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Henrik October 8, 2010 03:17 AM

How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Bill October 9, 2010 12:05 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
I have no experience with this product, but it sounds like something you might want to investigate.

"Essentially, we create "super-viral" raffle competitions where people get chances to win prizes when they spread promotions for your business."

If you try it, let us know how it works for you.


Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Dien Rice October 10, 2010 07:22 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Some people write articles, and submit them to various article directories. The articles should be on topics of interest to your potential customers, and you should include your website link and details at the end.

Another method some people use - especially if you have a blog - is to write "guest blog posts" on other people's blogs. These work in a similar way to the free articles...

Participating in free online forums (like this one), and include a link to your website at the end, can work too! Just make sure it is genuine participation, so your posts don't get deleted... :)

I haven't really tried using YouTube, but creating an interesting video and putting it on YouTube - with a link back to your website - would probably work too!

Best wishes!


Skip Rosell October 11, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for asking about facebook friends and great begging:D

You can "Bribe" your friends on Facebook and Linkedin by offering a contest for them sending your message to their closest friends. It does not have to be an expensive prize, maybe $20-$25. For 1,000 mentions that is not a bad deal.

You can go even cheaper by using

You can get almost anything you want done on this site for $5. Just be careful because some are great and others give very poor service.

Check any feedback they have before you decide which one to use.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

oliverbeckham October 12, 2010 04:34 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hi there,

Have you ever tried Mobile Marketing? For email marketing, setting up email auto responder (making your customers to subscribe to a newsletter) will help you get more leads.

oliverbeckham October 12, 2010 04:45 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

First, you may want to start telling your friends about your business. Facebook fanpage is also very effective as you will be able to reach not only local but worldwide audiences. Make sure you optimize the page properly and update the site regularly. Whats the latest product? Is there any upcoming promo? How about free samples of your product? Bonus referral perhaps. Things like these can be done without spending too much for advertising. Create a link wheel, and write some articles and submit these articles to online directories. Don't forget the backlinks. That's the key to drive your customers back to your main site.:)

Randy October 12, 2010 10:25 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hello Henrik,

There are some free scripts that you can use successsfully which may not have all the bells and whistles of paid scripts but as I recall you were looking for results.


You can always Google: Viral Traffic Generation Script
or some other keyword terms if what I (or others here) have suggested is not fruitful for you.

You could always offer a bribe such as $100 to everyone who forwards your message to 10 people, and the same to those people and the same to... nah ... that would never work. LOL

Much success to you!


cash4notes October 18, 2010 12:11 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Without a doubt one of the best strategies for building a business quickly is Joint Ventures, that is you hook up a business that has a similar client profile to your own clients.

To find JV partners you first go after your “warm market”. After you’ve
exhausted your “warm market” you go after “lukewarm
prospects”. And finally you approach the “cold market”.

Using this strategy i brought in little over 100k for a company in about
30 days.

liumingzhu October 20, 2010 09:58 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
You can "Bribe" your friends on Facebook and Linkedin by offering a contest for them sending your message to their closest friends. It does not have to be an expensive prize, maybe $20-$25. For 1,000 mentions that is not a bad deal.

Dien Rice October 20, 2010 10:32 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
This is an interesting Facebook-related article, if you want attention via Facebook...

How FaceBook decides who gets listed as "top news" and who you will never see.

(Originally found on Reddit...)

Best wishes,


FTDomesticGoddess October 25, 2010 09:31 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hi Henrik, there are heaps of free methods for SEO traffic, but may take a few days.
The fiverr website someone mentioned is really awesome and some people also offer to do backlinks which is a must for your site to get in the top search engine rankings too.
Depending on how much time you want to give, you could start a blog, then you can promote that on fb and twitter and search for other people on twitter who also mention something related to your product/keyword you choose.
Submitting articles with your website link in them can be a huge help, writing a really good article(s) will help get higher rankings, with more views which will equal more traffic and its quality traffic as they read your article so they are interested. You can even do a google search on how to write good articles or you can pay someone to do them for you.
If you do a blog, you can submit this to blog directories and help to get even more traffic to your new site. Or you can just submit articles to the blog websites, if you do a google search you should be able to find quite a few blog sites to submit articles, and the same with article directories.
There are also forums dedicated to traffic and websites which can help you too.
It may take a few days, but its all worth it in the end.
Lots of luck!

Tesslynne October 26, 2010 11:30 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hi there,

Well, there are so many ways to try to bring in more attention to your business. You can try Facebook, as others mentioned, you can use Twitter (which also means you need to get followers), you can join email lists to gain a 'downline', which could take months, you can post ads at classified ad sites, and so on. It can be very frustrating, I know, I'm doing it myself :) I have a free ad share type newsletter where you can post a free ad in it... it only allows 10 ads at a time so at least you're not competiting with thousands of the same types of ads. If you're interested you can check it out. To me, the more exposure the better, especially the free stuff :)

Good luck!

Randy October 27, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Whatever happened to Henrik?

It is always interesting to me when a person seeks help or otherwise starts a thread on something and then they vanish.

Sometimes it could be health related, financial related or other life situations that get in the way. Hopefully none of the aformentioned is this case with Henrik.

I was just curious as to what happened since so many shared their thoughts and knowledge.

Personally I am interested in knowing if Henrik was able to meet or hopefully surpass the goal in mind when help was sought here. I hope the answer is yes to this. It would be great to learn of what worked.

Either way ... Henrik, good success to you in your endeavors.

Also I thank all the other responders because I can only look at things through my past experiences as well as the stories of other peoples experiences. That is a bit one dimensional ... so thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences that we ALL might benefit & grow.



Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p

Glenn November 2, 2010 07:14 PM

Jim Straw MONSTER Secret About Building On-line Customer List

Good Question.

From what I'm hearing in backroom scuttlebutt from the PLAYERS.

Jim Straw has it right!

Most on-line Guru's use off-line methods to build their lists. Sure - once you
have a massive list - then you can swap, counter endorse, JV and leverage
with other big boys.

BUT. If you want to Think Big. Leverage your time and dollars. DIRECT
MAIL, Trade Mag ads and articles, Radio ads, car bumper signs, Joint
Venture Endorsed offers - OFF-LINE is the way to go.

NONE of them TALK about it because it would KILL their sales of HOW-TO-Do-
it-from-your-Computer-Chair - SALES.

I've been using Radio Interviews Successfully
to add Subscribers.

I can Introduce you to some Radio Hosts
who need a constant stream of Interesting Content - if you wanna go
that route.

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Radio is Easy.

You Write the Intro - FOR the Host. And send him or her a list of
Topics or Headline Bullets to ask You Questions about.

A few from my Latest Interview -

"Pizza Box Ego Stroke System that got Appointments w/8 of 10 Billion Dollar Co CEO's.

"How to STEAL A JOB - By Pretending to know the CEO in front of the
Personnel Director."

"How a Lady Insurance Agent Made 240K in 48 hrs with a 3 Billion Referral

"How National Girl Scout Cookie SALES WINNER 3 Years in a Row
does HI-LEVERAGE Dr to Dr Sales."

"How Mom and DAughter #1 Realtors Create Huge Open House Crowds"

"How a 22 Millionaire Mentor Saved His Favorite Restaurant w/Dr to Dr
Sales Angle"

You want to hear
How to Make a FREE
Offer to get people
back to my Ezine archive...

The Radio Host Sent Me This LINK -

Here is a direct link to YOUR show, Glenn....

lyndontravis December 9, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
I think, you can do email campaign. You can hire people for that or if you want to have lesser cost, do it by yourself.

zhengwei December 18, 2010 02:07 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

zhengwei December 18, 2010 02:13 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
I think, you can do email campaign. You can hire people for that or if you want to have lesser cost, do it by yourself.

Adman December 23, 2010 12:25 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Charliebee September 14, 2011 08:54 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by Adman (Post 27534)
I finally discovered....NOT ONLY Stop Refunds...100%....but also to get each of my buyers to give me a Nice Testimonial...saying how great they thought my product was.

So.....I found the answer to "How To STOP Refunds, Cold!"
Don Alm

I know this is an old thread, but how does one get this ebook?
I can't pm Don since I don't have enough posts or I would.

Glenn September 15, 2011 01:27 AM

Hey Charlie,

Don Alm is a very successful salesman and marketer. AND he has a Gift
For writing Compelling headlines. (I don't know what he means exactly by STOP REFUNDS.)

I'm going to explain why I don't do it.

I first met Don in 1990 at a Jay Abraham bootcamp. And let me say right
Now - Don is VERY Good at what he does.


In My Mastermind Network MUNNY Making MAGIC Happens when we all
agree to Disagree. And combine or adapt different ideas.

So here's Why I Disagree with the CONCEPT of Stopping ALL REFUNDS.

1st - The Best of the Best Marketers - on and off-line Have a Not so
Secret List of POISON PEOPLE they won't sell to.

Lawsuits, harassment of employees, theft and more.
They SHARE this list to Avoid losing MILLIONS.

2nd - My 426 Million dollar Mentor - Walter Hailey set up and trained
all his Team members to Invisibly SCREEN out Poison PEople with
Handwriting Analysis.

He said, "Since just ONE Problem Person Can DESTROY a company - if I
Find a client, supplier, employee, seminar attendee who Does something
ROTTEN - I don't tell them but I quietly DELETE them from my business."

3rd - Giving Refunds is Your SAFETY NET against being Sued. Or having
a customer tell thousands of people you are a Lying, Cheating, RAT.


With That Said - there ARE Some things You CAN DO to Reduce Refunds:

(JUST REMEMBER - If a buyer INSISTS - Give them a Refund.)

A - I boosted my Guarantee on all my Products to --A 365 day 100%
Munny Back Guarantee--.

B - Instead of 10 or 12 Chapter E-books or Video Books or Audio/E-books
I go the Extra 100 Miles and Often put 25 CHAPTERS into a book. Plus
BONUSES and Surprises.

C - AND I Sell my very, very Advanced NLP Flirt and Sales Materials to
mostly AFFLUENT men and women Entrepreneurs who ALWAYS GET



I throw them a Curve.

I REFUND their Munny Unless they can Pass a TEST.


Oh Yes!

But it works Very Very Well.

And Actually BOOSTS My sales because Successful Small Business
Entrepreneurs are ALSO very Competitive!


To Summarize.

In My Experience it's DANGEROUS to STOP ALL REFUNDS. Because you
NEVER know who you've made HOT, Jumping MAD.

The Mad Bad Word of Mouth can Hurt Your Company a LOT.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

P.S. - And YES - Screening out Negative People is a IMPORTANT.
One of our Best S elling Systems is "Instant Handwriting Volume #1."

"How to Test Men & Women BEFORE You Meet Them"

P.P.S. - Don't let the 2138.97 Price Tag Alarm you. When You Pass the
Test at - you earn a 90% off Discount.

homebizdiva October 11, 2011 07:43 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
It is difficult to grow an online business fast. I spent lots of $$$$ on different programs that I got bombarded with on my email. All claim to bring you traffic. I did not get any traffic or at least not what they claim to bring you. I am sure you have heard "The Money Is In the List".. Yes, this is all so true. I then went to many autoresponder offers and sure they will help you by automating your business, but they do not bring you business, clicks to your site. People interested in what you have to offer, so finally I joined and autoresponder called GetResponse and their sister company GetSubscribers. YES you have to pay. But guess what, Get Subscribers is building a list my lists for my different sites and GetResponder is sending out my email campaigns and I am getting visitors and sales. It does take money to make money. There are other ways to build your business, and it all takes time. If you are serious and into really developing your business seek out the different methods available to grow and nurture your business. I am a real estate broker and an affiliate marketer. The best program I have found to "learn" how to market your business is PlugInProfits. Sorry I cant publish a link yet. As per rules need at least 10 post and I am new here.:eek:
They go through a 30 day training program. You learn at your own pace. If you are like me and find it hard to learn new stuff, you can read it as many times as you want until it sinks in.

Well, I like learning new techniques to get my online business humming. I will be posting what I am learning and hope I can get some more ideas from fellow associates. Thanks

Bozo October 11, 2011 11:29 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by homebizdiva (Post 29256)
. It does take money to make money.

Is that something you heard somewhere?

What I heard somewhere is that "If you can't make money without money, you can't make money with money". I have found that to be true.


Originally Posted by homebizdiva (Post 29256)
Sorry I cant publish a link yet. As per rules need at least 10 post and I am new here.

I see a link on every one of your posts. How did that happen if you can't publish a link?


Originally Posted by homebizdiva (Post 29256)
Well, I like learning new techniques to get my online business humming. I will be posting what I am learning and hope I can get some more ideas from fellow associates. Thanks

Here's an idea for you: Post something useful with out the cheesy link in your sig file and maybe people will respond positively. This site is not spam friendly. It is however very friendly to a useful exchange of business ideas.

I followed your link, checked your profile, and still have no idea what you're selling, or trying to sell.

Phil October 12, 2011 02:17 AM

Spread the Word about your Business Fast! Especially, with the FTC, ETC., Watching...
Closely! ...

I'd Have to 2nd those Suggestions with a Few (Added) recommendations...


I'm sure You're probably [Not] Trying to Mislead other's here on (SowPubs) Through your Lack of Knowledge and business experience, Suggested ideas and Marketing Tactics that you're Most Likely (Not) Very sure of yourself... :)

SowPubs and SowPubbers really Fall into a Whole (Different) kind of {Animal}, Business idea(s), Educational world of Business communications, Ball Game! ...

Especially if you Take some [Time] and Dig into the Endless Golden Nuggets throughout it's Current and Archived Editions...

Just to Help you a little and Make you Aware on the Current business model that you're Following and Promoting around the Web including FaceBook before You Start feeling Bad in Many ways with Unfortunately [Negative] Results overall! ...

Maybe Realizing that There are Much Better Options throughout the Business idea(s), Opportunities, Possibilities that you Can Enjoy and Feel Much better about Getting into...

Not to Say too Much More [Directly] other than What's available in the Public Domain/Public Knowledge Already...

Not to be Taken as a Legal Opinion But just a Very Quick Overview and info On the Overall Message I'm Suggesting regarding your Business Mentor(s) and Business Model selection(s) as per your Posts so far on SowPubs... ;)

Testimonials from (misc.) Internet marketing Guru's (Might) Look Good, Unfortunately are Very Misleading, amongst a Variety of other particular Positive & Negative Opinions...

("Jeffrey Stone Evans is a legend in the network marketing and internet marketing industry. He also goes by Stone Evans and Mark Wise. Lives a very private life. In fact, you can search the internet and you won't find very much about his personal life")...

Unless you (Seriously) Dig into Google... The FTC and a Few Other Areas of the World of Network marketing and internet marketing industry ETC. ETC...

Lots of [Different Opinions] out there on the FTC etc., But Unfortunately...

FTC Affiliate Marketing GUIDE...

The Department of Justice Filed against [Selected] Marketers/Business people and Won judgements! ....

Defendant Jeffrey Stone Evans, also known as Stone Evans and Mark Wise,...


sandalwood October 12, 2011 11:47 AM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 27227)
Hi, my first post here. I hope some of you might be able to help me or at least give me some feedback.

I am about to start up my own internet based business and would (obviously) like to get as many members subscribing to my site as possible. I am willing to spend money on SEO and Google Adwords, but I wonder how I can use my own existing network to get through to thousands within days or weeks.

E.g. I have 300+ Facebook friends and 150+ LinkedIn connections. I assume I have close (enough) relations with around 100 to use them in spreading my message and get them to sign up on my site. But how do you - generally speaking - break through to their network. What incentives do people need to send a message to their 10+ closest friends, who again send it to their 10+ closest friends etc?

Is begging enough? :p


Do you happen to live near a college or university? If so, the possibilities are endless. You can get exposure via the "greek" organizations, their computer school, flyers, student union, etc. It'll take some leg work but may result in a hefty spike for your business.

Just my 2¢...


dlauro November 28, 2011 07:48 PM

Re: How to spread the word about your business fast?
One Way would be to write articles, joining other forums, give out business cards, word of mouth just talking to people about your business

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