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MichaelRoss September 8, 2007 06:43 PM

Microchip Implants Cause Cancer
More RFID stuff. Interesting read. And another FDA guy leaves to work for the Co he gave approval to - wow, who-do-a-thunk-it, that never happens (sarcasm off).


Sandi Bowman September 9, 2007 02:24 AM

Re: Microchip Implants Cause Cancer
Thanks for the links, Michael. Knew it was a problem but didn't realize the full scope of it until now.

Y'know, I believe that our tolerance level to spying on us has been crammed down our throats and the advent of computer spying even in the privacy of our own homes and offices, was/is a way to break down our 'sensitivity' to being spyed upon.

How many folks can you point to who, when told a product contains spyware in it, shrug and say 'oh, well...'? I know a ton of them...and it's frightening how insidiously our privacy and security is being taken away...and our sensitivity to it even more. Familiarity breeds contempt as they say. How right they are!

Sandi Bowman

Pete Egeler September 9, 2007 06:37 AM

PLUS.. Just for good measure..
So does microwave popcorn! At least that's the latest "big deal" on cancer-causing foods going around now.

One thing for sure, folks. We're not going to get out of this world alive!


bobmcalister September 10, 2007 06:10 PM

hey PETE the Lotto buy...
how bout some free samples ?
when we win , we all buy your report,win,win

heh heh

Pete Egeler September 10, 2007 07:52 PM

Sure, Bob..
Just tell me what state you play the game in.


PS: This week I'm up. :) Hit for $50 Saturday. First once since they found the "programming glich" in the TN Lotto's computer system!

bobmcalister September 12, 2007 04:16 PM

Re: Sure, Bob..
thanks Pete...

I am in Mississippi and we dont have the lottery , but the state of Louisiana does...

I was thinking that your system would work on the net ?


Pete Egeler September 12, 2007 05:07 PM

My lotto stuff..
Hey Bob,

As long as you've got access to past draws, you can win. :)

I've hit 4 out of the 5 games played since Monday. :D

You can play these numbers EVERY DAY through 9/19/07. (I play the 50¢ games boxed.. (any order)

721, 213, 946, 795, 248, 950

Good luck!


Unregistered September 12, 2007 05:42 PM

Re: Sure, Bob..

Originally Posted by Pete Egeler (Post 16912)
Just tell me what state you play the game in.


PS: This week I'm up. :) Hit for $50 Saturday. First once since they found the "programming glich" in the TN Lotto's computer system!


How about the state of Illinois?


Pete Egeler September 12, 2007 08:39 PM

Hey Ken..
If I lived in IL I would play these numbers from tonight, through 9/19.

584, 842, 063, 501, 867,019.

Be sure to let us know how you do. (I'll know, 'cause I'm gonna watch them)


bobmcalister September 13, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: Hey Ken..
thanks pete...

those numbers are to be played by the individual digit...584 is 5,8,4 ?

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