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GordonJ July 18, 2017 09:20 AM

What do you want....from us?
18 years. Thousands of posts. Hundreds of topics.

Recently, we've added a significant number of new members, from my short lived newsletter (38 issues) and the July 4th special. It made us realize that what is old hat, and maybe even boring at this point to some of you old timers, it is fresh and new to people who have just discovered Seeds Of Wisdom forum.

Normally, I ask what do you want to individuals who have contacted me for either advice or whatever.

Since both Dien and I are focused on more offline activity, more than ever before, I want to ask you readers....

What would you like to read here at

What do you want? A more open platform, invite more spammers? More specific discussion? More topics?

As time shrinks on our end, activity declines on this forum, we've cycled through these periods before.

This time, we ask you to help us take our new direction, and there will be a reward if you participate. I'm giving away either a new Kindle Fire or a new digital camera to someone who posts here with an answer to what they want. I'll put your names in a hat, and on Aug. 5th, Sat. I'll draw a winner.

If only one posts, then congrats on you, you have your choice. We'll discuss which one you want and I'll use my Amazon Prime account to get it to you in two days, so you should have it by Aug. 7th. Fair enough?

No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at, OK?

The reason we want your feedback especially newer members, we would not like to have this turn into a ghost town, like so many other forums have become, because honestly, this takes a little work, and we both have our plates full, and if need be, I clear sowpub from my plate in a NY minute.

Thanks for your participation.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. All new apprentice slots are taken, unless you have already contacted me. And yes, the Biz-Ops and JV's in the July 4th report are still on the table, but fading fast.

sandalwood July 18, 2017 10:46 AM

Re: What do you want....from us?
It seems to me the open free flow of ideas is an excellent theme. You and Dien already do a great job in facilitating such. Response, it appears, is an ebb and flow thing.

I might find a thread interesting and make 2 or 3 posts. Then I might read another thread and say to myself, yeah, that sounds about right so I don't post.

This business of selling, marketing and being aware is an ever changing event. Take fake news. It took a long time for people to realize how much of the crap they read and hear is "fill in the space" "journalism". Hell I was taught that BS in 1971/72 in J school at OU.

In fact, we were told over and over the number one priority of newspapers is to sell papers. Same held true for TV and radio (selling air time of course). Well sir if you have all that time and space to fill... You decide what they did to fill it.

My point good sir is this forum has done a great job in keeping posts on track and ideas flowing. Why change that basic premise?

unpinkpanther July 19, 2017 03:27 AM

What I really want is...
What I really want is what is stated on your Twitter page:

We're a well-established (since 2000) discussion group, all about sharing info on increasing your wealth and overall happiness!

That's the value I've been getting from this forum: valuable PRACTICAL information on marketing and wealth creation.

For the past 18 years, you've kept this place free from the decadence of get-rich-quick scams and flat-out spammers. (If you don't think that's a great achievement, just look at what happened to the Warriorforum)

Yes, sites like these may not get high "traffic", but remember that Truth is hardly ever as sexy as the seductive lies that flood the interwebs.

Please keep up this labour of love.

Thank you

GordonJ July 19, 2017 11:12 AM

What happens when you fall out of love?

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38326)
What I really want is what is stated on your Twitter page:

We're a well-established (since 2000) discussion group, all about sharing info on increasing your wealth and overall happiness!

That's the value I've been getting from this forum: valuable PRACTICAL information on marketing and wealth creation.

For the past 18 years, you've kept this place free from the decadence of get-rich-quick scams and flat-out spammers. (If you don't think that's a great achievement, just look at what happened to the Warriorforum)

Yes, sites like these may not get high "traffic", but remember that Truth is hardly ever as sexy as the seductive lies that flood the interwebs.

Please keep up this labour of love.

Thank you

Labor of love indeed.

There was a time, when I was married for 15 years and if you would have told me it wasn't going to last, I'd have bet the farm against you, yet a few years later, "the light of a whole life died, when love was done".

Also, most people a few years back were sure GOLF would be my love, avocation way into whatever old age I would enter, yet, I quit golf, a lucrative golf practice, COLD TURKEY, WALKED away and have never looked back.

I may be OUT of love about sharing info... on these subjects. We have a huge archive on just about anything you can imagine.

And I just don't have much to add. PLUS, we do other things. So like in golf, those 5 hour golf outings, several times a week, ate up TIME, AND once that time was freed up, other fun and enjoyable things filled it up.

Yes, we have both spent a LOT of time on SowPub, but has it reached a point of diminishing returns? Maybe, maybe not. I'm on the fence, and have to weigh the benefits of my time being spent here, and lately, it hasn't been all that rewarding, can't speak for Dien, but the fact we're both heavily pursuing OFF LINE ventures to the tune of 'bulk of our work TIME'
maybe we just let YOU guys handle Sowpub.

I'm just asking, undecided at this point. So I actively solicit your opinions, to be able to make an informed decision.

Gordon Jay Alexander

unpinkpanther July 19, 2017 12:12 PM

Too bad I used that four-letter word...
Hi Gordon

Too bad I used that four-letter word "love"; it can stir up some unwanted memories.

I've tried running a forum before; ain't no fun fighting off spammers and trying to keep things rolling.

And that was why I appreciate your labour of... care

About asking us what we want, remember that if Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted, perhaps they would have asked for stronger horses...not really cars.

I suggest instead that YOU tell us the next direction where you think the forum is heading.

What do you think?

GordonJ July 19, 2017 01:48 PM

I guess it will get quieter and remain the same.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther (Post 38329)
Hi Gordon

Too bad I used that four-letter word "love"; it can stir up some unwanted memories.

I've tried running a forum before; ain't no fun fighting off spammers and trying to keep things rolling.

And that was why I appreciate your labour of... care

About asking us what we want, remember that if Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted, perhaps they would have asked for stronger horses...not really cars.

I suggest instead that YOU tell us the next direction where you think the forum is heading.

What do you think?

The future of the forum is up to Dien, I'm weighing my future with it. Ford did say, you can have any color you want, as long as it is black.

Here, you can have the same old same old, as long as you don't involve me.

The reason why I asked, to see if anyone had any stimulating, interesting thoughts on the future, something, MAYBE, which would catch MY interest.

I imagine, not much will change, and as long as Dien remains healthy, it will continue to chug along. I'm not interested in business, marketing, online stuff only as my knowledge applies and is useful for my current pursuits.

Everything else is readily and easily available with Google.
And that is spelled Google, not Gordon.


GordonJ July 24, 2017 09:54 AM

11 days til the Kindle Fire/Camera give away, so far...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38323)
18 years. Thousands of posts. Hundreds of topics.

Recently, we've added a significant number of new members, from my short lived newsletter (38 issues) and the July 4th special. It made us realize that what is old hat, and maybe even boring at this point to some of you old timers, it is fresh and new to people who have just discovered Seeds Of Wisdom forum.

Normally, I ask what do you want to individuals who have contacted me for either advice or whatever.

Since both Dien and I are focused on more offline activity, more than ever before, I want to ask you readers....

What would you like to read here at

What do you want? A more open platform, invite more spammers? More specific discussion? More topics?

As time shrinks on our end, activity declines on this forum, we've cycled through these periods before.

This time, we ask you to help us take our new direction, and there will be a reward if you participate. I'm giving away either a new Kindle Fire or a new digital camera to someone who posts here with an answer to what they want. I'll put your names in a hat, and on Aug. 5th, Sat. I'll draw a winner.

If only one posts, then congrats on you, you have your choice. We'll discuss which one you want and I'll use my Amazon Prime account to get it to you in two days, so you should have it by Aug. 7th. Fair enough?

No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at, OK?

The reason we want your feedback especially newer members, we would not like to have this turn into a ghost town, like so many other forums have become, because honestly, this takes a little work, and we both have our plates full, and if need be, I clear sowpub from my plate in a NY minute.

Thanks for your participation.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. All new apprentice slots are taken, unless you have already contacted me. And yes, the Biz-Ops and JV's in the July 4th report are still on the table, but fading fast.

sandalwood and unpinkpanther have a 50/50 chance. Why not put your 2 cents in and at least try to win something (you could always chattel it for a few quick bux and buy a Big Mac).

Anyone else, with what you might like to see from the forum?


BenjaminS July 26, 2017 09:21 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
I've been a long time lurker and inconsistent poster. Your archives at the forum are so plentiful and complete that I think most questions that get asked were answered somewhere in there. Sometimes when I get bored I'll just pick a random page and read all the threads. There are some classic like "if you were dropped into a town you'd never been to before, what's the quickest way you could make $500" etc that might be cool to see if anyone has any new ideas.

Recently I had an "aha" moment. I've changed my focus from making money to providing value and helping people like myself. I chose something I'm actually passionate about and I'm thinking long term instead of trying to replace a full time jobs income in the next 2 weeks with some new random idea that I would only stick with for a month.

If I had to pick one topic I'd like to see gone into more depth, it would be the advetorial direct mail advertising or any type of direct mail programs that can be run month after month with the same companies.

To be completely honest tho, your low-cost personal one-on-one guidance and all the information available leave little to be desired. I think personally it was just up to me to quit being hard headed, focus and decide what the Heck I wanted to do. All the resources are already right here waiting.

Robert J. July 27, 2017 04:09 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
I think it is interesting that Gordon started this thread with the subject line: "What do you want from us?"

Maybe something like this would be better suited: "What can you do for us?"

I have been a fan/follower/lurker of this board for a long time. A long time, indeed. I have been inspired and motivated to no end ... this board bears no responsibility for my lack of action or success!

As much as I can tell, even though I've been here for many a moon, it is most likely that I miss the true Glory Days of the Sowpub experience.

The names of folks who have posted in this forum ... wow! Hall of Fame of Marketing-style Wow!

In recent years, the board has kind of fizzled out. Died like a camp fire at the end of a long evening.

Every once in a while, Gordon has returned to try to breath life back into this once-great forum. It always seems to work for a while, but quickly it becomes obvious: It's only the same people commenting, and eventually the discussion just burns up all its oxygen.

Gordon is tired. He's given his all to this project for more years than he ever planned (I would suspect).

At this point, the question should be: What can ... what will ... those of us who stop by to read (lurkers?) willing and able to lend to the conversation.

It isn't enough to comment on Gordon's posts (as great as those conversations can be).

Wouldn't it be great if more people took half the effort Gordon has given? Start a conversation once in a while. Post something interesting you've seen or read about in the WSJ, or Entrepreneur, or anywhere!

Mention a business you've seen locally. What's their secret sauce? Do they have a leg up on the market? What is it? And why do you think it works? (Or maybe why do you think it doesn't work?)

I can't say I'm going to "do as I say" here. I'd love to be able to say I'll start three or four threads a week. Unfortunately, I've got no street cred. I got nothin' but questions when it comes to biz. I'm a looker, not a doer.

But I'm going to try to keep an open mind. When I'm chasing shiny objects on the Web, if I see something interesting ... I'll try to come here and rub some sticks together ... see if we can't get a little smolder of a fire going.

Ask not what Sowpub can do for you ...

Dien Rice July 28, 2017 12:02 AM

Watching two women tear each other's hair out... vs watching the stars...
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your post...

Of course, many things have changed since Sowpub started...

This forum is good for more extended discussion...

A lot of the attention nowadays has been taken by places like Facebook and Twitter.

Twitter is not a place for extended discussion... It even limits you to 140 characters! It's very hard to explain anything in depth there...

It's very well suited for insulting each other, though. :)

Facebook rewards you for posting pictures and videos. They generally don't like pure text...

I believe attention spans have been shrinking for many decades now. Twitter and Facebook are great for short attention spans...

I play the game there too! (I am on Twitter and Facebook...)

But it also has its limitations...

However, these short "hits" on Facebook and Twitter give you a quick dopamine "buzz" and gets you addicted!

I see it (to put it in historical terms) as being like the difference between watching Jerry Springer, vs. Carl Sagan... :)

Seeing two women tearing each other's hair out on "The Jerry Springer Show" can be more entertaining (for a quick dopamine hit) than learning about the billions and billions of stars on "Cosmos"... ;)

Best wishes,


Robert J. July 28, 2017 10:40 AM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Where's that "like" button?

Oh, dang it! That's Facebook!

Robert J. July 28, 2017 10:42 AM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Dien, you may be right.

I have never been "fully engaged" in the discussion boards of business, but I had a personal "go to" group of as many as six at one time.

Thinking back, this may be the last one still operating.

Groups are the big thing (well, one of the big things ... FB ads are pretty big, too!) now on FB. Every half-assed guru and special interest group has one, and they are pretty active.

FB provides an instant audience ... potentially, anyway.

Dien Rice July 28, 2017 01:04 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?

Originally Posted by Robert J. (Post 38358)
Dien, you may be right.

I have never been "fully engaged" in the discussion boards of business, but I had a personal "go to" group of as many as six at one time.

Thinking back, this may be the last one still operating.

Groups are the big thing (well, one of the big things ... FB ads are pretty big, too!) now on FB. Every half-assed guru and special interest group has one, and they are pretty active.

FB provides an instant audience ... potentially, anyway.

Hi Robert,

Yes, forums need to modernize!

One of the "problems" as I see it with Facebook is, you don't really "own" anything... Facebook owns it.

For example, do you "own" people who "Like" your Facebook page? Not really...

It used to be that Facebook showed stuff from your page to most people who "Liked" it. That percentage has been decreasing with each year...

So how do you reach more people who "Liked" your page? Easy - pay Facebook money to advertise to reach them!

That proves that it's really about the money... Facebook "owns" everything, your data, everyone else's data, and they also own your ability to reach anyone, including those who "Liked" your page, etc.

The same goes for any Facebook group... You "own" nothing, even if you started the group. Everything is controlled by Facebook... Facebook changes the rules over time. They'll change it to increase their own profit. So, however it works now, is not how it may work in the future...

To put it in other terms, where is the "toll position"? The answer is with Facebook - it is Facebook who owns the toll position for anything on Facebook!

It means they can "screw" you overnight if you are too dependent on them... And they've proven that they'll do it if it means greater and sustained profits for them...

I believe there is an opportunity to "modernize" things like forum software, to utilize more social media tools... (Maybe someone's done it, I don't know.) I don't have time to do it now... Otherwise it could be a good project... :)

Best wishes,


Cornell July 29, 2017 03:02 PM

Dien - my biggest complaint about Facebook

Facebook can be monetized in the groups by using private group and charging admission...but my biggest problem with Facebook groups is that there is no way to create a knowledge base, and as a result the same questions are asked and have to be answered over and over again as new people join. A knowledge base could be built by the owner of the group (loads of time and effort involved) and then pinned to the top of the group....the problem is that only one item can be pinned to the top and other important items can't be pinned if the knowledge base is pinned....just my biggest complaint and pain in the butt with it.....with forums there is a searchable knowledge base.

Robert J. July 29, 2017 08:12 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Well said, Cornell!

You hit the nail on the head a few times.

louise8 July 31, 2017 12:13 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
How about case studies of what marketing or advertising approaches worked?

I don't understand how to advertise on Facebook or if it's even worth it.

I'd like to see one of you put an ad there and report on what worked and didn't.

So much of what I did a few years ago doesn't result in zip now.

Bob B July 31, 2017 12:16 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Nothing that Gordon shares is "old hat" or "boring" to me - and I've been around awhile - at least as a silent visitor. :) I truly appreciate the business wisdom shared over the years and can only hope for more of it in the future.

Gordon's chattel book helped me launch a side business on eBay back in the glory days. I stuck with it for years, finally tiring of eBay's constant changes that made it harder on merchants like me. I'd love more training programs like this. Real, in the trenches advice that one can take and run with.

So much of the material that's out there today is vastly overpriced, in my opinion, and wastes a huge amount of time. For example, there's a "course" on SEO that sells for $8,000. It would take literally months to watch all the video training and webinar content to filter it down to the most important essentials. It's the whole idea of just piling on more "content" and making it look like value when it's nothing more than overload that irks me.

Moving forward, I'd love to see more here about selling digital information, whether it's video, training, courses, or short reports. Everybody these days focuses on video products and jacks the price. I much prefer to read great content - and that's one of the advantages of the forum. As for getting the real, A-Z steps to accomplishing specific things - I'm ready to buy more special reports anytime.

haveaClue July 31, 2017 02:07 PM

Re: What do you want....from us? Tool reviews
I would like to see online or mobile Apps that really save time or help to make money.
maybe provide a example or a link to a short video explaining the example.

This is of course for anyone to chime in.

I rarely use Letgo a mobile app but I use OfferUp a mobile app alot to arbitrage between eBay Amazon and Craigslist.

There is a new App i just learned about but havent used it yet
Among other things it allows you to setup a search alert on

I copied below from

IFTTT (pronounced /ɪft/[4]) is a free web-based service that people use to create chains of simple conditional statements, called applets. An applet is triggered by changes that occur within other web services such as Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.[5] For example, an applet may send an e-mail message if the user tweets using a hashtag, or copy a photo on Facebook to a user's archive if someone tags a user in a photo.[6] IFTTT is an initialism for If This Then That.[7]

In addition to the Web-based application, IFTTT runs on iOS and Android. On February, 2015, IFTTT renamed their original application to IF, and released a new suite of apps called Do which lets users create shortcut applications and actions.[8] As of 2015, IFTTT users created about 20 million "recipes" each day.[9] All of the functionalities of the Do suite of apps have since been integrated into a redesigned IFTTT app.

Best Regards
P.S. I Appreciate the time and effort required for this forum to remain a valuable resource, especially keeping out spam. Thank you Dien and Gordon.

Cornell July 31, 2017 03:54 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?

I would think that re-visiting the type of content when SOWpub first evolved is what is still needed and would be welcomed.

While I am not a Facebook aficionado, I do have access to numerous groups and the questions and direction being sought on many of them point right back to the offerings and benefits that SOWpub dealt with in it its infancy...a large market still exists.

True enough, forums such as Tony Blakes's have gone extinct, but referring back to my other post about Facebook and knowledge bases...I believe SOWpub could take excellent advantage of a Facebook group presence for collecting members with a lead back to the SOWpub forum...and both presenting the opportunity for growing membership and also presenting new avenues for income streams for Dien and yourself, not to mention members.

Like most groups or forums the senior members have taken advantage of the beginnings and over time found their niche or calling and moved is time for the newcomers to find what they are seeking and in turn educate others as they gain their own experiences before they, like you and Dien, and myself, get involved in other aspects that diminish time for the forum or group.

Just my 2¢ worth.

Perhaps an example...Bob B posted under this thread about the expensive courses that are over filled with fluff to bounce the price up...that in itself is a business opportunity that I think may have slipped by (either that or a few saw it and didn't post to mention it)...sets up a great basis (without getting into details) for developing a hotsheet business.

GameChanger July 31, 2017 05:07 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Hi Gordon - and thanks.

I have read this thread and suspect many of the comments reflect the changing use of forums and the shrinking attention span of Internet users these days.

I notice that a lot of writers (including me) are self confessed lurkers.

If I could have anything from this forum it would be something interactive on opportunity selection, mindset and implementation.

If you lurk too long (in my case at least) you can get locked into a cycle of inactivity.

I can read the greatest idea in the world and not have any idea whether it is a great do-able opportunity or worthless. As a result no idea ends up being judged as worth the tangible investment of time and energy - never mind the paltry $15, or $50 or so for the blueprint.

This can go on for years...

Maybe sections or threads on obstacles could be worth pursuing.

Obstacles for me...

Selling skills
Copy writing
Focus and concentration
Getting started
Tax and accounting
Incorporation in the US (I'm in the UK).
International perspectives - how ideas can or have played out in other locations

Of all the obstacles, getting started is probably the biggest one.

I remember reading "spiders and snakes" a way back in which Gordon recounts as a young 'un collecting and selling flowers from waste ground which people were prepared to pay for because they didn't want the hassle and exposure to spiders and snakes necessary to go and get them for themselves.

That early experience of making sales taught Gordon that making sales was possible and that value was everywhere.

When I was still at school I got a job selling magazine subscriptions door to door. Probably a poor choice.

I didn't sell one and gave up in bitter frustration.

So we have completely different starting points.

I guess from that the most valuable thing I could get from this forum is just a taste of success.

Just to offer something and have someone pay for it. To taste a little success could change my experience and hence my beliefs. Kind of a bootstrap process. Also I guess maybe relevant for many others here.

PS - I'd also love to see Spiders and Snakes finished. That's a book I'd buy!
PPS Maybe a $1 kindle book on entrepreneurial secrets from the legends on SOWPUB might also "kindle" interest from a fresh market? Include links to resources on SOW?
PPPS Maybe migrate to FB group? Kind of throwing in the towel - there is something magic about the forum. Try finding a 10 year old thread on FB. Everything is transient...
PPPPS Apprentice? Must have missed that! Dang...

Ankesh July 31, 2017 05:31 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
I think I've been visiting Sowpub since 17 years. Don't visit it as often. But I have a lot of fondness for it. It's given me quite a few epiphanies.


No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at, OK?

Don't focus on the what. Focus on the who.

If you want to have an awesome party, don't focus on the food and the decorations. Focus on the most fun people you can invite.

How can you get the best folks you and Dien know to come and participate? How can you get them to invite their smartest friends?

teamplayer July 31, 2017 06:27 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Hi Gordon
Two things I would like. Practical money making ideas , tips that
can be found no where else. Also I would like to see many more members as the more members there are, the more ideas that are contributed.
I have not been visiting the site much recently because I see less and
less info being posted. This, of course, feeds on itself, the less people
that post, the less people visit which in turn leads to even less people posting.
So clearly, you need an influx, a massive increase in members. How?
I think encouraging political debates was not such a great idea, it distracts from what this is a MONEYMAKING forum.
Maybe Diem could give some ideas from his unusual businesses newsletter
and Gordon I have your chatteling report I know you have a ton of tips.
Prizes like this one are an EXCELLENT idea! What about a prize each week or
month for the best money idea! Prize does not have to be expensive. Could be a free subscription or a free report. That is just one possibility , I will try
to think of more.


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38323)
18 years. Thousands of posts. Hundreds of topics.

Recently, we've added a significant number of new members, from my short lived newsletter (38 issues) and the July 4th special. It made us realize that what is old hat, and maybe even boring at this point to some of you old timers, it is fresh and new to people who have just discovered Seeds Of Wisdom forum.

Normally, I ask what do you want to individuals who have contacted me for either advice or whatever.

Since both Dien and I are focused on more offline activity, more than ever before, I want to ask you readers....

What would you like to read here at

What do you want? A more open platform, invite more spammers? More specific discussion? More topics?

As time shrinks on our end, activity declines on this forum, we've cycled through these periods before.

This time, we ask you to help us take our new direction, and there will be a reward if you participate. I'm giving away either a new Kindle Fire or a new digital camera to someone who posts here with an answer to what they want. I'll put your names in a hat, and on Aug. 5th, Sat. I'll draw a winner.

If only one posts, then congrats on you, you have your choice. We'll discuss which one you want and I'll use my Amazon Prime account to get it to you in two days, so you should have it by Aug. 7th. Fair enough?

No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at, OK?

The reason we want your feedback especially newer members, we would not like to have this turn into a ghost town, like so many other forums have become, because honestly, this takes a little work, and we both have our plates full, and if need be, I clear sowpub from my plate in a NY minute.

Thanks for your participation.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. All new apprentice slots are taken, unless you have already contacted me. And yes, the Biz-Ops and JV's in the July 4th report are still on the table, but fading fast.

teamplayer July 31, 2017 06:38 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Just had another hot idea. Sowpub could certainly use some publicity
and more visibility in the social media. Here is how to do that.
I remember a post I did a while back and when I googled the
title of the post it was on page one on google.
So sowpub has clout in the search engines.
Warrior forum offers its members blogs and the content of those blogs
usually end up high on google. Why not offer sowpub members free
blogs. Maybe after 20 posts or some other criteria. If the blogs are
exciting and original enough it could bring in social media interest,
viral maybe! Also people will be incentivised to post to get their
free blog.

Robert J. July 31, 2017 07:32 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Great post! If you can't beat FB, join 'em! I love the idea of using one to build [reload] the other!

Robert J. July 31, 2017 07:35 PM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Ankesh! So great to see your name ... And the same mug image! My night is made!

Ankesh August 2, 2017 06:39 AM

Re: What do you want....from us?
Thank you :)

Unfortunately, life has become a lot busier as I live a nomadic lifestyle and travel a lot. As I can't work more than 4 hours a day, had to cut out forums. And so don't come to sowpub as often.

Will try and drop in once in a while.

GordonJ August 2, 2017 09:23 AM

Sundays, get a little Ankesh in your life. I do!.

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 38385)
Thank you :)

Unfortunately, life has become a lot busier as I live a nomadic lifestyle and travel a lot. As I can't work more than 4 hours a day, had to cut out forums. And so don't come to sowpub as often.

Will try and drop in once in a while.

One of my favorite newsletters, short, sweet and always interesting.

The recent one, HAVE PEOPLE CHANGED, is worth it, could be a hotsheet by itself.

I know you are having fun Ankesh, so your time here is appreciated, and so are your ZEN STRATEGIES, thank you.

Gordon Jay Alerxander

FirstBorn August 3, 2017 11:36 AM

[George W. Haylings]

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38323)
18 years. Thousands of posts. Hundreds of topics.

Recently, we've added a significant number of new members, from my short lived newsletter (38 issues) and the July 4th special. It made us realize that what is old hat, and maybe even boring at this point to some of you old timers, it is fresh and new to people who have just discovered Seeds Of Wisdom forum.

Normally, I ask what do you want to individuals who have contacted me for either advice or whatever.

Since both Dien and I are focused on more offline activity, more than ever before, I want to ask you readers....

What would you like to read here at

What do you want? A more open platform, invite more spammers? More specific discussion? More topics?

As time shrinks on our end, activity declines on this forum, we've cycled through these periods before.

This time, we ask you to help us take our new direction, and there will be a reward if you participate. I'm giving away either a new Kindle Fire or a new digital camera to someone who posts here with an answer to what they want. I'll put your names in a hat, and on Aug. 5th, Sat. I'll draw a winner.

If only one posts, then congrats on you, you have your choice. We'll discuss which one you want and I'll use my Amazon Prime account to get it to you in two days, so you should have it by Aug. 7th. Fair enough?

No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at, OK?

The reason we want your feedback especially newer members, we would not like to have this turn into a ghost town, like so many other forums have become, because honestly, this takes a little work, and we both have our plates full, and if need be, I clear sowpub from my plate in a NY minute.

Thanks for your participation.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. All new apprentice slots are taken, unless you have already contacted me. And yes, the Biz-Ops and JV's in the July 4th report are still on the table, but fading fast.

Thanks for ASKing, Gordon,

I like to read content similar to George W. Haylings, but more in depth.
[George W. Haylings, "Lifetime of Homework"]

You did something similar to this back at the end of the year 2016
into the beginning of 2017.
I believe it was your '52 card deck' that began at the end of December 2016.




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