500/day if I stay their forever, but still feasible.

In fact, once I get comfortable restoring headlights and working at larger truckstops (travelcenters/whatever they're called now), I have seriously considered slowly traveling the country, paid for my stopping at truck stops and maybe locations mentioned in the Boz's and Gordan's book.

I stumbled across a 70 year old guy on a forum that travels the country in a RV and cleans headlights at truckstops. He does it a different way than the Boz (although I'm not sure exactly how); it takes him 30 minutes and he charges $25. Even so, he says he usually makes $250 and has indeed made $500+ in a day.

Of course, most towns of 25k don't have large truck stops, but that's just a part of it. Very obviously, none of this is originally from me and most here already know about it; I'm just posting this for the lurkers like me.

Duane Adolph April 9, 2012 06:56 AM

The Purpose of Brainstorming Is To Generate MANY ideas No matter how crazy. Here's 25
Hi Gordon,

Since A Brainstorm Session MUST have MULTIPLE ideas no matter how crazy. This May Spark some additional ideas for anybody reading this.

Note. There is NO real editing here. Since this is just an IDEA generating stage. CRAZY, Out of the Matrix ideas are welcome here.

You can always FILTER OUT/EDIT. At a later stage. NOT during the Idea generation phase.

That said, here's a quick 10 minute idea generation I did:

- Set up a 24/hr $500 Info/Coaching program on Ebay. Costs nothing and you may make a sale. (Use a Paypal Debit Card to withdraw funds immediately
if in the U.S)

- Do a CRAZY OFFER of any kind on EBAY or ANY SITE where you get paid via Paypal. (the bottle neck is just the Debit Card. Get that and you can get cash same day)

- Brainstorm $1000-$5000 a day ideas, then partner with somebody else and take half. THINK BIGGER!

- AIM for ONE STEP transaction. i.e ONE Transaction at $500 since time is limited

- Chattel: Find 5 items on Craiglist/Kijji/Classified that you can "Low ball" and so that your profit is built in. e.g if I have a $5000 float, you can do this with Ipads etc. 5 ipads x $100 = $500 bux

- Walk into a store and help them sell their excess inventory/service

- Rob a bank :-> (not recommended but NO editing)

- Get a $500 loan from a bank/ Credit card and take a cash advance

- Do a Service business for homes that nobody wants do. or is YUCKY. i.e Gutter Cleaning

- Sponsorship: of your roving V.W Camper Tour. Turn it into a walking advertisement

- The "Best Of" website e.g Rank it high for each town, then send out an email to competing businesses tell of their spot/they've been selected. Make it a competition for only ONE kind of each business. Make sure ranking is already there for keyword phrase.

- Maybe a Traveling Unique Garage Sale that comes to town? e.g like a travelling circus

- Hold a seminar on a relevant topic e.g How to write a book fast. Sell course for $99 bux in back of room. Get local library to promote it (A guy did this in Toronto) he sold at least 5 that evening.
and YES one was to me

- Work out a CRAZY SUMMER CLEANUP COMBO DEAL with local contractors. Then go door to door to sell it. Make it fund raiser for local schools and get kids to sell it??

- Gambling? Casino? Poker, blackjack, horse racing? Maybe you have skills here

- Partner with ANY sales person and get them to pay you for hot leads. E.g Mortgage broker. You advertise uniquely e.g via web/with signs and qualify the buyers. Get Realtor to service them

- Find any business. Work out an Offer or One day sale. Telemarket to their existing clientele informing them of the END OF DAY/ONE DAY sale with a reason why. You take a cut

- Do Art work of the city, Or Arial Photography of the city and sell for $20 at a local store. People will buy to see a picture of their house (Think Don Alm mentioned this before)

- Find free stuff and resell on Craigslist etc.

- One day ONLY sale of service e.g $50 lawn care for the entire summer today only. Go door to door you split with lawn-care company. Get local kids/students to do this?

- Sell Cookies, Get kids to sell cookies or pies door to door.

- PRIVATE golf lessons, with your proprietary blah blah blah system. $100/hour only 5 people per city

- Buy up/lowball all the stuff in the small community. Travel to a nearby bigger city in the and resell stuff there

- Service: Clear Gutters or any other job that NOBODY wants to do themselves.

O.K Time. Hmm about 25 ideas. CRAP! I'm rusty lol:)

The next phase would be to CLARIFY the CRITERIA and EVALUATE these ideas and see which ones are feasible for YOU to implement.

Hope To See Some MORE IDEAS! Anyone of these could be "FLESHED OUT" with details later.


Duane Adolph


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30521)
you're going to sell, be it a service or a product.

Think of being in a VW Camper Van. You could pull a small trailer, lightly loaded.

You have a phone. Computer.

You CAN call ahead or SEND a letter ahead of your arrival.

You CAN have a website.

So, that broadens the ideas, right?


Ankesh April 9, 2012 07:43 AM

Re: Yes, you have a phone, a car or van...gas money...and whatever it is
So time is a constraint. That means.

1. You can't sell products or services that requires people to think a lot to make a decision.

2. You can't sell products or services that take time to deliver. At most, delivery needs to happen within 2 hours. At best, you sell someone else's products. You earn the commission for the sale. (In which, the sales price has to be a lot more than $500.)

3. The more sales pitch you have to make, the more time it takes. So you have to focus on either:
1 quick sale with $500 profit.
10 quick sales with $50 profit.
More than that is just too time consuming.

Keeping these constraints in mind, I would focus on 1 of 2 things.

1. Teach. 10 students paying $75 a head for a 2 hour workshop on a particular topic.

2. Sell someone else's service. Where you can ask the buyer to pay in installments - and you get to keep the first installment payment as commission.

The process is simple:
1. Find a hungry crowd.
2. Make your pitch to them.
3. Make the sale and deliver.

Selling local SEO services.

1. Find the local yellow pages or newspaper. Make a list of 10 advertisers who already have a URL.

2. Find a company who sells local SEO optimization packages for $2000 or so. Ask them if they will pay you $500 per sale commission. Get their work history and portfolio and proof.

3. Approach the businesses in list 1. And start pitching.

Example 2:

1. Pick up a hot topic. Stock trading. Losing weight. Beating procrastination and improving productivity. Formulating a book / script / novel. Learning how to read music in 2 hours.

2. Find a place to pitch the workshop. A company. An institute. A fraternity. Religious organization. Make an offer: $75 per person. Learn ____ in 2 hours. Free dinner.

If you can call people before hand, then hire someone to make the sales calls before you reach the town - and get people to pre-order their seats. Book 10 people before you reach the town. (Or 1 company who can send 10+ employees.)

3. Find a place where you can hold the workshop for 2 hours. A local diner would allow because you'll be paying them for your guests dinner. Or else, a library. Or an open park. Or a room in someone's office. Or a class room in the local school.

4. Deliver the workshop.

Phil April 9, 2012 07:55 AM

Re: This Is What I Would Do To Make $500 In A Day or Two...

And Company! ...

Also... Expand the idea into {Even Much} more Technology Tools, Toys, Whistles, Buying, Selling & Trade-ins, Trading, and Other Wheeling and Dealing Opportunities Too!

Spin Around what Other misc. Concepts might Also Be Doing out There in Internet Land...

Including Wheeling, Dealing and ''Investigating'' with Competitors too...

''Refurburation'' related business models and ideas Always, Just Like with Any other business ''Require'' Ongoing Testing and More Testing on Pricing...

Too Low or Too High, you just Never Know How Much You Just Might Be Missing! ... ;) TrAg

Always Ask & Dig Around... Maybe Even... Considering Brokering with and ToGether with Other misc. Retailers who just Might be interested in Bartering Space for Ideas, A little Commission Percentage % or A XMAS Gift in Exchange for Your Knowledge etc. etc...

Sometimes All it Takes is A Little {Smoozing}, A Hug! ... Here & there, Some Smart Networking and You've Got A Deal with Free Space and Ideas, for More Money Making Connections... :)

Just A few Additional Things To Think about...

All the Best...


Phil April 9, 2012 08:18 AM

Re: Yes, you have a phone, a car or van...gas money...and whatever it is
Add the Following...

SowPub [archived] thread into the Mix of Misc. related ideas... z0Ag


Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 30531)
So time is a constraint. That means.

1. You can't sell products or services that requires people to think a lot to make a decision.

2. You can't sell products or services that take time to deliver. At most, delivery needs to happen within 2 hours. At best, you sell someone else's products. You earn the commission for the sale. (In which, the sales price has to be a lot more than $500.)

3. The more sales pitch you have to make, the more time it takes. So you have to focus on either:
1 quick sale with $500 profit.
10 quick sales with $50 profit.
More than that is just too time consuming.

Keeping these constraints in mind, I would focus on 1 of 2 things.

1. Teach. 10 students paying $75 a head for a 2 hour workshop on a particular topic.

2. Sell someone else's service. Where you can ask the buyer to pay in installments - and you get to keep the first installment payment as commission.

The process is simple:
1. Find a hungry crowd.
2. Make your pitch to them.
3. Make the sale and deliver.

Selling local SEO services.

1. Find the local yellow pages or newspaper. Make a list of 10 advertisers who already have a URL.

2. Find a company who sells local SEO optimization packages for $2000 or so. Ask them if they will pay you $500 per sale commission. Get their work history and portfolio and proof.

3. Approach the businesses in list 1. And start pitching.

Example 2:

1. Pick up a hot topic. Stock trading. Losing weight. Beating procrastination and improving productivity. Formulating a book / script / novel. Learning how to read music in 2 hours.

2. Find a place to pitch the workshop. A company. An institute. A fraternity. Religious organization. Make an offer: $75 per person. Learn ____ in 2 hours. Free dinner.

If you can call people before hand, then hire someone to make the sales calls before you reach the town - and get people to pre-order their seats. Book 10 people before you reach the town. (Or 1 company who can send 10+ employees.)

3. Find a place where you can hold the workshop for 2 hours. A local diner would allow because you'll be paying them for your guests dinner. Or else, a library. Or an open park. Or a room in someone's office. Or a class room in the local school.

4. Deliver the workshop.

GordonJ April 9, 2012 09:44 AM

What, no PORN?????
Thanks Duane, you are right about brainstorming.

Anything goes.

Bubba Watson won the Masters Golf Tournament with an impossible shot which no one even imagined except Bubba, gotta love that guy.

Which made me come up with these:

Become the next Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton...I'll video you having sex and help it go viral...only 1k bux. Free ads on craigslist.

Get me a pretty girl, hit the truckstops, I do headlights, she does truckers. EZ money.

Hit the college Frat house, sell **** on a stick, 50 bux each...find the football dorm...locate the defensive tackle...sell him 20 jump drives for 24 each, he doubles his money...selling to the team. (Beats selling dope, although you didn't mention that one either).

Do sex toy invite only (have to set up on craigslist in advance)...

Teach sex. Most guys have their BS in the subject.

Sex, drugs and rock and roll...sell posters of the 60s-70s and stoner videos on VHS, sell vhs machines you find at thrift stores for 2 bux...frats can throw a toga party (if you need to ask, you're too dang young)...

So, even with these anything goes ideas, by throwing a ho bunch of mud at the wall, maybe some of it will combine into a doable idea.

Or it could be uterine nonsense...


GordonJ April 9, 2012 10:32 AM

How to pick up women in Austin (your town here)
It's known as the PUA market, Pick Up Artist.

Guys spend hundreds and into the thousands of dollars to learn how to meet and bed women.

One day seminar for 4 guys, 125 ea. Morning spent learning some technique, lunch in the real world practicing, afternoon evaluation, video their "lines"...

wish them well and good luck. On to next town. Maybe offer a weeked seminar and get 10 or more guys. Existing market.

And any type of "training", personal development type thing.

One day workshops, already an established marketplace, ads on craigslist...or find a local "sponsor" who hosts the event, for a cut.

Teach 5 people how to sell advertising, pizza cards, mobile marketing...charge 200 each... no web development, no doing it, no taking time to create something...sell your KNOWLEDGE to other's who want to learn how. Isn't that what many of you are doing anyhow? Do the same thing in front of a LIVE audience.

Keep em coming boys and girls. We'll find some golden needles in this haystack, I'm sure.


Samir April 9, 2012 01:16 PM

Here's an idea that requires some prepping before you "fall off the plane" but the payoff can be more than $500 per day.

1. Scan ebay completed listings for SOLD products with high demand (e.g. baby clothes, craftsman tools, snap-on tools, Ink/toner cartridges).

2. Create a list of 5 specific items (e.g. HP 49x toner cartridge)

3. Find out who is buying these items. This is difficult because ebay hides the bidder's identity but it's not impossible. Find bidders who are dealers, meaning who are buying multiple or large quantities of the product you're researching (This is easy to do once you've uncovered the bidder's identity)

4. Contact the buyer(s) using ebay's Contact Seller option and tell them you can supply xx item on an ongoing basis and you're looking for best offers. Some will ignore you while others will get back to you with the price they're willing to pay.

Now that you have a buyer (or buyers) and know the price they're willing to pay, the last step is to find the item at a lower price and resell it to these guys. Once you establish a relationship with these buyers, you can bypass ebay (not recommending this because it's against ebay policy).

5. So as a final step, when you are "dropped from the plane" you can spend the morning buying items for a low price from the people of the 'town' and then in the afternoon, send an invoice to the buyer, collect the money and ship the items.

I am currently doing this for a couple of products that I won't disclose here but there are some days when I make more than $500 per day and others when I'll make close to $100. The important thing is to find a buyer first so you don't have to hold any inventory.

btw...the balloon distribution business is still my main business and it's doing very well but this is a great side business and I can decide how much time I want to devote to it per day.


Phil April 9, 2012 09:34 PM

Buzzworthy: This Vibrator From 1906 Could Have Been In Your Great-Grandma's Closet :)

Youth! ... Must be Popping back Up into Life here Once Again, with these [Brainstorming] sessions... Everything Goes! ...

Since... I'm Guessing and Hoping...

Gordon last post Awhile back on a related Topic... Got ''Zapped'' by A few and Disappeared fairly Quickly! ... :D

So, if this particular Topic(s) At All interests Some, You etc. etc... Do A Quick Copy & Paste before [Certain Parts] of this thread Disappear and Meet Everyone's Standards which I'm sure we Can All Respect if Really necessary...

The Brainstorming Doors have Now been Open To just About Anything & Everything...

Heard about This very interesting ''New Museum'' opening Up in SF the other Day in A Particularly {HOT AND STEAMY} Money making, Revenue Generation related Specialty, Specialized Niche Spinners... ;)

And A misc. (related} Blast from the Past...

It's Time has Always been Ready for This, more than Needed Servicing idea...

Comes with A very Easy Marketplace and Customer base Tie-in... To Service it well... So Service it and the Health & Wellness industry well...

A/The ''Smart'' method in my Opinion, of Simply Getting into the Educational line of businesses, ideas with Social media, Almost Guaranteed connections...

Misc. Specialized Training, Health related Information and All Kinds of, Especially... Exciting! ... Seminars can be Developed into the business model with very little Convincing and Lots of Upselling & Ongoing Monthly membership Opportunities...

Unlimited Potential(s) because You Know what, is Not Going to be Going Anywhere or AnyLess in the Next Set of Generations!


Along with my Condom Sense business idea... 24 Hour “HotShot” discreet delivery for those intimate moments...

All the Best...


GordonJ April 10, 2012 10:14 AM

Some good ideas. Here are MY favorites.
My objective with this brainstorming post was/is to see what you guys and dolls come up with (hey ladies, don't be hatin an old man for calling you dolls...think Frank Sinatra in GUYS AND DOLLS)...

and the idea of going into an unknown place armed with very little...

to produce a 500 dollar a day income...which could probably be scaled up for those of you NOT traveling...

Anyhow, some interesting ideas.

My personal favs are:

#1 Teaching the teachers. This requires some advance prep, with a web site, and using mostly craigslist and/or forums like this one where you would find people interested in starting a business and/or with a high passion index for what you have to offer.

I'd look for ONE person in the destination who would be interested in teaching other people how to __________________

What you have to teach along with any marketing materials could be done in 4 hours or less, then use afternoon to help him/her get started.

Examples, using SowPubbers who post.

Find ONE person in Akron, OH who can teach 6-8 other people how to start and operate a BALLOON service. You charge 550 bux. He in turns runs free ads on craigslist offering to teach people HOW to start their own balloon routes. In that area, you would have assigned territories.

IN addition, I may provide a service of wholesaling the balloons to him and his group so, he has passive income from the people he trains...say, at 125 each...maybe, possibly all at the same time to recoup his investment with me.

OR, maybe it would be teaching people how to start a fantasy photo business, again, he would then teach 6-8 people in the area (plenty big) how to do it and provide back-end services for them.

The object is to TEACH someone TO TEACH could have a backend product that is automated, or set up where as you don't have to be involved. Say balloons. The guy orders through your affiliate link, so if they reorder...and you have a dozen of these MASTER teachers, each with 5 people...that's 60 people reordering balloons through your service provider....

You could teach someone how to set up others with a HEADLIGHT cleaning business, or a detail business, or a non franchise glass repair biz.

OR, a work from home RESUME writing business.
OR, a golf instruction business. In Akron, OH, there are already scores of golf pros, but you find ONE to teach a unique system, and he teaches 6-10...sets up a possible licensing situation, one which could have a 100 teachers of the J-Swing.

OR, a Pizza Card business. With so many pizza shops, one guy couldn't possibly cover a populated area, but he could TEACH other people how to do it. What I like with this model is you are working with ONE person, you get your 500 bux for the day, he gets an opportunity to help other people make money and everyone wins.

Another example then I'll move on. You could be a distributor, tak

An established company for advertising specialties with a dealer program.

And this example extends to anything you might be successfully doing.

YOU could train one person to get other dealers, and this isn't the traditional MLM or Network marketing, there are overrides and commissions for getting others into the business.

These type of programs, with some overrides or small commissions for finding people could provide income for decades.

OK. So my top favorite is TEACHING THE TEACHERS.

#2 Along with this, sort of...just do one day workshops. On what you know. Lots of ways to do it, but I'd look for ONE sponsor, maybe a couple of months ahead of time on craigslist.

HE would host the seminar, wherever and he would bear his own expense for advertising, which I'd suggest be free and guerrilla...and try to find 6 people to attend this one day workshop.

Example: Say I'm traveling through Chicago and I'm doing a ONE day workshop on HOW TO MAKE 500 DOLLARS A DAY BY CHATTELING. The workshop would cost 149 dollars to 299 dollars...and my host in Chi Town would get 50% of the workshop fee. 10 would be a good goal.

10 X 149 would be 1490 bux...which allows for 490 out of pocket expenses if needed...and we would both net 500 bux. I make mine, he makes his and the attendees learn something that puts bucks in their pocket whenever they choose to do it.

I'd start at 8 in the morning with a LIVE demo actually making 500 by noon...then spend the afternoon going over all the strategies and techniques.


Same can be done for almost anything YOU know and do. Like how to set up QR codes for business...that whole mobile biz market...

Or, how to sell advertising OR how to create information products OR how to submit your invention to a marketing company...

OR how to get into the lucrative copywriting field...

Anything YOU know and DO can be turned into a one day workshop.

Those are my top 2, but I'll post some more later today.

Feedback on these ideas would be appreciated in the meantime.


Gordon Jay Alexander


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!


Adman April 10, 2012 12:20 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Gordon....I'm sorry....your initial "instructions" were;
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.
You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.
No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.
You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.
So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?
Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

NONE of the "examples" you mentioned have anything to do with, "Dropping from an Airplane"...into an area where you are NOT known....and "picking up $500!"

So....I could....give you OVER 50 EXAMPLES of how I have started a program that took me a few days to "Set Up"...and THEN...gone out and made a minimum of $500!

However....getting back to your 1st requirement of "Dropping into an area from an airplane and....start making $500 a Day!"....I will give you a "Real Life Example" of how..."I dropped from an airplane and found a way to make a MINIMUM of $500 A DAY"

The year was Sept of 1978....I had just sold my "Burglar Alarm Co" (Securitronics Corp in Northbrook, IL) and decided to go to Aspen, CO and see a friend. I've done NUMEROUS TIMES in my "career of being INdependent and FREE of even "Thinking about getting a....hold on while I hold my breath and say the word, "J.O.B." (Ouch! It even hurts to TYPE that word)....I discovered early in my life that (Mark this's a Secret Technique I use to discover WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE TOWN)....

....I just "dropped in from an airplane" (in this case...I had landed in the Aspen Airport and got settled into my friend's home) the next morning I went downtown and asked around, where's was the MOST POPULAR BAR IN TOWN!

Well....I found it was the bar at "The Hickory House"...SO....At 3 in the afternoon....I sauntered into The Hickory House and....sure enough....the place was packed. I found one barstool open and sat down and ordered a Mick.

About 30 minutes later....3 guys sat down at a table behind me (within earshot) I picked up that 2 of the guys were the "Money" behind their setting up a New Radio Station. The 3rd guy was their General Manager.

Their topic of discussion was, "WHAT are we going to do about "PROMOTION FOR THE STATION"!

They then went into a whole list of possibilities I listened....I remembered a Radio Station I had used in Northbrook, IL. Every Spring and Fall they had a Promo Program that involved consumers placing Bumper Stickers on their rear bumper (The Bumper Stickers had the call letters of the Station) The idea was for consumers to go to the sponsoring businesses and pick up a Bumper Sticker and a Coupon.

Then...during the week....someone at the radio station would drive around town....marking down license plates of vehicles that had the Station's Bumper 10am on Saturday morns "Oldies But Goodies" Show...the DJ would read off 10 License Plate Numbers and....the 1st person who arrived at the Station would get to redeem ALL the coupons they had collected during the week, from the participating merchants and....redeem them for purchases.

Well....these were the days of NO "Internet"...NO Graphics Software...NO Inkjet Printers....just a "TypeSetting Machine" at a local printshop.

So....that afternoon I made up some sample pieces including the Bumper Sticker and Coupons (which I named, "BROWSER BUCKS")...and, the next morning I went to the Radio Station and showed the GM my "Bumper Bucks Promo Program" and....he LOVED IT (It was FREE to the station) and gave me the OK (most of my Sales Career I used "HandShakes" to "Seal The Deal")

I then proceed to visit local merchants and sell them on participating in the 13 week program for $495ea. In a few days I got 20 merchants to join AND pay $495 ($495 x 20 = $9,900)

My costs were about $1,000 so....from a simple idea...I made about $9,000.

So....thanks for allowing me to remember an ACTUAL...."DROP FROM A PLANE" program I did.

Don Alm....STILL "Dropping From Planes"

GordonJ April 11, 2012 10:57 AM

Away from the BS, and how it CAN be done.
A way to do it is: (without all the BS of having to create and or sell advertising and deal with follow up)

Three items I've sold and there are many which would work.

First up. Defender of Women. A popular product sold by KRISTEE products of Akron, OH. They had a small counter display which held 10 Defenders (a pepper spray, self-defense product).

Back in the day it was called rack jobbing, today, with the Internet, you wouldn't have to revisit the store, they could order on-line.

I sold a store 25 at a time for 2.50 ea. They sold for 5. My cost was about .25 each.

To make the target 500, I would of had to sell 10 locations. What I did DO on occassion, especially after a crime spree...near college campuses...which were my bread and butter.

Today, anyone could locate scores of products WHOLESALE, and you walk into stores and offer them a counter display of X, being small foot print, POP type of product.

Examples from the REAL world. Rubber bands (call them bracelets if you want)...Live Strong and Magic Johnson...saw both on counters in the last couple of days. Each display held about 50.

They were selling POP for 4 bux, with the idea a % went to these charities (from YOUR wholesale costs, not the stores, they kept the 2 buck profit).

Saw MOOD rings on counter of store, for 4.99. There were many missing from the display, which held 36, and it was about half empty. You could source mood rings for 20 cents each.

Another product I DID sell was called Victory Miracle Polishing Cloth. Again, a small footprint counter display held a couple of dozen rags...and they had a wholesale product.

So, what ANYONE could do TODAY, without having to go to a noisy, busy bar and try to find an empty stool and hopefully HEAR what people were talking about at a table in this CROWDED place...

Without having to create bumperstickers, sell advertising, do mock-ups, get printing done, deliver products...without ANY of that nonsense.


To simply find PRODUCTS at a wholesale price...walk into mom and pop stores (and even chains have manager discretions, especially in smaller towns...the smaller the store in a chain, the more the manager can do...and they DO look for new items).

So, if you fell out of a plane, and had a backpack full of products to sell...

You simply do it the old fashioned way...Sell Baby Sell.

So, if you only make 300 or 200 for your time, are you going to get upset? The way to avoid getting upset, is to choose a product with a profit margin and have several products you could offer.

Examples. Every town has a Dry Cleaner. You could offer a Miracle Spot Remover for their a little googling, alibaba ing and you'll see many products in this category ready for you to buy and sell.

Every town has an automotive shop of some kind. You could offer a POP display for Headlight Cleaning Sauce.

Every town has a this, that and also _____

So, armed with a backpack full of REAL STUFF, actual merchandise, which can make the local store some more CASH, and if you are a salesman, but not a world class amazing one-of-a-kind with superman abilities...

IF you just walk in, show your stuff, ask them to buy...get a YES or a NO and head to the next shop, most of you wouldn't have any problem making the 500 bux a day without any of the Bull S**T

Want to KNOW what kind of products? Hey, how about you keep your eyes open when you go out and LOOK and see what is already being sold at checkout counters...then don't try to recreate the wheel.

It is BEING DONE, not theory, not a calculator dream of getting X at XX.
XX and you'll be making gazillions a week...

But just an HONEST way to make a buck, helping businesses make more money, by selling stuff to them and they sell the stuff to their customers.

Simple. And pretty dang easy too.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. I actually have a program on a flash drive that almost every business could be interested in...and it could be an easy sale...but, I'll reserve that one cause it hasn't been tested thoroughly yet...and besides, we've gotten some pretty good WORKABLE ideas along with the BS too.

Oh, the third product I rack-jobbed was a NEW car wax, went by the names of AstroShield and DynaGlaze.


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30507)
You fell from an airplane into a town of 25,000 people or more.

You need to make 500 bux in cash. Today. Starting at 8 ending by 5.

No support programs. No call backs. No follow up. You'll be dropped out of a plane tomorrow into another town/city.

You'll cover the USA for any city with at least 25k.

So, what do YOU do, to get the 500 cash in your pocket ASAP every day?

Any idea accepted. But once you leave town the next day, you will never see nor hear from anyone again. OK?

Thinking caps ON? Go!!!


Adman April 12, 2012 12:04 AM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Edited due to BS.

Phil April 12, 2012 02:16 AM

Brainstorming Re-Engineered! Dumpster Diving: From Garbage to Gold |
Since misc. ''Dumpster'' related Topics are Trying to Find their Way into the Feature, Benefits, possibilities & Ways of Trash into Cash! ...
, Especially the Low Hanging Fruit of Dumpster Diving (type) Key Word Phrases & Money making, Revenue generating Stories.... Such as... ;)

Re-Engineering, older News into ''Fresh'' New Found ideas! [Spinnable] into 2012 and Beyond...

All the Best...


Adman April 12, 2012 04:44 PM

Re: Here's another NON-Advertising "BS-PRODUCT"
Edited due to big piles of BS and rules violations.

Fishman April 13, 2012 12:40 PM

Re: Away from the BS, and how it CAN be done.
Gordon, thanks for taking the time to start this post.

I knew your answer would be "right on the money"! I believe I may have posted this before but I thought this would fit in with the discussion.

I would bet this man has and still does make the $500+ mark in a day. Anyway I thought everyone would like this story...

I wonder how well he would sell them if he had a video of himself made, post it on his own site with an order button and then left some kind of "display" showing an easy to remember web address in strategic/high traffic areas where people could watch on their "smart phones" tablets, computer at home etc.

gottodo April 13, 2012 05:09 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Fishman . Thanks for posting the link to that video I've never seen it before.

You know when your just looking for something but just don't/can't figure it out.

Well this has certainly got me up and off my butt.
Gordon great thread

sandalwood April 13, 2012 05:10 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Helluva story. Great, no make that fantastic, post.

Tom :)

Dien Rice April 13, 2012 06:01 PM

One of Gordon's "secrets" of selling, which I found really works...!

Originally Posted by Fishman (Post 30587)
Gordon, thanks for taking the time to start this post.

I knew your answer would be "right on the money"! I believe I may have posted this before but I thought this would fit in with the discussion.

I would bet this man has and still does make the $500+ mark in a day. Anyway I thought everyone would like this story...

I agree with the others - thanks! That was an amazing true story!

As they said at the end of that segment, you can't help but want to watch and listen to him, because

"He's... so... enthusiastic... about those peelers!"

I think many here have read it, but if you haven't, be sure to read Gordon's "the white bread story"...

Enthusiasm is infectious!

I once took a job selling comedy tickets over the phone - and I often won the weekly sales competitions. Why?

It's because I took Gordon's advice - and I made sure I was enthusiastic about what I was selling. People could hear my enthusiasm in my voice and attitude. And I often outsold all the other sales people doing the same thing!

Genuine enthusiasm works! And it makes other people who see and hear you enthusiastic too!

Best wishes,


Dien Rice April 13, 2012 06:25 PM

Here's a "premium" - where the premium is worth more than the order itself!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Adman (Post 30550)
One of my first "Ad Programs" was putting ADS on "Shirt Boards". These were cardboard sheets that dry cleaners placed inside shirts to keep the shirts from getting crumpled.

I provided dry cleaners with FREE Shirt Boards (I made money placing Ads on them)

Well (get ready, here comes da "BS") One day I was having coffee with one of my Dry Cleaners and he was talking about how he wished he could come up with a Promotion Idea where he didn't have to discount his prices to stay "competitive" with his competitors (Those were the days of "One-Hour Martinizing") one of the dry cleaners on my route....I remembered seeing a "GOLD" Hanger hanging on a stand with a sign that said....

Beautiful Hangers for your Guest Coat Closet
With Every Order of $25 or More!

Well...according to this dry cleaner "when faced with a choice between reducing prices and giving something away free… give something away free!"

He found a way to Significantly Boost his Sales And Profit Without The Use Of Discounts Or Coupons

That's a great story - about the use of a "premium" in an industry where you don't see it too often...

Premiums work! All those extra "bonuses" you see on those internet marketing ads are premiums too. As well as those offers of an extra "this or that" if you renew your subscription to a magazine, for example...

(I remember my Dad once got a camera - in the pre-digital camera days - for renewing his subscription to Time magazine...)

Here's an interesting one. Order some coffee - and get a free coffee maker!

Apparently this has worked very well for Gevalia (which sells coffee), in their direct mail marketing...

The coffee maker is worth more than the initial coffee order! (In their current offer - it has a $90 retail value, for a $24.99 initial order.)

However... When you count the average lifetime value of repeat orders - they make great profits with this offer!

They've been making this offer, or a similar one, for at least 15 years... So it's gotta be working!

Here's the offer as it is from their website...

(I've added a second ad of theirs as an attachment.)

More info about this promotion here... (article about this, written in 1999) (you can see their current offer here)

Best wishes,


Phil April 13, 2012 10:18 PM

202 Things You Can Buy and Sell for Big Profits! ...
Just to Help you Wet your {Whistle's} a little more, Add-on from the #2 post after GJA...

Simply! ... Apply this To the ''Potato Peeler Man''... Personalized Video's...

''Twistable'' Mobile Street Vending! ...

The Less You Ask the Authorities, Sometimes, Usually the Better! But it's, as usual, Money making Lessons and Applications are All Up To You... :)

202 Things You Can Buy and Sell for Big Profits...;)

Off to the Streets of New York City... We All Go! ...

Lea Lerman's Tips for Selling on the Streets of New York City | New ...

All the Best...


RgrPett April 13, 2012 10:48 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
That Today Show video of Joe Ades was shot in 2008.

Joe died on Fed 1, 2009, only a day after being informed that he had been granted American citizenship.

The video is a bit misleading though in that the Park Ave. apartment where he lived actually belonged to his fourth wife ... the one mentioned in the video. So maybe Joe married into money and that possibly the potato peeler sales weren't quite as lucrative as the video implies.

But ... the same Rosenhaus-Swiss-4466-Swisspro-Vegetable peeler lives on at Amazon.

Roger P

Dien Rice April 14, 2012 08:17 AM

That's brilliant!

Originally Posted by Samir (Post 30536)
Here's an idea that requires some prepping before you "fall off the plane" but the payoff can be more than $500 per day.

Hi Samir,

Thanks for sharing this idea - I think your way of doing it sounds ingenious!

I've done the "buying and selling" on eBay before, and yes, I made steady money. I think your way sounds "cleverer" though, as I didn't identify the bulk buyers, I just went through the regular auction system and "buy it now" system (depending on the item)...

Thanks for sharing this! (I may give it a try...)

Best wishes,


P.S. You could write another report just on this, if you wanted to... I'm confident that many people would be interested in buying it.

Randy April 14, 2012 11:42 PM

Re: Sowpub Brainstorming session...500 bux a day....HOW...IF...
Looks like I dropped in on another excellent day when lots of mighty fine ideas are being exchanged just as I remembered of SowPub when I last was here some while ago. Great ideas my friends. :)

Normally when I am dropped out of a plane I like to find a restaurant with some good coffee. I'd ask therestaurant owner if they ever get broken mugs (they all do) and when they said yes I would ask if they might like 144 mugs without paying for them. When they would agree I'd grab a napkin, sketch a wrap-around with their restaurant logo, name, address and phone at the top and 8 rectangular shaped boxes that I would put biz card type ads in from local businesses. I'd ask what biz owners they know that frequent their restaurant and get their contact info, call them and sell them ads to go on the mugs at $150 a pop.

8 x $150.00 = $1,200.00

By the time I pay for the mugs I have between $800-$1000.00 in my pocket.

I did this years ago with a restaurant owner that I frequented and she even called the prospects that she gave me the names to and told them I was working on something for her that she wanted them to be a part of.

Basically there was really no selling on my part. All I did was go show them the idea, collected their biz card and check and that was that. Simple and fairly easy money.

Thanks for asking Gordon!

Dien Rice April 15, 2012 09:48 AM

Thanks Randy!

Originally Posted by Randy (Post 30600)
Looks like I dropped in on another excellent day when lots of mighty fine ideas are being exchanged just as I remembered of SowPub when I last was here some while ago. Great ideas my friends. :)

Normally when I am dropped out of a plane I like to find a restaurant with some good coffee. I'd ask therestaurant owner if they ever get broken mugs (they all do) and when they said yes I would ask if they might like 144 mugs without paying for them. When they would agree I'd grab a napkin, sketch a wrap-around with their restaurant logo, name, address and phone at the top and 8 rectangular shaped boxes that I would put biz card type ads in from local businesses. I'd ask what biz owners they know that frequent their restaurant and get their contact info, call them and sell them ads to go on the mugs at $150 a pop.

8 x $150.00 = $1,200.00

By the time I pay for the mugs I have between $800-$1000.00 in my pocket.

I did this years ago with a restaurant owner that I frequented and she even called the prospects that she gave me the names to and told them I was working on something for her that she wanted them to be a part of.

Basically there was really no selling on my part. All I did was go show them the idea, collected their biz card and check and that was that. Simple and fairly easy money.

Hi Randy,

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

It's always cool to hear from those who have "hit the ground running" and done it...!

(As many others here have, too...!)

Best wishes,


Duane Adolph April 17, 2012 12:54 AM

Re: What, no PORN?????
Hey Gordon!

Looks like this thread has EXPLODED with ideas. And I kept the brainstorm to " friendly".

After one your previous posts was nuked (which I thought was an awesome post by the way)...I decided to avoid certain topics here. So to answer your question "NO ****" in that brainstorm session lol

Glad to see all the brilliance come out in this thread.



Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 30534)
Thanks Duane, you are right about brainstorming.

Anything goes.

Bubba Watson won the Masters Golf Tournament with an impossible shot which no one even imagined except Bubba, gotta love that guy.

Which made me come up with these:

Become the next Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton...I'll video you having sex and help it go viral...only 1k bux. Free ads on craigslist.

Get me a pretty girl, hit the truckstops, I do headlights, she does truckers. EZ money.

Hit the college Frat house, sell **** on a stick, 50 bux each...find the football dorm...locate the defensive tackle...sell him 20 jump drives for 24 each, he doubles his money...selling to the team. (Beats selling dope, although you didn't mention that one either).

Do sex toy invite only (have to set up on craigslist in advance)...

Teach sex. Most guys have their BS in the subject.

Sex, drugs and rock and roll...sell posters of the 60s-70s and stoner videos on VHS, sell vhs machines you find at thrift stores for 2 bux...frats can throw a toga party (if you need to ask, you're too dang young)...

So, even with these anything goes ideas, by throwing a ho bunch of mud at the wall, maybe some of it will combine into a doable idea.

Or it could be uterine nonsense...


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