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Dien Rice January 26, 2017 09:10 PM

Re: Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 37680)
Here is my extraction:

Read EVERY Self-Help Book on Earth in 30 Seconds

For your self-enhancing pleasure, courtesy of TheUnknown at the HighExistence blog, we present to you seven universal life lessons within nearly every self-help book on Earth.

1.] Control your mind. Control your Life.
2.] Focus your thoughts. Control your actions. Think. Do. Pursue.
3.] Practice every day. Reprogram your mind.
4.] Successful daily habits. Have a system. Define what you want. Plan.
5.] Take time. Don’t give up.
6.] Blame nothing. No excuses.
7.] Don’t be an *******. Be kind.

There you have it.

You’ve pretty much read 99% of all self-help books on Earth.

end of extraction...

As he says, there you have it. What do you think?

Thanks Tom,

I think you just saved me probably about 5 years of reading time! ;)

It's true, a lot of "self help" stuff is interchangeable... I used to read a lot of it, though, and it did help me (it did help with motivation!).

I think if you can put a new "angle" on it all... You can write your own "self help" book... Like maybe...

"7 secrets of the insurance industry that will make your life one big party!" ;)

Best wishes,


Dien Rice January 26, 2017 09:20 PM

Joe Sugarman seminar...

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 37683)
Years ago I called Joe in his home in Hawaii to buy some Batman Credit
Cards. But he needed them for a project.


During our chat Joe Said, "What I did in JS&A is no longer possible. The world
and the culture or economy are changing too fast."

And he told me about a Big Seminar he had put on
that made a lot of munny.

He tried the Same Thing a Month Later and it was a FIASCO.

Joe believes he waited TOO LONG. (YIKES - 30 days is too Long?)

And he made the mistake of trying
to use the SAME offer and the Same Marketing and Benefits and Venue.


That the people and the culture had SHIFTED
Under his feet - and that offer No longer was appealing!


Joe would Agree with the 1st two items on your list TOM.

You Gotta FOCUS your mind
and adapt what you do to what is happening TODAY.

And - For Sure - You Gotta CONTROL - not only your thoughts.
But CONTROL whatever deal or project you work on.

Glenn Osborn
Rentamentor Group

Thanks Glenn,

Awesome stuff!

By the way, here's Joe Sugarman's ad for one of his seminars, for those who want to have a look...

Joe Sugarman Seminar Ad

(Click on the image on that page to see it as a PDF, which is big-enough-to-read...)

Best wishes!


Dien Rice January 26, 2017 09:46 PM

Ingenious system - it would work for any local business!

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 37684)
Thanks Tom,

"How James Uses LOTTO TICKET Flirting to Create Leads
For His Home Based Business."

While helping a Coaching Client Close Sales for a Real Estate
Business Opportunity - we got Referred to James.

James works construction - ALL NIGHT.

Hates it.

But has a tiny side business - Drywall Repair.

But he only had 7 home owner clients.

***We Gave James a POP QUIZ.

"Please go out and Flirt with a Waitress or cashier and say, Thank you for
helping me today. SMILE. And give her an Instant Scratch Off LOTTO Ticket."

"Then email me about what happens."

James Passed The QUIZ!

He reported that After he gave LOTTO Tickets to the cashier at the
convenience store where he gets gas every day...

The lady Cashier start SMILING and Laughing. And even gave him a F-r-e-e Donut.

James then told me he DISLIKED working for others.

Wants a Stream of Income.

Wanted to work from home.

So We Put Our Heads Together and
Created a Referral System based on Flirting and Lotto Tickets.

Let's Call it -

"James' LOTTO Ticket
Referral System"

Here are the 3 parts of the "Lotto Flirt Bunny Making Referral System" we
helped James Create and Flirt Test.

PART I - Every Day James Gets a Handful of 1.00 Instant Scratch Off LOTTO
Tickets. And Thank Rewards his waitress, Gas Station Attendant, BarMaid, Cashier or Fast food Drive Thru Person.

PART II - James Showed Each Person What he Does. Before and After
holes in the walls of homes. Photos of his finished Repair work.

(EDITORS NOTE - Within 48 hrs - the "donut lady" had referred him
3 prospects. 1 didn't order. Job #2 he fixed a hole left by a plumber. Job #3 - He repair a hole where 2 boys rammed their heads thru the wall. These 2 jobs grossed a bit over 800 bucks.)

PART III - So Next We Got James to Create an 8 by 10 Page. So he can
GIVE A Flyer Away to all the women he LOTTO TIPS.

Side A - Before and After Wall Repair photos

Side B - Headline - "Proof I'm Not a Crook" - and a list of his past home owner
clients and their phone #'s - so prospects could call and check.


Wherever James went he Flirt Tips Waitresses and Barmaids and Cashiers
who SEE, Talk to and Can Find Home owners with HOLES in their Walls.


This would work for any local business! (And probably even some online ones too, though with word spreading locally...)

Amazing system! Thanks for sharing!

I didn't include Glenn's whole post, but you should read the whole post, since the second half is just as valuable as the first half... :)

Best wishes,


Glenn January 27, 2017 02:27 PM

Amber Gets 2 F-r-e-e Steaks At the Grocery Store
Thanks Tom,

One of my FAVORITE things about "Flirt Tipping" is that Silly things happen.

You Control those crazy Results in an IMPORTANT Way, however.

Because you are Giving Away money.

Other people REACT in a POSITIVE WAY.

A Perfect Example:

While chatting with Amber she mentioned
she got 2 Fr-e-e- Steaks at the grocery store.

I Perked up. Cuz I too would like to get F-r-e-e Steaks.

Asked for the details.

And here is the Result.

Amber says she was at her Local Grocery store.

Told the cashier, "Wow, you have a famous Name. Jimmy Buffet, Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Falon."

"Here's a Thank you Reward
TIP for helping me Check out."

And she Smiles Big and hands Jimmy a LOTTO ticket.

They chit chat back and forth.

Amber takes her shopping cart full of bags of food out to the car. Starts loading up the front seat.

Glances up and here comes Jimmy
RUNNING across the parking lot towards her.

She'd forgotten her Strawberry ice-cream.

Amber THANKS Jimmy.

Gets home.

In the bag with the IceCream he finds a Swordfish steak - with a 13.00 label on it.

A Sirloin Steak with a 13.00 p-rice tag on it.

Amber said she could Kick Herself for not giving Jimmy a 2nd LOTTO TICKET
Reward in the parking lot. But she was SO STARTLED that he ran after her
with her Ice Cream - she forgot.

Thank You - Amber

Glenn January 27, 2017 02:38 PM

3 by 5 Thank You Note Plus LOTTO Ticket - The Waiter CRIES
Thanks Tom,

It Feels Good when you can make others Feel Good.


Bob and I decided
to have lunch at MamaMia's Italian Restaurant.

The meatball sandwich was scrumptious and
twice what I could eat ... and then some.

Our waiter Ryan approached our table and
asked if we'd like a box to take home.

"Of course, it'll be dinner" we responded.

In good waiter fashion Ryan asked ...
"Would you like me to take it back and wrap
it for you or, would you prefer me to
bring the take-out boxes back here so
you can package it yourself?"

Up until now, I've never been asked that
question by a waiter ... never.

We both opted to have Ryan take care of it for us.

While Ryan went back to the kitchen ...
I pulled out my trusty pre-printed 'Thank You' cards
and wrote ...

Thank You ... for your professionalism and for your
service. It is greatly apprectiated!" ... and signed it.

When Ryan returned with our to-go boxes ...
I handed him the 'Thank You' card ...
and underneath I included a $1 scratcher ...
worth thousands.

As I handed the card to Ryan I said ...
"It's not very often we get recognized for the
little things we do to improve our service ...
and what you did for us showed your true
professionalism ... and we apprecitate it."

Ryan came close to tears ... really ...
and when I asked what he would buy first
if he won thousands ... his eyes shot up
in both directions ... blinking to hold back tears ...
(we could see how much he appreciated the recognition)
then finally collected himself enough to say ...

"I'd probably pay my rent up ... for a year!"

When I returned a couple of days later and
called him by name ... he was quite surprised ...
and impressed ... "Hey Honey, that scratcher you
gave me ... I won a buck!"

And he was excited!

Thanks Glenn ... for the fun this is ...
and the tremendous impact it has on people's lives.

Glenn January 27, 2017 02:56 PM

Flirt Tipping Leads to Meeting w/32 Million Dollar Man
Thanks Tom,

Our Advice to Coaching clients is:

a - Practice Flirt Tipping with 1.00 LOTTO Tickets and 1.00 Bills

b - TELL me what happens

c - I'll TELL you when you are Getting Close. So You can Change LOCATIONS
and you can Start Attracting Extra Cash from your prospective customers.

EXAMPLE of How this works:

IF the client Sells Wgt Loss - Hang Out at StarBucks and LOTTO Tip
the gals at the counter... IN FRONT of other patrons.

(EDITORS NOTE - Not making this up. Just had a Health/Fitness/Wgt
Loss Biz owner FIND and Make an appointment with an overwgt Prospect
at his local Starbucks. LOCATION - In a Expensive part of town.)

But Sometimes the Golden Rule POWER of Reciprocity KICKS in
and Surprises You and me both.


How Ron Flirt Tipping His Way
to a 32 Million Dollar Prospect.

Here's the story as my Realtor Client - Ron - told it to me.

#1 - One of Ron's Neighbors Did him a big Favor. So he treated him to lunch.

#2 - Ron -- Lotto Flirt Tipped -- The waitress all thru the meal.

Explained to the CURIOUS Neighbor - that he used Flirt Tipping during meals
with clients to get leads, referrals, find new business opportunities..

And he got in the Habit of Doing it for Every meal because
he has gotten used to VIP Level Service.

#3 - Ron's Neighbor called the next day and asked, "Will you teach my Wife your
Lotto Ticket Flirt System? She owns a Vitamin Store and wants to use it to
bring in new members."

#4 - Ron says, "Sure.

But on the way - THE WIFE - Asked to stop off at a Tag and Title Office
to pick up tags to her new car.

#5 - To Be Polite - Ron Parks next to his neighbors and goes into the Car Title
Office too.

#6 - Sits down and listens.


The guy who runs the Title Company OWNS the entire building.

That same guy is in the process of selling one of his houses.

#7 - And The Title Guy INTRODUCES the man he is helping thru the paper work
to buy a new - Antique Car.

A - "This is Al - He collects cars. About 44 of them so far."

#8 - EEEEK. And it is casually mentioned that "Al" owns 32 apt complexes, has
thousands of rental units. And Buys and sells houses to boot.


Glenn January 27, 2017 03:40 PM

Guess What Happens When You FLIRT TIP a Bank Teller?
Thanks Tom,

When I created my Mastermind Network I had no idea how valuable it
would be. Or that local biz owners would refer us to other countries.

Flirt tipping allows us to Tap into the Brains of folks all over
the world for new ideas.

In this FLIRT TIP Testimonial We Learned How to Get Favors
from Bank Tellers.

I personally have tested this in front of a bank manager.

GULP. (Just happened. Not my ideal situation.)

The Bank Manager said "No" to tipping with dollars.

"Ok" to tipping the teller with a LOTTO ticket.

Gary Thinks of this as Paying-It-Forward.

Which is True.

But notice how he FLIRTED with the Bank Teller too?

A Double Barrel effect.

Here's a pay it forward testimonial for you.

My ATM(automatic teller machine) was out of munny, so by the time I got to the
bank in the supermarket to make a withdraw, it was closed.

So I went to their ATM and withdrew $20's but I needed them exchanged to $10's.

I go to the service desk and ask if I can exchange my $600 in $20 for
$600 in $10's.

The guy at the customer service desk was reading a magazine and acted like I was bothering him and said all of the $10's are in the registers. So I leave and
go to the bank down the street, not know what to expect since I don't have an
account there.

I get up to the outside teller window and put a LOTTO ticket in the tube and
send it.

After a few minutes the teller is looking at me grinning and asks if thats mine. I
say, "it was but its your now" I tell her that I don't have an account there but
ask if I can make an exchange with the munny, she agrees to it not being a

We exchange munny, she says have a good day, and I say "I hope you win $500",
she laughs, says thanks and I drive off.

I think I made her day, she looked a little grumpy when I pulled up.


Glenn January 27, 2017 04:31 PM

Realtor Uses Flirt Tipping to Get A Pretty Cashiers Ph #
Thanks Tom,

As You Know, as Small Biz Owners, us little guys can't afford to have our
marketing or advertising FAIL.

So Testing in niches is vital.

And Testing Fast and Free is key.

In the same way, ***Flirt Tipping To Make Money*** only Helps you find
good prospects IF YOU Flirt Tip in the Right Location.

An Example:

Got a Coaching client we helped Make a Fast Start with 41,000.00 Gross Sales
in a Business Opportunity. He is looking for Prospects who will order a 2000.00
Educational Product.

Greg has reached a Point in His Flirt Tipping where he is Consistently
getting Rapport with Waitresses and Clerks and Cashiers where he shops.

But Although Greg is successful in:

Fast Food Restaurants,

Smoothie Stores,

Sandwich Shops.

He is not yet spending TIME in LOCATIONS where affluent Prospects
hang out.

Vegetarian Restaurants - with a parking lot full of BMW, SUV, Mercedes

Nordstrom Department Stores

UpScale Dog Apparel and Home Made Treat Shops

DIRECTIONS for Flirt-Tipping-for-Profit

Step I - Buy 25 - 1.00 Instant Scratch off LOTTO TICKETS

Step II - Take a Shower, Shave and Wear Clean Duds.

Step III - Watch what other Restaurant Patrons are wearing and Imitate that.

Step IV - Order a Cup of Soup. Or Chili. Or Onion Rings - something cheap.

Step V - Spend the 25 LOTTO Tickets on your waitress and her
Co-Horts. They won't care if your order is 7 bucks if you are ENTERTAINING
them with LOTTO tickets all thru the meal.

Flirt tip like crazy. Publicly.

In front of affluent patrons.

Step VI - Come Back and do it again. ASK your fellow Diners - in line. Or while waiting for a table.

"Beautiful Lamborgini outside - where do you get it detailed?"

Step VII - Wait until they ASK about you. Then you pull out your "GREED PAGE"
Of house Flipping Deals we put together. Affluent folks like to keep their money
moving. Invested.

You WILL Find Investors and Deals.

Here Is How We Know Greg Is READY
for Richer --Flirt Tip-- Locations.

How a Young Realtor
LOTTO Flirt Tips
To Get Ph#'s and Dates
With Pretty Women

My Outline of Greg's Flirt Tip Tale.

Beautiful Latino Gas Station Clerk.

Lotto ticket #1 - And Greg says, "What will you do when you WIN?"

Day Two - LOTTO Ticket and he asks, "What are you going to BUY First If You WIN?

Day Three - LOTTO Ticket and says, "Where are you going to spend all your WINNINGS?

Greg says Eve tells him she has a son.

She is 26 yrs Old.


Bad Boyfriend she just dumped - He wanted her to dance at a Strip Club.

Greg Finds out Eve Likes to Rock Climb.


Soon Eve is touching Greg on the arm.

Shortly after the arm touches.

Eve gives him her phone #.

It took Greg Five Visits and 5 LOTTO Tickets to Create Deep
trust btwn himself and Eve so she felt comfy enough to share her home
phone # and ASK him to call her.

Which is a Miracle - Considering the way Eve has been treated by
other men in her life.

Greg can now use his TRUST BUILDING Skills to attract clients.


Glenn January 27, 2017 04:41 PM

How Honey Used LOTTO TIPPING to Sell 4 RV's
Thanks Tom,

You wouldn't Think "FLIRT & Grow Richer" Stories about Flirt Tipping Your Waitress with LOTTO Tickets and 1.00 Bills would have anything to do with Selling.


The exact same Flirt Strategy that gets you Fantastic Service from your waitress.
Turns Strangers into "Friends" in a sales situation.

You Want Proof?

Okley Dokely.

Dear Glenn,

Yes, I've been reading them ...(The Ezines)
and so you know ... 95% of the Guru's that have my email ...
seldom if ever get read ... yet,
I read every one of yours because ...
they work ... at least the ones I incorporate.

Five weeks ago I went to work on a RV Lot.
Started with about 25 RV's in inventory,
(Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels, Motorhomes),
and it was slow going at first.

Then I was 'reminded' of the Magical $1 Scratchers.
I purchase five a day and most days I'm able to give
them all away to prospective RV buyers.

I've been giving them to these prospective buyers as
they arrive at the Sales Door 'Just Looking' for an RV.

Before we get very far along, I hand one of them,
(usually husband/wife or some variation of),
as scratcher and say ...

"This is for YOU! My way of saying 'Thank You'
for coming to visit our dealership and look at RV's.
Maybe you'll get Lucky!"

"Oh, maybe I will get lucky" they say excitedly.

And I'm unlike most RV salespeople.
I let them look on their own ...

I hoover nearby, yet I do my best to just let them
look and touch ... and ocassionally I'll stick my head
in the door and see if they are OK. Usually they'll
ask a question or two ... then back to "Just Looking."

No pressure, no 'Salesman Hype' ...
just a friendly smile.

I know when they see a floorplan they like and the
price fits within their budget, they'll make an offer.
Then we go to work to protect 'Gross'.

In the last week we've sold three coaches and have
an offer coming on a fourth. I'm damn near out of
inventory and already making plans to look elsewhere
for income because ...

if you don't have it ... you can't sell it ... at least RV's.


Glenn January 27, 2017 05:02 PM

How Craig Got a Real Estate Investor to BUY Him Lunch
Thanks Tom,

When I First Started Looking for Marketing Clients I attended:

Toastmasters Clubs

Lions Club Meetings

Chamber of Commerce

BNI Groups

With the Exception of the Restaurant Owner who HOSTS the meetings
you will not find Affluent Biz Owners there very often.


I Do F-r-e-e Coaching for Small Biz Owners
WHO PASS A Golden Rule Test.

Find Clients - BY REFERRAL ONLY.

Like Craig Below - Who has Obviously benefitted from our Flirt Tip To Attract Prospects Systems...

CRAIG Shared THIS Flirt Tipping
with LOTTO Tickets Story -

Craig told us how he got a Real Estate Investor
to B*uy Him Lunch - 3 times - so far... -

Craig tells me he was chatting with Bart-the-ski-enthusiast
at Church. Craig doesn't ski.

Bart invited him to join a group to go skiing.

Bart Said, "No Thanks. I don't ski."

Bart said, "Well at least come to lunch. A bunch of us are Planning
our ski weekend. You have to Eat, right?"

Craig said, "Ok, Fine."

Craig says he got to the Restaurant LATE. When he got to the banquet room
he saw a bunch of WELL Dressed Strangers there looking at him.

So he told Bart, "I'll be right back. Gotta wash my hands. Then you can Introduce me to everyone."


Craig Quickly bought a bunch of LOTTO TICKETS at the gift shop.
Then walked around the Restaurant AND
back into the kitchen handing out LOTTO TICKETS to everyone.

Saying, "We're CELEBRATING a Ski Weekend. Thanks for Making Sure we Don't Starve Back in The Banquet Room."

He Repeated the same thing -
Over and over and over as he gave away LOTTO TICKETS..

when he went back to the room.

During Bart's Introductions to each skiing Buff in the room...

Suddenly waiters and waitresses were there refilling glasses.
Taking away empty Plates.
Putting more rolls and crackers on the tables.

I asked, "Craig, did you Keep LOTTO tipping?"

Craig - "Yes I did. I got some Weird looks from all these strangers.
But I had bought 50 Lotto Tickets - so I just kept peeling them off and smiling
and Thanking the Wait Staff.

ME - "Did the Manager show up?

Craig - "Yes he did. But that wasn't the best part."

"An older man came over to Bart
and Asked to be Introduced to me.

"The Older guy - Terry - turns out to be a Real Estate Investor
who is buying and selling houses constantly."

Me - "So you attracted the man with the MUNNY.

Craig - "Yes I did. He really Liked the way the Lotto Tickets
turned the Quiet lunch into a Party Atmosphere. And got the attention of the Boss."

Me - "What happened next?

Craig - "Well. Terry wanted to ask me advice about some of his deals.
A House that had dropped in p*rice 3 times in 6 months. And there was too
much noise.

So he invited me to his home for lunch the following Weekend.

Me - "That's great.

Craig - "He keeps inviting me back too. Three weekends in a row. With a lady he
hires to cook lunch and dinner - each time."

Me - "Does it look like you might do some business together?

Craig - Very Likely. He is doing a lot of Real Estate b*uying, s*elling, renting. And
says he is always looking for Realtors he can depend on to help out."

Me - "Fantastic. Keep me in The Loop, please.


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