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Dien Rice February 28, 2021 08:08 PM

Writing and overthinking - is this what's stopping you?
Sometimes (actually, more often than I'd like to admit!) - I get a kind of "writer's block"...

And I find it hard to get started...

Just recently, I think I understand what's behind this...

Sometimes it's tiredness... (As I find you need a clear mind to write well...)

I suspect this is why a lot of famous writers who have documented their process, write first thing in the morning, when the brain is refreshed...

But other times, I think the cause is "overthinking"...

Sometimes when you think to much about something - and rather than just doing - it stops you...

I guess it's a form of "paralysis by analysis" - but in this case, with regard to writing...

What's the solution?

I found this article quite helpful!

How Overthinking Sabotages Writing Creativity and How to Stop by Colleen M. Story

I won't go through all the advice she gives in there, but here are couple of keys...

"Have I taken action? If not, you’re overthinking."

"Stop Thinking and Start Writing"

I think it can be that simple... Just start writing, rather than thinking about what you're going to write... (Everything can be fixed up and improved later.)

I think trying to enjoy and play with what you're writing is important too... (Sometimes perfectionism can stop you from enjoying the writing process!)

I hope that others who may have similar problems find this helpful!

Best wishes,


EricC March 1, 2021 01:05 PM

Re: Writing and overthinking - is this what's stopping you?
Hi Dien,

Not wanting to make mistakes can be a paralyzing!

As an experiment I just posted a 65,000 word blog post from my 2018 and 2019 Quora archives. I had downloaded my answers from the site before deleting my account last year. They have been sitting on my hard drive gathering electronic dust since.

Almost all the answers had to do with questions about Soulmates and Twin Flames plus a few other related occult topics. So putting them all in one document shouldn't totally confuse the search engines.

What I am doing is developing a habit of publishing imperfection. I guarantee the blog post is full of imperfect writing. Lots of it. Too big to edit and get published immediately. So I didn't bother trying. Too big to overthink.

Something interesting is happening since publishing. More ideas are showing up for things to write post and reports about both related to the post and other topics.

I think it is important to get the flow going no matter what it takes. Got a ways to go myself. Gonna get there!

Thanks, Eric

Dien Rice March 2, 2021 11:46 PM

The spirit of "play" can help with perfectionism...

Originally Posted by EricC (Post 41652)
Hi Dien,

Not wanting to make mistakes can be a paralyzing!

As an experiment I just posted a 65,000 word blog post from my 2018 and 2019 Quora archives. I had downloaded my answers from the site before deleting my account last year. They have been sitting on my hard drive gathering electronic dust since.

Almost all the answers had to do with questions about Soulmates and Twin Flames plus a few other related occult topics. So putting them all in one document shouldn't totally confuse the search engines.

What I am doing is developing a habit of publishing imperfection. I guarantee the blog post is full of imperfect writing. Lots of it. Too big to edit and get published immediately. So I didn't bother trying. Too big to overthink.

Something interesting is happening since publishing. More ideas are showing up for things to write post and reports about both related to the post and other topics.

I think it is important to get the flow going no matter what it takes. Got a ways to go myself. Gonna get there!

Hi Eric,

That's a great attitude!

It makes me think of those traditional carpet weavers... The ones that would purposely stitch a flaw into the carpet design... It was a reminder that only the Eternal One is perfect...

Perfectionism can be very paralyzing... It can hold people back more than they realize - especially in entrepreneurial activities!

I do think one "solution" is to start playing...

When you were a kid, you were playing... You didn't care about things being "perfect"... You just wanted to have some fun...

Being able to recapture that kind of attitude, I believe, can also help... :)

Best wishes!


EricC March 3, 2021 02:38 AM

Dancing Away the Challenges of Perfectionism
You mention the carpet weavers and the intentional flaw. Exactly how I learned then taught Argentine Tango. Using that same example!

Love the beauty in the flaw!

btw: My mother says her biggest surprise in her life was my taking up dancing. Haha!

The funny thing is dancing terrified me my entire life until I tried it in my mid-forties. Yet I even ended up teaching! Until Covid anyway. All these pearls of wisdom we hear regarding dealing with fear, goals, success, etc. worked on the dance floor.

Why was learning Argentine Tango easier for me than creating/writing content for an online business?

You said it. Play! Authentic playfulness is the secret sauce.

Wine, beautiful women in elegant dresses, classy music, and new friends made learning tango fun. Even though it was hard work. Frustrating even. Yet, still a lot of fun.

Well once I got over being scarred to death of asking women to dance. I would physically shake then sweat from nerves will dancing. Goodness. The ladies were gracious and patient with my learning curve.

Enjoying laughing at my mistakes was another big secret.

Learning to find the fun, playful, energy in blogging and creating info-products is proving to be key for me once again. My wife won't go for having dozens of women dancing through my office so I gotta figure out alternatives.

Thanks Dien!



Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 41665)
Hi Eric,

That's a great attitude!

It makes me think of those traditional carpet weavers... The ones that would purposely stitch a flaw into the carpet design... It was a reminder that only the Eternal One is perfect...

Perfectionism can be very paralyzing... It can hold people back more than they realize - especially in entrepreneurial activities!

I do think one "solution" is to start playing...

When you were a kid, you were playing... You didn't care about things being "perfect"... You just wanted to have some fun...

Being able to recapture that kind of attitude, I believe, can also help... :)

Best wishes!


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