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GordonJ July 15, 2018 11:45 AM

Step One. CHOOSE your TARGET.
Step One. Choose your TARGET. This represents your potential customers. You are looking for one, like finding Waldo inthe books.

You want the one person to BUY.
Where are they in the crowd?
What are they looking for?
What can you do for them?
What is it you have they might want?

Once you know who you want for a customer, then you have to know what they want, and WHERE to find them.

Who is your ideal customer?

Example: Every Sunday I get a couple of newsletters or emails from people who I signed up to receive their stuff. One guy is an expert on an OLD (as in early 1900's) guru of Manifestation. He has, over the years become THE expert on this man's writings.

His 'guru', is just one of a few dozen of people from that same era, teaching pretty much the same thing. I liked William Walker Atkinson (WWA) , whom I encountered via his work in 1965.

Anyhooo, say I wanted to create a product(s) around WWA, so I would take step one, and use my white board and in the center put my little stick figure of WWA. Then GOOGLE him. First page, wikipedia.

At the wiki page, I hit the "Part of a series of articles on" and then the CATEGORIES, and see: New Thought, Beliefs, etc. each a link to other wiki articles. It doesn't take me long to see the NICHE.

LOA, law of attraction, new thought, manifestation. So, having these on my whiteboard, I head over to Amazon.

Search for WWA, and hit all the books, links on the first page, and let's look at my first thing: THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WWA.

Now, on that page, you will see two things of importance to your niche searches: 1) Other items customers BUY. See that word, BUY. It is featured in Step One. You want to find buyers, eh?

2) Sponsored products. Listen, the Bezos logarithm for giving someone chances to spend money, is hard to beat. You will be served up things which people are buying.

OK, see this is all PRE decision, finding A BUYER. So, in this case, I'm working in the LOA, New Thought and Manifestation Markets. So I may want to niche it down, I'm in the business market, so his THOUGHT FORCE IN BUSINESS might be the best place to look for OTHER ideas.

All told maybe 20 minutes on searching and writing on my White Board. It won't take me long to run across Charles Haanel, and then Napoleon Hill.

Now we've drilled down to the niches. Back to wiki and Napoleon Hill. There is a FACEBOOK group of 10,000 members for NH. TAGR. There is an LOA, law of attraction group with 62 thousand members.

All of this "market research" in about 40 minutes, and I have found that people are BUYING information. They are joining groups. I have found my TARGET.

Now, pay attention, here's my next SECRET step.

I go to eBay. Type in Law of Attraction. When it comes up I scroll down to SOLD LISTINGS, then when that comes up, I sort by PRICE-HIGHEST FIRST.

I'm looking for BUYERS. See?

I see a lot of DAILY PLANNERS sold, at around 35 bux, a lot of profit in selling pages.

So on my white board, I may have daily planners, how CAN I add value.

What if I created a PERSONALIZED edition, made one off for a given person, with engraved name on cover, special days, maybe some Sun sign info, some customized chants or mantras?

So, now I have a fairly decent avatar.

My product will be a one of a kind, printed on demand, calendar for someone interested in Law of Attraction. They can be found in groups. They buy books and courses, jewelry and planners, and all kinds of things. I know there are

BUYERS, which is what Step one is all about. TARGET=BUYERS.

Next thing, I go to Google, put in law of attraction/then shopping, and see what they have for sale. For this exercise, I put in a price filter, 30 to 50 bux, the price range of the planners already being sold on eBay.

Now I see a lot of clothing too as well as books and jewelry. Could I create a Tee shirt, do a one off and make a buck? Just ideas on the White Board.

You can use this process for almost any idea you have, or are thinking about to see if you can locate BUYERS.

OK, next up, STEP TWO, THE INTERSECTION, although you saw some in the above example, Facebook Groups, eBay, Google Shopping and Amazon books/kindle (maybe you can create a Kindle book for the niche, or even a planner and let them print out their own??).


GordonJ July 15, 2018 12:37 PM

Step two. Locate the place to INTERSECT with them.

You want to intersect with your target on their path, where they are at. Like this picture they may be in the crowd, you want to bump into them, and get their attention. You have a very brief window of opportunity to do that.

Dien is developing his expertise with Facebook ads. In Step One, I located Facebook groups for Law of Attraction. And Think And Grow Rich.

A TARGET market which spends money, has groups, and buys books and things on Amazon, Google and at eBay.

So we consider their PREOCCUPATIONS. We are all juggling multiple thoughts in our brains.

I like to break them into 3 groups. Life preoccupations. Daily PO, and Moment PO.

Watching a kitty and a laser on Youtube is a MOMENT of focus and attention.
Doing your job at work, and wondering what you will eat for lunch or dinner while working is a DAILY PO.

What you are going to do with your life, your career, you relationships, those are LIFE PO. Not surprisingly the LIFE PO, correspond to the lanes of the SQ1 highway, although some people like to have more than 5.

The 5 rings of the SQ1 circus reflect the Maslow Pyramid of Human Needs.

You can sell to those moments, maybe you sell lasers, and you TARGET CAT owners, well, a good intersection might be youtube.

You can sell to the day. Maybe your old toaster is too slow, and won't hold a bagel. So you buy to meet the day's needs, cause you hit the snooze button too many times.

You can sell to LIFE needs, if someone is always late for work, maybe needs a new job or something more interesting in her life.

The HOTSHEET is about selling. Although the COLLABORATORS have already come up with different HOTSHEETS for different areas, tracks, paths, rings, lanes or PREOCCUPATIONS.

Once you have a target and an idea where you want to "bump into them", then you begin to write your promotion, even if you will be using audio and video, you need to write it out first.

This is where COPYWRITING skills come in handy. If you are going to run ads in a Facebook group, you need to quickly RESONATE your message with the reason they are there. You don't want to offer golf clubs to the LOA/TAGR crowd, do you?

What you say, and what the promotion will appeal to, is quite often best determined by the PLACE, at the INTERSECTION.

If you are the about to be a billionaire, Kylie Jenner, you don't create an intersection at the Old Man's Club, with 90k members at Facebook, right?

SIDEBAR; you want to make millions. Kylie Jenner, Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, Justin Bieber, et. al., TEENS. Get them as teens, you have a long time to sell them stuff.

Taylor Swift is a great model to follow. THINK about those markets, what do they want? Why? You'll find a lot of all three PO's. And if you cover your bases with impulses, and Lifetime Value, well, you see why so many young people are getting rich and us old farts are looking on in dismay, eh?

The INTERSECTION has 3 basic parts. The bump in, or ATTENTION grabber, the PO-I (preoccupational interrupter).

Best brick to throw threw their window is one which goes to the window they are CURRENTLY looking out of.

Probably the whole marketing secret in that sentence.

Then the ATTENTION KEEPER. Covered in Step 4. And then the ACTION requested.

Since this HOTSHEET is about selling, the action you want is for your TARGET to BUY.

Starting to make any sense?

Questions? Comments?


GordonJ July 15, 2018 01:53 PM

Steps 3, 4 and 5.
These are all about your PROMOTION.

You've placed your promotion on their track, and let them run into you.

You've used a PO which resonates with their CURRENT state of mind, which one of the 3 PO's are they in at the time of the intersection? Moment, Day or Life?

You've quickly albeit BRIEFLY have their attention, now you use HEARTS AND MINDS.

Step four. Keep attention with MIND AND HEART appeals.
Time to win their hearts and minds.
You give them emotional reasons along with logical reasons and use the time tested and proven techniques of persuasion and influence.

In Step One, you identified your ideal customer, and you know what
they want and now give a lot of thought to WHY they want that.

Then create your intersection on their path and grab their attention and NOW win their hearts and minds,
and then their wallets and pocketbooks.

There is MAGIC in the power of an emotional appeal, that is, sort of, Copywriting 101. Old saw; we buy with emotion and justify with logic.

Give them both in your promotion.

The emotional appeal of my example, a work on Law Of Attraction, based around old New Thought guys, and WWA, who wrote a work: The Secret of Success and Thought Force in Business and Everyday Life
could be looked at:

Moment: Gee, I wish I had more money, how do I manifest it?

Today: What should I do today to make money? (Remember we are fishing in the pond filled with fish looking for LOA/TAGR ideas).

Life: What can I do to create a successful money filled life?

PO: Facebook Group: Attract money starting today, and build a lifetime of success. Use LOA...

It appeals to those in the group in that lane of the highway, in the Think And Grow Rich group, maybe 80%, in the LOA, maybe only 20%, they may be trying to manifest a mate, partner or something else.

You have TARGETED those in the group who are interested in Money.

They click on your ad. You have bumped into them, you have a very few moments to throw a brick through their wall, link them to the Amazon page, you won't sell many books, if any.

However, take them to a page and begin your STORY with how you (or someone) used the work of WWA, and his book, Business and Life, to get quick money, and long term money, you appeal to what they are looking for.

You know they have a mental predisposition to BELIEVE in this, they are pre-sold, so it is more important to establish rapport, and this done with stories and case studies.

They are on your slippery slope, you have them by the hand and are walking them around the park and then over the bridge, where their dreams are at, and they willingly pay the toll to get there. See?

GordonJ July 15, 2018 02:45 PM

Steps 6 and 7.
Not AMAZING. Most of the people who quickly responded are people who have bought from me for years. Some over a decade.

Must be doing something right. I did not, however, offer them something else to buy, but in my thank you email, along with the Hotsheet, I did tell them what I was thinking about, and in this way, the OTO or bonus was an opportunity to be part of the COLLABORATORS GROUP.

Some knew I was testing, others wanted a ground floor position, just in case we had something to work with. Different reasons for different folks, but I think it safe to say, ALL had some idea of what they were going to get.

They have enough Gordonesque items on their computers, they had a good feel for what was headed their way.

Sure, Amazon and the gang thank you for your purchase and try to upsell you, but, few do much with the lifetime value, although Amazon is getting better and better at it.

It was, to me, always the missing element in the old AIDCA formula, sure grab attention, get them interested, give them a decision, conclude with the offer and the action.

I have always added the S, the Satisfaction on that formula, you'll see posts here from 18 years ago with the S added on.

It should be a goal for everyone who wants to build a sustainable business, and the way to do that is on Satisfaction.

Using the Archives again, you will find over the last 25 years I have NOT been satisfied with:

SEARS, RadioShack, hh gregg, Vitamin World, GolfSmith, Gold Circle, May Company...and many others, lesson, if Gordon has bad service, you go out of business.

So don't mess with me.

I think you should make SATISFACTION the first thought, the first thing when you look for opportunity, how can you satisfy your customer?

Now I'll go backwards. These probably are 4 through 10, but I'll go back to ZERO, THEN Minus 1,-2 (getting down to my old golf handicap) and then maybe add and adjust if you have anything to add.

GordonJ July 15, 2018 03:09 PM

Step Zero. Here we may parse, but no right or wrong.
Step ZERO: One Collaborator identified it as SELF AWARENESS, AND knowing what you want.

Having shouted that from the rooftops for the last 30 years, hard for me to disagree with him.

He has 7 states, and says people are in a state of suspension along those lines. Again, I can't argue, I just use 5 paths, lanes or rings in the circus.

But we do agree about the knowing what you want. Which may take us back to Minus ONE.

Do you know yourself? Over the years we've discussed many of the instruments of self revelation and as a social worker, for 20 years I worked with assessment instruments and programs like Myers-Briggs, DISC, or as we've discussed, Sun Signs. All kinds of aptitude tests and today, online you can take a ton of them for free.

I like to have people use the SQ1 to identify both their known and often hidden talents and abilities.

The point my collaborator made, and I concur with, is, you need to know YOU, before you begin the Biz Op (or anything really).

Pick a niche which goes against your personality, hard to be success. He gave the example of being money conscious, and how hard it would be for him to sell high end cars. He would struggle because it goes against his own idea of holding onto money, and saving it, not spending it.

He did, however, point out that he could do it, IF, HE was aware of his personal ideals. Walking in your target's shoes goes along way to understanding his needs and wants, and if being of service to him, you sell him the expensive car, and you both win.

And maybe, going back, as I do on the SQ1, it would be good to meet that 12 year old person in side of you, the one that still makes many of your decisions.

So, we have the 7 Steps to use, once you have decided what you want, why and if it is within your wheelhouse of personal ideals, skills, strengths and motivations.



Dien Rice July 16, 2018 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39232)
Now, pay attention, here's my next SECRET step.

I go to eBay. Type in Law of Attraction. When it comes up I scroll down to SOLD LISTINGS, then when that comes up, I sort by PRICE-HIGHEST FIRST.

I'm looking for BUYERS. See?

I see a lot of DAILY PLANNERS sold, at around 35 bux, a lot of profit in selling pages.

So on my white board, I may have daily planners, how CAN I add value.

Wow, this is great stuff, Gordon!

What I like is that you're not only honing in on the target market, but honing in on the product to create for them, too...

The first product you think of may not be the best. For the "law of attraction" market, I might first think - create a book. Or an audio book.

But not think of a daily planner...

This is gold (for those who recognize it)... :)

Best wishes,


GordonJ July 16, 2018 02:02 PM

As a former gold miner in the Phoenix area...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 39239)
Wow, this is great stuff, Gordon!

What I like is that you're not only honing in on the target market, but honing in on the product to create for them, too...

The first product you think of may not be the best. For the "law of attraction" market, I might first think - create a book. Or an audio book.

But not think of a daily planner...

This is gold (for those who recognize it)... :)

Best wishes,


Most of the time, IF I ever had a chunk of gold in my pan, I wouldn't have seen it. Not like the movies, where the gold/diamond finds are sparkly and shiny objects.

Like you, my first thought was a book, but that is a glutted market, really, unless you have something new to add to the body of work.

Calendars, get used up. Get a new one next year. And by appearances, the whole calendar/PLANNER industry is alive and well.

And that was just as an example. But the steps and processes work for a lot of things. Get your band to autograph a CD, or guitar...and offer on eBay, with the right COPY, it wouldn't be about the auction, but some free press for the band.

What attracts attention, maybe an outrageous price, like 25k includes a sit in session, or something pr worthy.

Thanks, glad you found something useful.


PS. Imagine if in 1963, you got to sit in with a little group called the Beatles, and they each autographed a guitar and you have a video of that??? Well, most bands never reach that status, but many have avid followers and collectors. I think bands maybe like painters (artists), the early patrons are both supporters and speculators.

Wish I had my Jerry Garcia green leather jacket. HA!

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