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Dien Rice November 28, 2006 08:09 AM

A little story about my niece Tara...
Sorry if this doesn't seem to have much to do with business... I wanted to share a little bit of my personal life.

Many of you don't know that I'm a (relatively recent) uncle!

One of my brothers (I have two) had a baby daughter just over a year ago. My niece's name is Tara. It's quite fascinating how a baby develops so quickly!

I remember when my niece Tara was so small, she couldn't even turn herself over if she was lying on her back. She found it so frustrating. Unfortunately, I don't get to see Tara that often (Tara's Dad and Mom - that is, my brother and sister-in-law - live in a different city from me). However, I saw Tara when she was trying to crawl. And Tara has since developed from crawling to walking!

It was a struggle for her, and she fell down many times trying to walk. However, each time, she just got up and tried some more. She didn't give up! She perservered! And eventually, she succeeded!

Just think, each of us went through those stages early in our own lives. You were once too weak to crawl, but... You didn't give up. You perservered... Until you could crawl. Then you tried again until you could walk. And again until you could run, and again until you could ride a bicycle. And you kept trying until you could drive a car...

What a life lesson! Don't you think?

Maybe it is related to business after all... :)



Garth November 28, 2006 10:58 AM

Thanks To Tara My Return Trip To Childhood Won't Get Canceled
Dien, great story.

I love stories about Kids teaching Adults how to Grow Up.

I don'd know about you but I think more stories like this would be
great material for a hotsheet.

I think as some of us get older more and more we'll want to hear stories about uplifting stories.


Because it is all about taking a sip at the fountain of youth. Stories like the wonderful Tara helps us believe we can find it.

We have faith our return to childhood won't get cancelled.

The belief we can return to childhood has real health benefits and wide interest here's a story about Japanese seniors staying young with play dolls for example.

So keep um coming Dien if you can.

Here's one story an autistic kid that did such amazing things on the basketball court it motivated NBA legend Magic Johnson to do something he'd never done before.

Also check out a post I made earlier about what a severly disabled kid and his dad accomplished one magical day at the golf course. At the time I wrote it I felt it was the feel good story of the year and I still feel that way today.

Anyway thanks Tara, thanks Dien.

Sandi Bowman November 28, 2006 11:52 AM

Re: A little story about my niece Tara...
This subject of happier times, returning to childhood, de-stressing, and so on, seems to be a recurring theme these days. I just finished responding to a question asked in response to a post I did on the FIB forum about the same type of thing.

Do you suppose that folks have had it with all the violence and negativity in the world that passes for 'news' and are longing for some balance and sanity?

I say we go even further and publicize, encourage, and reward the GOOD things in life, the good people who do good things, and uphold a more positive, hopefull, and inspiring goal for this world and it's inhabitants. We may be in the pits we allowed to be created, but we don't have to stay there, wallow in it, and glorify it.

Sandi Bowman

Don Alm November 28, 2006 11:59 AM

The same goes for "Direct Sales"
I went to Electrical Engineering School. In college, I carried a slide rule on my belt. (pre-computer age) My first job was with General Electric. My first month in my office I overheard a comment in the washroom that "I" had replaced "Ol' George" at half of George's salary....and that "Ol' George" had been "Let Out To Pasture" at the "ripe ol' age" of 52.

Then I noticed another "replacement" of a 50yr old with a guy just out of college, like me. Within 2 mos of starting my carreer I saw 5 "50 yr olds" "let go".

That's when the thought struck me; "If I work here for 30 yrs, will I also, be let go just before I get my "Vested Retirement"?

So...that's when I started spending every spare minute hunting for something I could do where "I" would be "in charge of MY destiny". This, to me meant, starting a business of some kind.

Then, one day, a few months later, I saw an ad in the Biz-Op section of the WallStreet Journal. It was for a "new-type" of Home Burglar Alarm. A "Box" that would pick up a phone, dial the operator and play a recorded message;
"Operator! There is a Burglar Alarm sounding at 1234 Main St. Please contact the Police at 555-1212! I repeat; There is...."

Now...this thing was nothing more than a fancy "answering machine" with a round rubber wheel that made contact with the dial on the rotary phone so that "O" would be dialed. A phone sat in this "Box" and when a circuit was broken a lever lifted the receiver to get a dial-tone...and the rubber wheel started turning.

This was a real "rube goldberg" thing appealed to me. Because it was a "Home Alarm"...I could start my business and contact homeowners in the evening and on weekends....while keeping my job at GE.

I researched the market for "Home Burglar alarms" (no Google then) and found there appeared to be a "need" for HOME alarms and no one was providing a relatively low-cost home sent in my $500, bought a Demo and Starter Kit....opened a bank account (with $750), printed some letterheads, envelopes, business cards, order forms....and I was in Business.

Now....the company had a "mickey-mouse" presentation and they didn't offer much help as to HOW to get appointments with I was pretty much left to come up with HOW to market this thing.

Up till this time I was considered an "introvert". I was NOT "assertive" or "outgoing" at all. That's one of the reasons why I chose Engineering...I did NOT have to "interact with people".

However...with my "newly chosen career" I had to find a way to get appointments.....GIVE A DEMO AND .....(Heaven's To Betsy. here comes that "word")...."SELL" my alarm system.

So....I "gritted my teeth" and got down to work. I figured that I could send a letter, introducing myself as a "Security" person and I had a New Answer to "Home Security"....and I would be calling them in a few days to make an appointment to "give them an estimate".

I would start calling around 6pm (this was pre-Can't Call List)....and the first few evenings were a disaster. Then, 3 evenings later, I started to get the "lingo" down to where I got my ACTUAL first appointment.

My first few appointments were also disastrous. I stumbled and mumbled around....scared-to-death because THIS was totally 180degrees opposite to what my personality was, at that time. I was NOT an "outgoing" person who could;
Get an Appointment
Give a Demo
Estimate the job
ASK FOR THE ORDER! night about a month into my "new found career"...I gave a Demo and estimate to a dentist and lo and behold....he said;
"Let's Do It! When can you start installation?"

You coulda knocked me over with a feather. My fingers were shaking so much I could hardly write up the order. I told him I could start this Saturday.

Then...when I got wife asked me, "WHO is going to do the installation?"

Gulp! I had never installed an Alarm. I had NO CLUE as to how to "run the wires". I knew what the detection devices were and how they operated BUT, where and how to "run the wires" was a complete mystery.

So...I suddenly realized I needed an "installer" to show me how to "install". I called my customer and told him I had to delay the installation for a week while I gathered the needed equipment. I then called 3 alarm companies in the yellow pages and asked them to come up to my Father-in-Laws home for an "estimate".

I wanted to see how THEY presented their program and....I was hoping I could talk one of them into "doing some SIDE WORK on weekends".

The first 2 were "slick sales guys" but the 3rd was a guy who had started his own alarm co a year ago. He KNEW HOW TO INSTALL. So, I asked him if he would be interested in helping me with MY installations.

He said, "Fine"....and I asked him to help me with my dentist's job and I was off on a new career. When we were installing the dentist's home, a neighbor came over and asked if I would give him an estimate. Which I gladly did, AND got him to give me a deposit for HIS installation.

Then...I got one of my first of thousands of "Marketing Flashes". I made up a flyer that said I was installing an Alarm System for the dentist and if they would like an estimate, to give me a call.

As I recall...I got 3 more jobs from that neighborhood and when I got my 5th job I went into my bosses office and gave him my "2-week-notice". He, my parents, my in-laws, fellow workers, friends,...ALL tried to dissuade me.

I would NOT be talked out of it. So....with a frustrated wife, 2 babies and a background in "Laboratory Work and Introverted"....I began my first business.

It was VERY first few weeks. BUT....I knew that if I "forced" myself to "learn How To Sell" that....even if my alarm biz didn't make it, I could still find "something to SELL". So...that began my "Learning Time". I'm STILL "Learning" Sales, Marketing and Promotion Techniques.


At my high school and college friends were amazed at how "I Had Changed". "learning how to walk"....people CAN "Learn How To Sell"....even if they are total introverts. other thing I "learned" with my first business. I learned that I could spend all kinds of TIME...researching...checking...getting my "ducks-in-a-row"....before I started a business or project and there would STILL BE SOMETHING I than waste the Time, stalling until philosophy has been....


START THE THING...NOW! I can "learn-as-I-go"....I can "put-out-the-fires" as they come up because you can NEVER PLAN FOR EVERY CONTINGENCY!

And....if I want something bad enough...I can LEARN HOW TO GET IT!

Thanks for reminding me of my first biz and the opportunity to relate where "I" am coming from. Maybe someone reading this can use my experience to "get the courage" to "STEP OUT" and START a project they've been "thinking about".

I am "proof" you do NOT need to have "everything lined up" before starting... the MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO.....START IT! You can "put-out-the-fires" as you go!

Don Alm

Ankesh November 28, 2006 01:39 PM

Re: Negotiation lessons from a Mom
Thanks Dien for the post.

Read this recently - its not about babies - but kind of in the same vein:


Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, once joked that any mother who has dealt with two kids and one piece of toffee could negotiate any contract. (The trick, according to another high-powered mom, is to let one child divide the sweet and the other to pick the first piece.)

Read it in an article by Ann Crittenden

Duane Adolph December 1, 2006 07:02 PM

Re: A little story about my niece Tara...
Hey Dien,

There is a valuable life lesson here.

A key to success is to "GET UP FASTER"

I've seen this in the relationship arena. 2 people separate, a month or two later one is back in the game and dating.

The other stays down for months sometimes years before they allow themselves to be with someone else.

Those that "GET UP FASTER" get TO where they are going a whole heck of a lot faster, that's for sure.

Thanks and Congrats Uncle :->


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 6908)
Sorry if this doesn't seem to have much to do with business... I wanted to share a little bit of my personal life.

Many of you don't know that I'm a (relatively recent) uncle!

One of my brothers (I have two) had a baby daughter just over a year ago. My niece's name is Tara. It's quite fascinating how a baby develops so quickly!

I remember when my niece Tara was so small, she couldn't even turn herself over if she was lying on her back. She found it so frustrating. Unfortunately, I don't get to see Tara that often (Tara's Dad and Mom - that is, my brother and sister-in-law - live in a different city from me). However, I saw Tara when she was trying to crawl. And Tara has since developed from crawling to walking!

It was a struggle for her, and she fell down many times trying to walk. However, each time, she just got up and tried some more. She didn't give up! She perservered! And eventually, she succeeded!

Just think, each of us went through those stages early in our own lives. You were once too weak to crawl, but... You didn't give up. You perservered... Until you could crawl. Then you tried again until you could walk. And again until you could run, and again until you could ride a bicycle. And you kept trying until you could drive a car...

What a life lesson! Don't you think?

Maybe it is related to business after all... :)



gail December 2, 2006 01:41 PM

Re: A little story about my niece Tara...
It has everything to do with everything. Children learn more by 5 years old than anyother time in their life. It's all stored in their great little minds and DNA.

As we get chronologically older and have been engaged in these so-called institutions of wisdom, we start to regress.

Many children who are homeschooled or "no schooled" it has been shown, tend to do better than many people think.

You see we innately know what to do ; but we don't trust our commonsense, which most children have.

Got a business question: ask a child. You might be surprised at the depth of their answers.

The lesson from tara: you've got to crawl before you can walk and then just take one step at a time and do it at your own pace.

Thanks Dien


Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 6908)
Sorry if this doesn't seem to have much to do with business... I wanted to share a little bit of my personal life.

Many of you don't know that I'm a (relatively recent) uncle!

One of my brothers (I have two) had a baby daughter just over a year ago. My niece's name is Tara. It's quite fascinating how a baby develops so quickly!

I remember when my niece Tara was so small, she couldn't even turn herself over if she was lying on her back. She found it so frustrating. Unfortunately, I don't get to see Tara that often (Tara's Dad and Mom - that is, my brother and sister-in-law - live in a different city from me). However, I saw Tara when she was trying to crawl. And Tara has since developed from crawling to walking!

It was a struggle for her, and she fell down many times trying to walk. However, each time, she just got up and tried some more. She didn't give up! She perservered! And eventually, she succeeded!

Just think, each of us went through those stages early in our own lives. You were once too weak to crawl, but... You didn't give up. You perservered... Until you could crawl. Then you tried again until you could walk. And again until you could run, and again until you could ride a bicycle. And you kept trying until you could drive a car...

What a life lesson! Don't you think?

Maybe it is related to business after all... :)



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