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Glenn April 3, 2017 01:48 PM

Results from my Trash Truck Tipping
Thanks Dien,


It costs me about 30 bucks to replace a plastic trash can
with lid - at War-mart - here in the USA.

BEFORE I started putting Thank you notes
with Cookies or LOTTO tickets.

And poems on top of my Trash Cans by the road.

The Trash Men (Who must HATE their jobs)
would Flip the trash can High in the air.

If it is below Freezing - the Plastic can would Crack down the side.

Had to Replace 2 cans - 60 bucks.

BUT NOT ONE has been broken since I started putting Thank You
Notes and Poems and little gifts on my cans.


Glenn April 3, 2017 02:04 PM

Can-You-Eat-Just-One Food Psychology Math
Thanks Dien,

Can You Eat Just One
Food Psychology Math
For Chef Bryan

An Aussie Millionaire Restaurant Owner,
Attracted 100's of New Moolah Donors,
How Did He Do It?

Drag Strangers in His Front Door To Sit,
At The Bar And Drink and Drink,

Hint - He Gave Away Snacks w/Salt,
To Sell Cola, Margaritas and Single Malt,

He Used EyeGrabbing Hi-Jinks,

Front Door to the Bar - Green Monster Footprints with Toes,
Led Patrons by the Eyes - Not the Nose,

Chef Cooked Snacks Hit Patrons Like a Car,
Salty & Addictive & HomeMade at the Bar,

The Sign Hanging from The Ceiling Like a Star,
"Try My HomeMade Chips - On Me,"
"They are Free," ---Chef Bryan --

So A Question for Chef Bryan,

What Salty Foods Have You Done?,
That are so good - "You can't Eat Just One?"


P.S. - PROOF Giving Away Cheap Snacks to S-ell Pricey
drinks and Food Works a Treat.

***Barbecue Restaurant in Pennsylvania gross
sales up by 14% giving away Pork Roll Snacks to Golfers

***Bankrupt to Filled to the Max
Asian Restaurant - Fr-e-e-e Chicken Salad
for Local Real Estate Agents (San Francisco)

***Raw Food Restaurant in Las Vegas up 23% in gross s*ales
F-r-e-e Dessert Sampler - Combined with a big Freezer by
the cash Register. Affluent customers took 2 or 3 frozen items Home.

Glenn April 4, 2017 03:40 PM

Flirt Tipping Makes You Look AFFLUENT (Result?) Free Food
Thanks Dien,

We had a bit of a AHA! moment after re-reading
this Flirt Testimonial from Alexander.

Perhaps -

If Nobody Else in a Restaurant is Flirt Tipping LOTTO TICKETS
to the waitress, servers, bus-boys...all thru a meal.

You might Be Perceived to be Affluent.

Which might Explain WHY the Restaurant Manager
Gave Alex a Huge F-r-e-e Plate of Veggies to Try Out.

While Chatting with Alexander
he tells me this Flirt Tipping Story.

New Restaurant. Never been there before.

Beautiful blonde waitress.

Alexander asks her name.

Then he says, "Here is a Lotto Ticket for you. I hope you win 1000's"

SHE SAYS, "Oh good. I have student Loans to p*ay off."

Every time Suzy comes to his table. Another lotto ticket.

Lotto ticket to the brunette who brings his entire.

Lotto Ticket to the BusBoy who re-fills the water glass.

Lotto ticket to the manager.

THE MANAGER comes back and says, "We'd like you to Try a F-r-e-e Vegetarian plate. We're gathering feedback
before we add it to the menu."


For 7.00 worth of LOTTO tickets - Alexander Gets His own meal
PLUS a huge vegetarian platter which will be priced at 25.00 .


Please remember that Your Success with LOTTO ticket Flirt Tipping Depends
on you. What YOU Do.

Remember S*ales 101?

You go 1st and the Prospect will follow.

You Smile and Compliment them - they Smile
say something NICE back.

(EDITORS NOTE - Donald Trump and Vladamir Putin are an Example of this.
Putin said something nice about Trump
So Trump RECIPROCATED. And the Democrats had kittens.)

IN THIS CASE You are going further.

You are Smiling, Thanking, Complimenting And REWARDING
everyone who comes to your table.

The Better You Get at this the Better your results will be.

(EDITORS NOTE - The only way we know to measure this is to Track the Free
Stuff you get. Just Like an affluent Aussie mentor tracks How Good His
Golden Rule - Professional Practice - Systems are Based on the value of the
GIFTS his customers bring back from their world travels.)

Flirt Practice.

Dunno how this worked for Alexander

He FLIRTS with 2 Waitresses
and gives THEM Lotto tickets and then the Male Manager offers him an Entire plate of free food.

(EDITORS NOTE - This is what makes Flirt Tipping Exciting. You NEVER
Know WHO the Golden Rule - LIGHTNING will Strike next.)


Glenn April 6, 2017 05:37 PM

A LOTTO TICKET Flirt-for-Moolah-Sales Letter to a Chef
Thanks for Your Patience Chef ______,

As You Can See I've Staple a LOTTO TICKET to the top of this letter.

Why Do that?

I Like Your Cooking.

And Wanted to to GRAB YOUR ATTENTION in order to Share
some Proven 7 Figure Ideas to Help you Boost Your Gross Sales.

Since What I do is Interview self made Millionaires
and Chefs from all over the world - then Share the Best Ideas...

You have been getting some of those ideas
but sent to the Wrong Man. The Former cook.

I apologize for getting your name wrong. But Your Website AND
your Advertising AND Direct Maail offers have the "Other guy" all over them.

So - Oooops.


Some of the Most Profitable Ideas invented by Restaurant Owners and chefs

For Example:

FIRST - Your WINE List - Add a Single Sheet of paper to it that says:

"Top 3 Favorite Wines w/Fish

"Top 3 Best Selling Wines w/Meat

Our Clients Wine Sales Jumped. Yours will too.

SECOND - (I Got This from DisneyLand Restaurants)

Use Addictive (Can't Eat Just One) Little BRIBES To Boost Your Most Popular Food Items.

We Grew Steak Sub Sales by 29%
in a Restaurant/Deli -

"Free Small Bag Of Potato Chips
w/Any Size Steak Sub or Sandwich."

Bag Stuffer,
Stapled to Receipt
Email to Customer list.

THREE - (Free Coffee - Nordstrom uses this to Attract Affluent Folks - to Stay in their stores longer and shop.)

Adapted for you -

I - Go to Starbucks - get a bag each of their top 3 best selling coffee

II - On The Back of the Wine List.

III - Flyers at the Bar - OFFER - "Triple Tongue Taste Teaser Coffee Menu"

Charge 1.00 for 3 tiny Taste Cups.
A Free Full size cup if they can Guess What Country each coffee comes from.

FOUR - (Disney, Vegas Hotels, Double Tree Hotels - Move People around where
they will spend more money - using the Bread-Crumb-Method.)

Specifically - Large - Homemade Chocolate Chip cookies (Instead of bread crumbs).

Adapted for you - STAPLE a 3 by 5 Card to Each Diners Receipt that says:

"Go to The Bar for 1 Free Giant HomeMade Chocolate Chip Cookie.
Offer good for only 1 cookie per table."


Kids and adults who DID NOT get a cookie - BUY their own Cookies!
BE PREPARED. This will create some Chaos.

FIVE - LUCKY Crab Cake Dinner Offer -

"We Buy You A Free LOTTO TICKET with
each order of our Lucky _____ Crab Cake Dinner"

Change your price from 28.00 to 28.99

SIX - You Can Boost Waiter Tips AND Food Sales - SAME TIME.

We Interviewed a former Waitress (Now restaurant owner) who used
to make 5000.00 a day in tips in Silicon Valley Restaurant.

One of her ideas Applied Across Your Menu -

I - Don't ask, "What would you like to Drink?

Hand out a page of soda and Iced Tea Drinks and Top 3 Wines
You CHARGE money for - then Ask, "Which of our Drink Selections do you want today?"

II - Don't Ask, "Would you like to hear about our Soups?"

"Say, These are are 3 most popular Home Made Soups. Which one do you want to try First?"

III - Ditto for Dessert.

Except - Why not put three Desserts on a Tray? So waitresses can
Tantalize diners? (This is not new - but it works.)

Snap Dessert Pics and Pass a Tablet around or send the pics to your waiters phones. Let them Up their tips using their own Technology.

SEVEN - We've Raised Restaurant Clients Gross Sales by Up to 51%
By Slowly Adapting A Disneyland Restaurant (100's of Disney Restaurant do this)
Version of
The New York Times Best Seller Book List Psychology.



Remind me to Walk you thru some of their Invisible Strategies when we talk.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association
Rentamentor Network

Glenn April 9, 2017 12:25 AM

Do NOT Read This Unless You Have Read "Think & Grow Rich"
Thanks for allowing me to share Dien,

Our "Flirt and Grow Richer" - Book #1 is done.

But The Book is NOT REALLY About Flirting.


Giving Away Munny.



Bottom line - nitty gritty.

***Our Book Teaches you How to Create The MASTERMIND Effect.***

Our 53 Chapter book Guarantees that IF you have Read Napoleon Hills
book "Think and Grow Rich" and Want to learn how to Create a MASTERMIND
Positive Energy Link - between two people. (You and 1 more.)

A MASTERMIND Energy link that makes munny - win - win.

whenever you want to.


P.S. - book LINK -

Dien Rice April 12, 2017 02:05 AM

I like the Flirt Tipping Master Mind idea...!

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 37950)
Thanks for allowing me to share Dien,

Our "Flirt and Grow Richer" - Book #1 is done.

But The Book is NOT REALLY About Flirting.


Giving Away Munny.



Bottom line - nitty gritty.

***Our Book Teaches you How to Create The MASTERMIND Effect.***

Our 53 Chapter book Guarantees that IF you have Read Napoleon Hills
book "Think and Grow Rich" and Want to learn how to Create a MASTERMIND
Positive Energy Link - between two people. (You and 1 more.)

A MASTERMIND Energy link that makes munny - win - win.

whenever you want to.


P.S. - book LINK -

Hi Glenn,

It's interesting to think about your flirt-tipping as a way of building a MasterMind... But it also makes sense, too!

I do believe that this approach could turn a frozen human iceberg into warm sunbeam of smiles... :)

Best wishes,


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