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Glenn October 15, 2018 06:09 PM

How to REFER Yourself Clients - "LIVE" Case Study
Thanks Dien,

Just got This Email from -

"Hi Glenn,

"You drove 23 people to visit your profile -- that's 74% more visits than other Marketing businesses. Nice work!
Upgrade To See Who

"Upgrade to Premium to see who your 23 visitors are.They could turn out to be your best source of referrals!


"Hi Glenn,

"Congratulations! 🥂 You got 21 visits to your profile in the last month just by adding the following Product & Service tags on your profile:

A 3rd Email (Which I cannot find) Said, “Congratulations for getting 45 Hit/Visits to one of your answers on the Alignable Forum.

How I Refer Myself Prospects.

READ ON Captain Marvel!

(EDITORS NOTE - The Crop of Movies and TV Series is SO BAD (In my Opinion) that I recently THREW My TV Away. And my Subscription too. AND ONLY WATCH Movie Trailers. (PERHAPS Finding a GEM in The Junk.) The March 2019 Captain Marvel Movie Trailer SEEMS to suggest that this New FEMALE SUPER HERO has More Magic and More Power and More DIVERSE SKILLS than anybody else. AND SINCE we Use Different And MORE POTENT skills when Answering An Alignable FORUM Question - I Name Dropped CAPTAIN MARVEL.)

Before I get More Specific…

#1 - Only Answer Questions that ALREADY have 20 Answers or more.
Popular Posted Questions get Read More often.

#2 - ONLY answer Questions You KNOW the Answers to. Or know HOW to Find Answers to. Specific Details.

#3 - RELAX and LAUGH as you read the other (previous) answers. Because 100% are Generic/General/Non-Specific/Not Actionable and Thus BORING.

Do not take my word - A Few Phrases from answers to this Question by a Massage Therapist.

a - …we have run facebook campaigns for a massage studio with a monthly contest - it gave her tons of new clients in her pipeline.

b - A web site is nice because it lets everyone know who you are

c - Give discounts and add references if possible

d - identify your USP or your market dominating position

ALL 22 Answers are Very similar.


“Hi! I just opened a new massage studio in Riverside, Ca. I am wondering how to best market my business when competing with the big franchises. Any advise?”

***MY STEP ONE is to go look at Her Website.

(EDITORS NOTE - I won’t bore you with what I found there. Except for a HINT - Hint - Hint - Hint - Top of Page/Up-Front - She Quotes PRICES with Actual Horrifying Amounts - Hundreds of Dollars worth of DOLLAR SIGNS IN Your Face. ZERO BENEFITS - Thus CHASING website visitors AWAY.)

***STEP TWO - (If possible - Email the biz owner - Directly from inside their own website.)

Like So…

Howdy Lisa, (I Interview and Work with affluent Alternative Health Prof Practice owners all over the World.) I Started Writing An Answer to Your Question - About Getting more Clients - that you Posted On Alignable.

And Thought I should ASK you a Question So I can Be More SPECIFIC in my answer.

The REASON For the Question is simple. JUST SUPPOSE I write an Answer that Shares how a M*illionaire Massage Therapist GOT STARTED by Knocking on Doors. What she did and What she said.

IF YOU Don't Enjoy Door Knocking - you will HATE that idea!

Thus my Question...

QUESTION - "How do You Get Clients NOW?"

Glenn Osborn
[email protected]
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

***STEP THREE - Write a Captain Marvel OBVIOUS Answer - While Waiting for the Business owner to Reply to your QUESTION AT Their Website…

OBVIOUS #1 - Your Answer Should be a Face to Face Example or Case Study. DUH - Massage Therapists are FACE to FACE or Face to BUTT - with clients all day.

OBVIOUS #2 - 88% Chance the Massage Therapist Has NOT booked a Massage from one of the BIG MASSAGE Franchises - or She would KNOW the Answer to her Question.

OBVIOUS #3 - She has a Problem. She Needs MORE Patients.

OBVIOUS #4 - Whatever She is doing Now - Marketing-wise is NOT WORKING.

***STEP FOUR - Google “Marketing ideas for Massage Therapists”

I Did Just That.

Found Literally 100’s of Good ideas.

Here is just One:

“Open House - Free Chair Massage.”

***STEP FIVE - Write an Answer - Include some Face to Face Type Details…

Dear Julie,

Thanks for the Question.

Since you deal with Massage Patients Face to Face All day at your Practice or Salon - I Know You will Be Most Comfortable with Proven Client-Getting Strategies done IN PERSON.

We Work with a Lot of #1 Realtor and Brokers. The Top Women Realtors - Especially - Write Handwriting notes or Invitations and Hang them on Door Knobs up and down the street. And all over the neighborhood.


Because They know that all the Neighbors are CURIOUS to see the inside of a nearby house. And Find Out (Plus or Minus) what their OWN Home is worth - based on what a neighbor house is selling for.

AND These Invitations are to a PARTY at the Open House.

Often the Million Dollar Round Table REALTORS will bake cakes and cookies or do a Barbecue Themselves.

BUT they are ALWAYS Looking for ways to ADD VALUE. Create more of a PARTY atmosphere.

YES - Yes - Yes - I have Worked with Restaurant, Pharmacy, Health Food Store owners, Dental and Chiropractic and Acupuncture Practice owners to FIND SMART Massage Therapists who will DONATE their Time for F-r-e-e.


Because they know that if they can Make people FEEL Better they will Come Back for more And P*AY to take away the PAIN.

However -

From the Perspective of the Massage Therapist - OPEN HOUSES for #1 Realtors Are FANTASTIC.

The Reason Why is Simple.

You can Pick and Choose Which Real Estate Broker or #1 Realtor to Offer Your MASSAGE Services to Based on the Price Point of the home Up for S*ale.

You just Match the Demographic (Income) of your Current - Best Massage Clients to that of the neighborhood where the House is being sold.

And Just Like That - You are Rolling in Clover. Cuz you have a Captive HOUSE full of men and women in Your Exact Customer Niche.

***YES - We have had Massage Therapist Clients who Give Speeches at The Local Lions Club.

***YUP - We had one Massage Therapist give a Presentation at a Nearby GATED COMMUNITY. Great Place for Massage Therapists. They are Looking for Speakers.

***WEIRD NICHE for Massage Therapists - We Got a Call for Help from a Father
in Florida Who discovered his Daughter was doing Massage Therapy at a Nudist Camp. Came up with a more LUCRATIVE Alternative for her.

AND we Helped another Massage Therapist Get Clients at the California Hotel He worked at by bringing Towels and Drinks to affluent Guests at the Gym/Health Club. (Catch the prospect Immediately - just as they Create SORE MUSCLES.)

***PLUS - Country Club/Golf Courses are Great for that. By “That” I mean, “Catching Weekend Warrior Golfers who are Limping around with SORE MUSCLES.”

But MY FAVORITE Place to have a Massage Therapist Surface is
IN THE MIDDLE of a Captive Crowd of affluent - Partying - Home owners.

Instead of Moving Targets Your Prospects STAY PUT. Eat and Chat with their Neighbors for HOURS.

Glenn Osborn
Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

Glenn October 15, 2018 06:36 PM

Wow - Lisa Answered My Question ALREADY
Thanks Gordon,

Often Folks are too SHY to answer a question.

Even on their own website.

But NOT Lisa.

Right now I am mostly getting clients from referrals. I have some clients from before I opened the studio that followed me. I also did Groupon for a couple months but that didn’t result in too many repeat clients. I tried AD I.Q with google but I don’t think that worked too well.
Thank you

Yuk yuk yuk - As the 3 Stooges might say.

(EDITORS NOTE - Hey, did you know that MOE HOWARD wrote all of the 3-stooges Material? TV shorts, movies - everything? Moe wrote a book about
how he did it.)

Back on topic.

The Yuk's are there because Lisa's FAILED Tests are all from on-line

"THE EXPERTS" would have you believe that REFERRALS and Direct Mail are


What is TRUE is that "THE GURU's" know that the majority of people
will ONLY Buy information and Training they can do from Home.

Without TALKING to anybody.

But Surprise!

Much of the on-line - done from home - stuff DOES NOT WORK.

Which Lisa seems to have discovered for herself.


GordonJ October 15, 2018 09:54 PM

This should be worth a lot of moolah to most:

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39385)

The Yuk's are there because Lisa's FAILED Tests are all from on-line

"THE EXPERTS" would have you believe that REFERRALS and Direct Mail are


What is TRUE is that "THE GURU's" know that the majority of people
will ONLY Buy information and Training they can do from Home.

Without TALKING to anybody.

But Surprise!

Much of the on-line - done from home - stuff DOES NOT WORK.

Which Lisa seems to have discovered for herself.


Thanks Glenn, if anyone wraps their head around both sides of this sword, they get both low-hanging fruit, AND, real world profits.


Dien Rice October 16, 2018 01:07 AM

How one guy markets himself on "Quora"...

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39384)
Before I get More Specific…

#1 - Only Answer Questions that ALREADY have 20 Answers or more.
Popular Posted Questions get Read More often.

#2 - ONLY answer Questions You KNOW the Answers to. Or know HOW to Find Answers to. Specific Details.

#3 - RELAX and LAUGH as you read the other (previous) answers. Because 100% are Generic/General/Non-Specific/Not Actionable and Thus BORING.

Hi Glenn,

Great post! :)

It reminds me, I know of a guy who posts a lot of answers on Quora ... all to market his products!

Of course, he usually answers questions which are related to the area of his products. (He has info-products on military strategy and business strategy.) Though he does answer some "non-relevant" questions too...

Naturally, every now and then he drops a reference to one of his info-products (where it's relevant)!

Does it work? I don't know... But he's a smart guy, so I suspect it probably does... :) (A previous company of his, which he later sold, was one of the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies in America...)

Best wishes (and thanks!),


Glenn October 20, 2018 01:49 PM

My *TORTURE TREATMENT* Attention Grabber System on Alignable
Thanks Dien & Gordon,

I ESPECIALLY Like The GRAB ATTENTION aspect of your Proposed new "INVISIBLE INFLUENCE" flash card Product - Gordon.


BECAUSE 100% of the books and mp3 audio and Video COURSES from
the "Experts" skip this Vital First Step.

Which means if a FEW of Us DO IT RIGHT
we have a HUGE advantage over all our Ignorant Competitors!

I Attended 15 Jay Abraham Seminars and EXCEPT for Him Telling His
"How I Got Started in SALES - Story" - Jay didn't mention this FIRST STEP ONCE
From the Stage over the other 14 events I attended. (I suspect he didn't wanna SCARE Us.)

Jay's EARLY ATTN GRABBER - Jay used to Cold Call by handing a 3 foot by 2 foot Business Card to the Receptionist to take back to her boss.

Gary Halbert - Used a 1.00 Bill Grabber in tens of thousands of direct mail
letters to GRAB ATTENTION.

Dan Kennedy - Who WORKED for Gary in his youth - uses a STAR GRABBER to
sell out his Seminars. IVANKA TRUMP to mention one "Star Headline Speaker"

I have a WEIRD Sense of Humor.


Here's how that works
in my Alignable SELF REFERRAL Q & A Marketing.

STEP ONE is a Fantastic Answer that gets Lots of HITS.

(EDITORS NOTE - Just got this from Alignable)

"Hi Glenn,

"43 businesses near Reisterstown noticed your last answer in the Forum and checked out your profile. Nice work!

STEP TWO - My Alignable - "About Me Page" - Has a Link to
Which has a F_R_E_E Book on how to ATTRACT EXTRA Moolah with an Affirmation I Paid 14,000.00 for - Plus lots of Valuable Quick C*ash Ideas.

***BUT NO Clickable LINK to My Free Ezine or Archive.

who visit moolahattraction - Going Away in FRUSTRATION.


SIFTING OUT The GOLDEN RULERS - small biz Entrepreneurs - who have the PIZZAZZ to Google the name of my business and FIND my archive which Gives away 1/2 B*illion of Proven Marketing and S*ales Strategies.

Panning for Gold - a Good Metaphor.


P.S. - Just Suppose You Want to Test This INVISIBLE INFLUENCE idea yourself.

Here is how to do it without saying a word.


Put this Food Grade ATTENTION GRABBER in your Water or iced Tea or IceCream.

Sit back and Wait for folks to VISIT YOUR TABLE.

Including the Manager or Owner.

HINT - You Get Faster REACTIONS if you use two or more Cubes.

Glenn October 20, 2018 02:07 PM

***How to RAISE Your PRICES*** - Alignable Q & A
Thanks Gordon/Dien,


If You THINK -- You Can Always Find a Way to ADD VALUE
To Make YOUR Product or Service ONE-of-a-Kind.

LOGICALLY - if Nobody Else Offers Your Unique Product or Service
they Have to B*UY from You. And You Can CHARGE More.

BELOW is a Specific Example of
the BEHIND THE SCENES Thinking Behind a "Chicken Soup for The Soul"
book writing event.



QUESTION - ***What’s the best response to “it’s too expensive”?***

​Thanks Von,

​Years ago I called Up Dr Thomas Stanley - author of "The M*illionaire Next Door" - and ASKED him what the ​MAGIC WORDS were that the #1 Cadilac Salesman/Psychology Professor (From his book) used.

​Tom Did not know.

​So I tracked down the #1 Caddy Sales Guy.

He wouldn't TELL me. But he DID say TOP PRODUCERS ​each come up with a FUNNY THROW-A-WAY Answer - that TELLS the person ASKING for a Discount, "I AM WORTH IT." You are not just B*uying a Service or a Product you are ALSO Getting ME"

​SINCE We Interview and Do Marketing for TOP S*Ales stars and Sm Biz M*illionaires I started LISTENING for ​their ANSWERS to "It's too Expensive."

​#1 - I Worked Behind The Scenes on a Project With a Consultant for the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" guys - Mark Victor Hanson ​and Jack Canfield.

​THE PROJECT - One week to go before a "How to Become a Best-Selling-Author" Seminar and they still had 1100 UNSOLD SEATS. Prospects said, "TOO EXPENSIVE."

​#2 - Since The Chicken Soup books all have a Form in the Back to Sign up for their F*REE "Chicken Soup Ezine....

​A - We Suggested Mark and Jack email their M*ILLIONS of Ezine Subscribers an offer for a F*R*E*E ​"How to S*ell Your Book" Conference Call.

​B - The day BEFORE the Conf Call Melinda and I started emailing and calling ATTENDEES. Asking ​them "WHICH of these ADDED VALUE Ideas do you LIKE BEST?"

​#3 - VOILA! They all wanted Personal Time with Mark and Jack.

​AND since I had a VERY SUCCESSFUL Mentor who Already ADDED VALUE by setting aside a PRIVATE ROOM to eat Breakfast, Lunch​and Dinner. Just him and Attendees.

​Jack and Mark OFFERED THAT as a Bonus HALF WAY THRU The Conference Call with FIFTY THOUSANDS ​potential book authors.

​AND S*OLD OUT the 1100 Seats BEFORE the End of The Phone Conf Call! (We figured out for 1100 folks - if Jack and Mark Ate 3 meals a day separately - for a 5 day event - that is 30 Meals. About 37 people each meal.)

​YOU ASK, "What is MY Throw-Away Answer to M*illionaire Sm Biz Tightwads?"

​FIRST I LAUGH - if I am face to face or on the phone.

​If using Email or IM - I type - "Ha Ha Ha!"

​AND then I say, "It Cost me 44K (Or Whatever that IDEA Cost me) to Attend 3 Events where I learned this B*illion D*ollar Referral​ S*ales System. AND Since I Go The Extra 100 M*ILES for all my b*uyers. I Don't Give Discounts.

"INSTEAD ​I ADD VALUE. I B*UY you One of My ONE-OF-A-KIND Marketing Programs. Fantastic Info You Cannot B*UY anywhere ELSE - because I got each idea DIRECTLY from the M*illionaire inventor. At Great Personal Expense.

​FOR EXAMPLE: Part One of Our 3-Part "Hidden Vegas Munny Making SECRETS" Series...

Interview 1
************************************************** *********​

​Glenn Osborn
​Millionaire Mastermind Marketing Association

​P.S. - After Affluent Tightwads LISTEN to Part I -

They want Part II - (​39 Notorious Vegas Ideas)

​Or Part III - ​(64 Weird New Munny Making Ideas) -

OR THEY Go Ahead and order the ORIGINAL ITEM
​they wanted at Full P*rice.

​Sometimes they order 2 or 3 or all 4.


I don't Care.

Because NOBODY ELSE has Proven S*ales and Marketing Systems SO GOOD they get a 365 day 100% munny back Guarantee - and a 1 on 1 Walk thru - PERSONAL CONSULTATION - to Customize the ideas for them.

They Come Back.

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